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WORM FARMING Vermiculture & Vermicomposting BY ROOM ONE.

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Presentation on theme: "WORM FARMING Vermiculture & Vermicomposting BY ROOM ONE."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORM FARMING Vermiculture & Vermicomposting BY ROOM ONE

2 WHAT IS WORM FARMING? Composting is like our natures recycling system. As with all composting, it is simply gathering waste organic materials and mixing them so that the worms can do their work. A worm farm is like a self contained composting system, that doesn’t generate heat. By Josh and Nikita

3 Why is worm farming a sustainable practice?
Worm-farming is a sustainable action because: Because we don’t need the scraps we give to the worms. The worms eat the scraps and give us worm juice. Worm juice is good for plants so that is sustainable action It doesn’t cost much to take care of worms If you live on a farm you can use manure for worm food It doesn’t produce heat so smoke isn’t released into the air Most of the nutrients used into the food scraps are reused Making a worm farm is cheap, easy and fun. By Leah and Ahimsha

4 What are the benefits of having a worm farm?
A good reason to get farm is that you will stop throwing food scraps in the bin where it ends up as land fill, producing methane which contributes to global warming By Helena and Finn

5 worm farming Worm juice is rich in good nitrogen fixing bacteria and it feeds the worms. It has over 60 different elements providing many requirements for plants. Worm juice simulates the microbial activity in the soil giving a healthy environment for the crops. Worm juice coats the seed with bacteria and nitrogen giving the seed a kick start with germinating. By Isobel and Mason

6 Why cant we use garden worms in a worm farm?
Because they will not last as long as tiger worms or red worms and they will not produce as much worm juice. By Ethan and James

7 Why can’t we put meat or citrus fruit in a worm farm?
They get big red blotches on them that can sting and kill them. By Kai and Noah

8 Q. What do worms like to eat ?
A. Basically they eat ALL your kitchen scraps. Q. What do they not like to eat? A. dairy , garlic , meat , strong citrus , non-food and chilli peppers anything that doesn’t break down AND WHY you may ask … It's acidic . By Amishel and Merle

9 Tiger Worms Tiger Worm's Worms need moist beds to lay there eggs
Tiger worms and red worms are the best worm for worm farming Worms can live anywhere a good patch of organic compost. Did You Know That Tiger Worm’s are one of the best Worms that are used for compost? Tiger worms look like this Citrus fruits like lemons oranges and grape fruits aren't the best for worm farming By Ellie and Archie

10 WORM FARMING A worm has no arms, legs or eyes. Riley and Brianna
there are approximately 2,700 different kinds of worms. Worms are cold blooded animals. If a worms skin dries out it will die. Worms can eat their weight each day. 22 foot earthworm was found in South Africa. Regular earthworms can live up to 15 years. Riley and Brianna

11 What are some common problems with worm farming ?
Flies can be attracted to the smell. The worms can try to slither out of the farm. Rotten food can attract ants. If the worms don’t eat the food it can rot and smell! By Leigh-ana and Victoria

12 How do you harvest a worm cast?
1.Dump contents of your bin on a sheet of paper or plastic. 2.Shape into a cone and place a bright light over the cone and start removing the castings. TIP-IF YOU FIND SMALL GREENISH, YELLOWISH DROPS HARVEST THEM TOO THEY ARE WORM CAPSULS AND THEY CAN CONTAIN 4-20 BABY WORMS!! By Victoria and Leigh-ana

13 How do you start a worm farm?
1.First you get a box or a worm bin and fill it up with some dirt. 2.You add a bit of water so the dirt is nice and soft. 3.Next You add some food scraps and bits of paper but don’t forget they eat tissue paper too. 4.Finally you add the worms 5.To keep your worm farm going keep adding food scraps, paper and tissues. 6. The farm needs watering now end again to washout the worm juice. This can be collected and used as a natural fertiliser. By Basia and Dillon

14 Separating out the food scraps

15 Organising the food scraps

16 Feeding the worm farm

17 Food scraps in and worm juice out!

18 Where can we obtain tiger worms for worm farms from?
You can obtain tiger worms from certain companies such as … The Home Gardener Worms R Us Earthy Delight Blake and Jae Ee

19 Did you know… Room One Students
When you collect the worm juice you must add water 1-10 other wise the plants you spray with the fertilizer will die as the juice is very strong. Worms will eat their body weight in every 1-2 days. The worm farm must stay moist but it is very easy to drown it so make sure if it is getting to wet to add some more dry shredded paper to soak up the water. Some worms are picky eaters so make sure you give your worms a variety of food or they may go on a hunger strike and die. Room One Students

20 Thanks to all the people in room 1 who researched and typed up all these slides.
Edited by Nikita, Leigh-ana and Mrs Hodson.

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