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World Geography Project ESL 7 Pamphlet on an African country.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography Project ESL 7 Pamphlet on an African country."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography Project ESL 7 Pamphlet on an African country

2 Front Page - News Name of the newspaper Vol. 1 No. 1 Date News articles International news story National news story re-ready-for-it-1.1763541#.VDgfhfmSySo SA re-ready-for-it-1.1763541#.VDgfhfmSySo Table of contents Graphic

3 Editorial Page What are the problems of this country? Find opinion articles about solutions for these problems. Write your own article related to a problem in this country. Find a political cartoon about a problem. SA -

4 Feature Page Who are the leaders of this country? What type of government? What is the capital? Monetary unit? Give facts about this country Population Gross National Product Major exports Agricultural products Map, flag, SA -

5 Sports Sports news Sports editorial Sports feature Graphic Advertisement

6 Writing a news articles: You will read and then write about the events you read about in your own words. Mark the text. HEADLINE Byline CITY - Who did what when, where, how and why in one sentence. This is the lead paragraph. Body paragraph now give more details first about the what/ and where Body paragraph now gives more details about the who is involved. Tell whatever facts are important to relate. Only give facts in a news story. No opinions.___ _________________________________________________________________________ Marking the text: Who, what, when, where, how and why

7 Example of a news article - Headlines Read the article on the next slide and write three different headlines.

8 News Lead Paragraph and Body US marines have arrived at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak after the American military ramped up its efforts in tackling the deadly virus. Six United States military planes landed in Liberia yesterday bringing the total number of American troops in the country to 300. The fleet, which consisted of four MV-22 Ospreys and two KC-130s landed in the Liberian capital of Monrovia.The disembarking marines were then forced to form a line on the tarmac and have their temperatures checked by health workers. Vehicles then unloaded boxes of equipment wrapped in green and black cloth as troops were greeted at the Roberts Airfield by the American ambassador to Liberia Deborah Malac.

9 Writing an opinion article: Read an opinion paper and analyze it. Mark the text Present situation Causes of the problem Effects Possible solutions Call for action

10 Example of an editorial According to the World Health Organization, 5,357 Ebola cases have been reported since the outbreak began in West Africa six months ago, including 2,630 deaths. But the organization last month warned that people are hiding their infected family members and burying their dead in secret, leading to "shadow zones" and "invisible caseloads." The CDC's estimates for reported case counts, if current trends continue, are 8,000 by the end of this month and 550,000 by the end of January. #Though there have only been a handful of Americans who have contracted Ebola -- all while working in West Africa -- Besser said the outbreak is a problem for the global community. #"Germs tend to travel," Besser said. "More people sick in Africa increases the chances that the disease will get imported to America. While it won't spread here, any transmission in the U.S. will be for many people, quite terrifying." #Although things look grim if nothing changes, the agency predicted that intervention can make a huge difference.World Health Organization If 70 percent of Ebola patients are placed in Ebola treatment centers or home settings that reduce transmission by December, the outbreak could be nearly over by the end of January, according to the CDC. However, every month that intervention is delayed means more cases and a slower stop to the outbreak. "If conditions continue without scale-up of interventions, cases will continue to double approximately every 20 days, and the number of cases in West Africa will rapidly reach extraordinary levels," the report reads. The CDC study authors concluded that more beds, staff and other treatment resources are needed to curb the outbreak.

11 Writing a feature article- description Introduction: Tell the importance of the person, place or thing Body: Give a physical description Give a chronology of the topic Use sensory words (colors, shapes, smells, size, touch, sounds, taste) Conclusion: Tell the impact on the culture of your country

12 A Descriptive article What is Ebola? EbolaEbola is a serious infectious illness which often proves fatal. Different strains kill between 50% and 90% of those infected. The disease is caused by the Ebola virus, which is thought to have originated in fruit bats. Ebola was first detected in 1976 in an outbreak near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.

13 Reading a descriptive article 1.Highlight the thesis showing the purpose of the article 2.Highlight sensory words 3.Highlight any words related to time

14 Sports articles: follow same routine

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