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CULS Czech University of Life Science Richard Selby Personalni řizení.

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Presentation on theme: "CULS Czech University of Life Science Richard Selby Personalni řizení."— Presentation transcript:

1 CULS Czech University of Life Science Richard Selby Personalni řizení

2 CULS Czech University of Life Science Why? Because, in a modern business, up to 70% of total operating expenses are spent on wages, benefits and training Source: “Human resource management”, by Milkovich and Boudreau

3 CULS Czech University of Life Science Consider, for example: A university might spend up to 70% of its operating budget on staff costs. In another labour-intensive industry, banking, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) spent 4518 million pounds on staff costs in 2003*, out of a total of operating expenses of 9381 million pounds (ie: 48%) For the bus company, Arriva the staff costs represented 40% of operating costs for 2003, whereas the petrol company Shell, globally, spent just 4% of its operating budget on their staff! * RBS annual accounts

4 CULS Czech University of Life Science Whatever way you look at it….. ………it’s all about PEOPLE!

5 CULS Czech University of Life Science People are interesting People are predictable and….. People are UNpredictable!

6 CULS Czech University of Life Science What’s involved? Staffing Employee relations Work structure Compensation Training/staff development

7 CULS Czech University of Life Science Employer (zaměstnavatel) Employee (zaměstnanec) The package

8 CULS Czech University of Life Science Employer (zaměstnavatel) Employee (zaměstnanec) The package The traditional Loyal Hardworking Perform the job

9 CULS Czech University of Life Science Employer (zaměstnavatel) Employee (zaměstnanec) The package The traditional Loyal Hardworking Perform the job Job security Steady pay rises Financial security

10 CULS Czech University of Life Science Employer (zaměstnavatel) Employee (zaměstnanec) The package The modern Develop needed competencies Apply them efficiently Be flexible

11 CULS Czech University of Life Science Employer (zaměstnavatel) Employee (zaměstnanec) The package The modern Develop needed competencies Apply them efficiently Be flexible Support skill development Recognise contribution Pay fairly, and Share in the success

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