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Section 1: Europeans Reach the Americas

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1 Section 1: Europeans Reach the Americas
Main Ideas Explorer Christopher Columbus reached the Americas from Europe in 1492. The Spanish wanted to control the Americas to obtain gold, spread Christianity, and gain glory. In 1519 Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire. Question: What were the short and long-term effects of the Cortés expedition?

2 Cortés and his army sail to what is now Mexico.
1519 Cortés and his army sail to what is now Mexico. Short-Term Effects Long-Term Effects conquered the Aztec Empire killed or enslaved many Aztecs gained for Spain the Aztecs’ wealth and land built Mexico City on top of the ruins of Tenochtitlán, which became the capital of New Spain increased the empire and wealth of Spain increased Spain’s power established Mexico as a base from which Spain could launch explorations expanded Spain’s American empire, which covered much of North and South America by 1600

3 Section 2: The Spanish Explore Texas
Main Ideas Pineda mapped the Texas coast in 1519. The Narváez expedition was shipwrecked on the coast of Texas, but few of its members survived. Cabeza de Vaca and Estevanico traveled widely through Texas in search of a way back to Spanish lands. Question: What significant events occurred in 1519?

4 1519 1519 1519 Alonso Álvarez de Pineda sailed
He and his crew settled near He is best known for mapping from Jamaica into the Gulf of Mexico. the Pánuco River near American Indian villages. the northern Gulf of Mexico, including Texas.

5 Section 3: Searching for Cities of Gold
Main Ideas Fray Marcos and Estevanico believed that they had found the fabled cities of gold called Cíbola. Coronado traveled through Texas and surrounding areas in search of gold and silver. The Moscoso expedition traveled through Texas on its way to Mexico but failed to find riches. Question: What were the goals and results of Spanish expeditions?

6 Expedition Goals Results Fray Marcos & Estevanico (1539) Coronado
(1540) Moscoso find seven lost cities of gold Estevanico—reached a Zuni village and was killed Fray Marcos—saw village from afar and reported it was filled with gold and treasure conquer Cíbola; gain its treasure conquered Zuni village crossed Texas Panhandle in search of Quivira did not find gold or treasure conquer Cíbola; gain its treasure explored what is now the southeastern United States and East Texas sailed to Mexico did not find gold or treasure

7 Section 4: Consequences of Spanish Exploration
Main Ideas Juan de Oñate founded the colony of New Mexico. Interaction between Europeans and American Indians changed both societies. The Columbian Exchange brought both devastating disease and useful horses to North America. Question: What were the effects of Spanish exploration in Texas?

8 SPANISH EXPLORATION IN TEXAS Effects on American Indians
Effects on Spain Effects on American Indians established a claim to Texas gained knowledge about land and people of Texas gained new plants and animals from the Americas gained a buffer zone between Spanish settlement and American Indians/Europeans to the north lost equine military advantage conflict with Texas Indians gained new plants and animals from Europe, such as horses rise of a Plains Indian horse culture Plains Indians’ fighting and hunting abilities increased by horses many Texas Indian deaths from European diseases conflict with the Spanish

9 How did Spanish exploration affect Texas Indians?
Chapter Wrap-Up How was the small army that Cortés started with able to defeat the Aztec? How did Spain’s economy benefit from the exploration and conquest of the Americas? How did Spanish exploration affect Texas Indians?

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