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The information you are about to view could be vital to your survivors after your death. If you have made plans for your family's financial security...

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2 The information you are about to view could be vital to your survivors after your death. If you have made plans for your family's financial security... Make plans for them to get it.


4 A huge majority of Americans spend more time planning their yearly vacation than they spend planning for their eventual death. No one wants to deal with the horrible facts of death. But the truth is… not planning for death makes it even more horrible. Where are the Life Insurance Policies? Who is the beneficiary? Is there a Safety Deposit Box? How do we get the money out of the Bank?

5 A sudden death is unforeseen, unexpected, occurs with little or no warning, and leaves survivors unprepared for the loss. If someone had to make sense of your financial and other personal matters without your help, would they know what you owned, where you kept your will and insurance policies, or even who you wanted to take care of your pet? Do yourself -- and your family -- a big favor and get organized now.

6 Whether you need to organize records for yourself, your family or your executor. Legacy Solutions PLUS will show you how to keep track of: secured places and passwords final arrangements - estate planning documents insurance policies - tax records retirement accounts - government benefits, Legacy Solutions PLUS provides a complete system for structuring a records keeper and easily organizing it for your loved ones.

7 In this digital age, when you die, your executor and loved ones will need access to your online accounts. If someone you trust doesn't know your passwords or usernames, who will take care of your bank accounts, automatic payment plans, investment information? Who will monitor your email? Your Facebook page? If your spouse, or whomever you want to have access to these accounts, can't get in, it could take a court order just to find out something as simple as how much money is in your checking account. Please click the icon to the right to see how Legacy Solutions PLUS can help protect your Legacy.

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