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Warm-Up Last class we talked about how to become a citizen. During the interview process the USCIS agent is supposed to find out if the prospective citizen.

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2 Warm-Up Last class we talked about how to become a citizen. During the interview process the USCIS agent is supposed to find out if the prospective citizen is of good moral character. What are some characteristics you think make up a good citizen? What are some responsibilities citizens should have? What are some duties they should do?


4 What is a citizen? A person who owes allegiance to a particular government and is entitled to protection from it.

5 Citizenship Defined by the Constitution The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America defines citizenship: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside.” Means of obtaining citizenship are by: –Birth –Naturalization

6 The character traits of good citizens interrelate and lead to a society that is better for all citizens: – Trustworthiness and honesty – Courtesy and respect for the rights of others – Responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance – Respect for the law – Patriotism – Participating in the school and/or local community – Being an informed voter Character Traits of Good Citizens

7 In order for a government to be effective, citizens must fulfill their civic duties Obey laws Pay taxes Serve in the armed forces if called Serve on a jury or as a witness in court

8 Failure to fulfill civic DUTIES can result in legal consequences.

9 A basic responsibility of citizenship is to contribute to the common good Register and vote. Hold elective office. Influence government by communicating with government officials. Serve in voluntary, appointed positions. Participate in political campaigns. Keep informed regarding current issues. Respect others' rights to an equal voice in government.

10 Civic RESPONSIBILITIES are fulfilled by choice, therefore they are voluntary.

11 Paper Doll Activity (ISN p. 4 ) Academic Students take one yellow strip of paper and four white squares of paper Students stack the four white squares of paper over the middle (body) of the yellow strip. With your teacher’s permission, you will staple the white and yellow papers together. Draw your figure’s head and legs. The white squares will become the torso. Choose 2 duties and 2 responsibilities. On each white square, illustrate the person participating in this duty or responsibility. On the back of the white square write down the activity the person is doing and identify it as a duty or responsibility Add color to your pictures, and make sure clue in on page 16 of your ISN. Decorate the background of the paper doll (p.16) with the character traits of a good citizen.

12 Paper Doll Activity (ISN p. 4 ) Honors Students take one yellow strip of paper and four white squares of paper Students stack the 8 white squares of paper over the middle (body) of the yellow strip. With your teacher’s permission, you will staple the white and yellow papers together. Draw your figure’s head and legs. The white squares will become the torso. Choose 4 duties and 4 responsibilities. On each white square, illustrate the person participating in this duty or responsibility. On the back of the white square write down the activity the person is doing and identify it as a duty or responsibility Add color to your pictures, and make sure clue in on page 16 of your ISN. Decorate the background of the paper doll (p.4) with the character traits of a good citizen.

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