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Rotation of a body about an axisRIGID n FIXED Every point of body moves in a circle Not fluids,. Every point is constrained and fixed relative to all.

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2 Rotation of a body about an axisRIGID n FIXED Every point of body moves in a circle Not fluids,. Every point is constrained and fixed relative to all others The axis is not translating. We are not yet considering rolling motion


4 reference line fixed in body   X Y Rotation axis (Z) The orientation of the rigid body is defined by . (For linear motion position is defined by displacement r.)

5 The unit of  is radian (rad) There are 2  radian in a circle 2  radian = 360 0 1 radian = 57.3 0

6 = 3.2 x 10 -6 degree Example 1 The accuracy of the guidance system of the Hubble Space Telescope is such that if the telescope were sitting in New York, the guidance system could aim at a dime placed on top of the Washington Monument, at a distance of 320 km. The width of a dime is 1.8 cm. What angle does the dime subtend when seen from New York?

7 X Y Rotation axis (Z)  is a vector Angular Velocity At time t 1 At time t 2   

8 Frequency,, is the number of revolutions per second Period, T, is the time per revolution

9 The rotational frequency of machinery is often expressed in revolutions per minute, or rpm. A typical ceiling fan on medium rotates 150 rpm. What is the frequency of revolution? What is the angular velocity? What is the period of motion? = 2.50 rev = 15.7 radians/s = 0.400 s

10 Angular velocity   is a vector  is rate of change of  units of  …rad s -1  is the rotational analogue of v

11 tangential


13    is a vector direction of change in . Units of  -- rad s -2  is the analogue of a  Angular Acceleration 

14  = -1 – 0.6t +.25 t 2  = d  /dt  = -.6 +.5t e.g at t = 0  = -1 rad e.g. at t=0  = -0.6 rad s-1 

15 Rotation at constant acceleration

16  0 = 33¹ / ³ RPM  = -0.4 rad s -2 How long to come to rest? How many revolutions does it take? =3.49 rad s -2 = 8.7 s = 45.5 rad = 45.5/2   7.24 rev. An example where  is constant

17 Relating Linear and Angular variables  r s s =  r Need to relate the linear motion of a point in the rotating body with the angular variables  and s

18 Relating Linear and Angular variables s =  r  v r  and v V, r, and  are all vectors. Although magnitude of v =  r. The true relation is v =  x r Not quite true.  s

19 v =  x r  v r

20 This term is the tangential acceleration a tan. (or the rate of increase of v) Since  = v/r this term = v 2 /r (or  2 r) The centripetal acceleration of circular motion. Direction to center r  a and  Relating Linear and Angular variables

21 Total linear acceleration a Thus the magnitude of “a” a =  r - v 2 /r Tangential acceleration (how fast V is changing) Central acceleration  r Relating Linear and Angular variables a and 

22 An object rotating about z axis with an angular speed, ω, has rotational kinetic energy Each particle has a kinetic energy of K i = ½ m i v i 2 Since the tangential velocity depends on the distance, r, from the axis of rotation, we can substitute v i =  r i Rotational Kinetic Energy

23 The total rotational kinetic energy of the rigid object is the sum of the energies of all its particles Where I is called the moment of inertia

24 There is an analogy between the kinetic energies associated with linear motion (K = ½ mv 2 ) and the kinetic energy associated with rotational motion (K R = ½ I  2 ) Rotational kinetic energy is not a new type of energy, the form is different because it is applied to a rotating object Units of rotational kinetic energy are Joules (J)

25 Moment of Inertia of Point Mass  For a single particle, the definition of moment of inertia is m is the mass of the single particle r is the rotational radius  SI units of moment of inertia are kg. m 2  Moment of inertia and mass of an object are different quantities  It depends on both the quantity of matter and its distribution (through the r 2 term)

26 For a composite particle, the definition of moment of inertia is m i is the mass of the ith single particle r i is the rotational radius of ith particle SI units of moment of inertia are kg. m 2 Consider an unusual baton made up of four sphere fastened to the ends of very light rods Find I about an axis perpendicular to the page and passing through the point O where the rods cross

27  Divided the extended objects into many small volume elements, each of mass  m i  We can rewrite the expression for I in terms of  m  With the small volume segment assumption,  If  is constant, the integral can be evaluated with known geometry, otherwise its variation with position must be known Moment of Inertia of Extended Objects

28 Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Rigid Rod  The shaded area has a mass dm = dx  Then the moment of inertia is

29 Parallel-Axis Theorem  In the previous examples, the axis of rotation coincided with the axis of symmetry of the object  For an arbitrary axis, the parallel- axis theorem often simplifies calculations  The theorem states I = I CM + MD 2 I is about any axis parallel to the axis through the center of mass of the object I CM is about the axis through the center of mass D is the distance from the center of mass axis to the arbitrary axis

30 Moment of Inertia for some other common shapes

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