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Shape and Form MC Escher Art 1&2.

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Presentation on theme: "Shape and Form MC Escher Art 1&2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shape and Form MC Escher Art 1&2

2 Form Shape 2 Dimensional area with a recognizable boundary
3 Dimensional shape

3 Figure Ground Figure is the object Ground is the background
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish

4 Positive and Negative Shape
Positive Shape Term used to describe the figure or subject Term used to describe the background Negative Shape

5 Organic and Geometric Shapes

6 Open and Closed Shapes Open Shapes have space around and between them and share some importance with the background Closed shapes and forms seem solid and heavy

7 How is Shape Used Here? Organic or Geometric? Open or Closed?
The Old Plum, by Kano Sansetsu Organic or Geometric? Open or Closed? What emotions do the shapes suggest?

8 Shape Constancy The tendency to see a shape as unchanging regardless of the angle at which you see it.

9 How is Shape Used Here? Does the house in this painting seem heavy and closed, or light and open? Why do you think so? What shapes have changed due to their angle? House by the Railroad, by Edward Hopper

10 Artists Who Utilize Shape
M.C. Escher Accomplished printmaker Got interested in art in high school Went to Graphic Arts College

11 M.C. Escher He is popular for: Circle Limit IV, 1960 Optical Illusions

12 M.C. Escher Inspiration Nature Reality

13 M. C. Escher Inspiration Dream Worlds Impossible Perspective

14 M.C. Escher Why do you think many people see a connection between his work and mathematics?

15 M.C. Escher How does this work force the viewer to notice the interaction of figure and ground? What possible meaning does it give this work?

16 Sketchbook Activity Choose an arrangement of 2-3 objects
Draw the outline of the objects enlarged Fill in the negative shapes with differing patters.

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