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During the PSSA Writing Test, you will be required to write three essays in response to two different types of prompts:  Informational  Persuasive.

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Presentation on theme: "During the PSSA Writing Test, you will be required to write three essays in response to two different types of prompts:  Informational  Persuasive."— Presentation transcript:

1 During the PSSA Writing Test, you will be required to write three essays in response to two different types of prompts:  Informational  Persuasive

2 Informational writing is writing to: * Explain * Instruct * Categorize * Define

3 Persuasive writing is writing to: * Convince * Persuade * Solicit a response or reaction * Take a position

4 During the test you will:  Handwrite  Not be allowed to use a dictionary, spellchecker, or thesaurus  Not be allowed help from a teacher

5 You will be allowed to:  Use an original copy of the PA Domain Scoring Guide  Have adequate time to complete your essay – PSSA is not a timed test.

6 You will do your best if you:  Listen as the test administrator reads the prompt aloud so you thoroughly understand the assigned task.  Take about five minutes to plan your essay response with a brief outline that lists your hook, thesis, and three main supports.  Follow the five-paragraph essay format.

7 Consider the following prompt: Persuade the school board that extracurricular activities are or are not an important part of school.

8 A quick outline on scratch paper may look something like this: Hook: School more than academics Thesis: Extracurricular activities are important part of school 1st major support: Some students depend on playing sports in order to win scholarship money for college. 2nd major support: Foster school spirit and cooperative effort. 3rd major support: Without them we would look like a second rate school district.

9 If you cannot come up with a hook, you do not have to write one, or you can come back and add a hook later. However, writing is always stronger if it contains a hook. Also this might be the difference between your scoring Advanced or Proficient.

10 After you complete a five minute outline on scratch paper, begin writing your essay in the assessment booklet. Take your time and write clearly and in complete sentences. Write your introduction first.

11 Your introduction would then look something like this: School is so much more than just academics. Hook Extracurricular activities are another important part of the school and learning environment. Thesis Some students depend on playing sports in order to win scholarship money for college. Main Support 1(becomes topic sentence for body paragraph 1) Extracurricular activities also foster school spirit and cooperative effort among students. Main Support 2(becomes topic sentence for body paragraph 2) Without extracurricular activities, we would look like a second-rate school district. Main Support 3 (becomes topic sentence for body paragraph 3)

12 You then use your three main supports from your introduction to construct your three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph is to begin with a topic sentence that is drafted from the main support. This topic sentence must then be followed by at least three more sentences as supports and a final sentence as a clincher. Remember to develop your body sentences in the same order that your main supports are listed in your introduction.

13 Your first body paragraph would then look something like this: Some students depend on playing sports in order to win scholarship money for college. Topic Sentence Some families are not able to provide money for college for their children. Support 1 Consequently, these children must find other means to obtain their goal of attending college. Support 2 Many financially strapped youths do this by earning sports scholarships. Support 3 Doing away with extracurricular activities would mean no college education for some impoverished students. Clincher

14 Your second body paragraph would then look something like this: Extracurricular activities also foster school spirit and cooperative effort among students. Topic sentence Extracurricular activities give students a sense of pride in their school and also a sense of pride in themselves. Support 1 Students who have a sense in pride in both themselves and in their school strive to do superior work. Support 2 Extra curricular activities also give students the opportunity to work with others and teaches them how to work as a team. Support 3 Doing away with extracurricular activities would curtail the development of social skills that are necessary to be successful in life. Clincher

15 Your third body paragraph would then look something like this: Without extracurricular activities, we would look like a second- rate school district. Topic sentence The lack of extracurricular activities make cause students and parents alike to question the quality of the academics offered by our district. Support 1 They might think that since our district skimps on the extra things that we might skimp on the necessary things as well. Support 2 This could all result in our school district losing the confidence and respect of both students and parents. Support 3 We certainly do not want our school district to look as if it is second-rate! Clincher

16 Your conclusion might look like this. School is so much more than just academics Extracurricular activities are another important part of the school and learning environment. reiterate thesis Ending extracurricular activities would rob students of the opportunity to earn sports scholarships. Ending extracurricular activities would put an end to school spirit and make our school district a second rate one. Reiterate main supports Extracurricular activities must stay a part of our school district. Super clincher

17 When you complete your essay, take the time to go back and reread your work to check for errors. Also, make sure you did not omit any necessary words. An omitted word can completely change you meaning.

18 For example: Some students depend on playing sports in order to win scholarship money for college. Some families are able to provide money for college for their children. In the above sample the student omitted the work not, which changes the entire meaning of the sentence. To support the topic sentence, the sentence needs to be corrected to read. Some students depend on playing sports in order to win scholarship money for college. Some families are not able to provide money for college for their children.

19 Silly mistakes like this can lower your score, so take your time and go back to read over your work and to correct those mistakes!

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