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 A new medicine is out on the market that helps people retain information better (smart pill). In a recent study, one group was given the smart pill and.

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Presentation on theme: " A new medicine is out on the market that helps people retain information better (smart pill). In a recent study, one group was given the smart pill and."— Presentation transcript:

1  A new medicine is out on the market that helps people retain information better (smart pill). In a recent study, one group was given the smart pill and the other group was given a placebo (sugar pill) both groups were graded on a math test.  Identify:  Control Group:  Experimental Group:  Independent Variable:  Dependent Variable:

2  Identify the 4 unifying themes of Biology.  Explain what characteristics an organism must have to be considered alive.  sH6M sH6M

3 Think – Pair – Share

4  What characteristics does a living thing have?  Let’s make a class list: ◦ 1.

5  1. All living things share common characteristics  2. All living things share common needs  3. Living Things meet their needs through interactions with the environment  4. The types and numbers of living things change over time

6 1) Organized  i. All parts work together to take in nutrients and remove waste  ii. Body plan allows it to survive in its environment  *Make a Pyramid!!

7 2) Made of 1 or more cells. Unicellular a) Small, hard to see b) directly exchange nutrients and waste with environment Multicellular a) Work together b) cells have specialized jobs and work together to keep organism alive

8 3) Growth and Development *Cell division and cell specialization*

9 4) Reproduction  Asexual:Sexual: 1 Parent, 2Parents Same DNAMix DNA

10 All Living Things Share Common Characteristics 5) Responds to stimuli

11  6) Limited Life Span

12 1. ReproductionA. Bacteria are unicellular. 2. RespondsB. A seed turns into an oak tree. 3. Grows and Develops C. Dogs live for an average of 10 years. 4. Made of CellsD. All humans have digestive and respiratory systems. 5. OrganizedE. When a bug crawls on the venus fly trap, it closes. 6. Limited Life Span F. A cat gives birth to kittens.

13  Identify the 4 unifying themes of Biology.  Explain the characteristics an organism must have to be considered alive

14 1) We need energy!!  Energy is the ability to do work.  The sun is the ultimate source of energy!

15  Can come from food and is converted into usable form, think calories  Energy moves along food web, only 10% of energy transferred to each level

16  Autotroph (Producers)  Heterotroph (Consumers) Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Scavenger

17 2) Materials A.) Water -Cells contain mostly water - Reactions within the body that occur need water B.) Oxygen - for cellular respiration in animal and plant cells C.) Carbon Dioxide -for photosynthesis in plant cells D.) Nitrogen - For Proteins

18 3) living space  Protection  Sources of nutrients  Area to grow and develop

19  1) Environment: everything that surrounds an organism. ◦ Living factors (biotic factors) ◦ Non-living factors (abiotic factors)  Ex: sunlight, temperature, climate, rocks, etc.

20  2) Interactions- 2 or more things affecting each other.

21  Name at least 5 DIFFERENT interactions occurring in the following picture.

22  Biodiversity- variety of living organisms ◦ a. there are about 1.4 million different species ◦ b. Species- group of interbreeding organisms ◦ c. Fossils- are evidence of species existence; they have lived, died, and evolved over time.

23  What is an adaptation? ◦ characteristic of an organisms that allows it to better survive in its environment *Organisms within a species must adapt to changing environments or they will become extinct!!*


25  Read the handout for instructions  Assignment will be due the next class.  You must make an ORIGINAL CREATURE!!

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