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Presentation on theme: "CONQUEST OF THE AMERICAS CH. 3 L. 4 NOTES (PG. 104 – 107)"— Presentation transcript:


2 VOCABULARY Expedition – a journey to achieve a goal Expedition – a journey to achieve a goal Conquistador – Spanish word meaning “conqueror” Conquistador – Spanish word meaning “conqueror” Empire – many nations or territories ruled by a single group or leader Empire – many nations or territories ruled by a single group or leader

3 AZTEC EMPIRE Located in present day Mexico Located in present day Mexico Capital city was called Tenochtitlan (tay nohch tee TLAHN) Capital city was called Tenochtitlan (tay nohch tee TLAHN) Was twice the size of any European city Was twice the size of any European city Was built in the center of a lake Was built in the center of a lake Ruler when the Spanish arrived was Moctezuma Ruler when the Spanish arrived was Moctezuma The Aztecs had built an empire by conquering other Indian nations The Aztecs had built an empire by conquering other Indian nations The empire was completely destroyed by 1535 The empire was completely destroyed by 1535


5 HERNAN CORTES In 1519, he led an expedition Mexico In 1519, he led an expedition Mexico His fleet contained horses, weapons, and over 600 conquistadors His fleet contained horses, weapons, and over 600 conquistadors All were hoping for wealth and fame All were hoping for wealth and fame Had heard about the Aztec Empire Had heard about the Aztec Empire Convinced enemies of the Aztecs to fight for him Convinced enemies of the Aztecs to fight for him

6 HERNAN CORTES Tenochtitlan amazed Cortes’s army with its size and beauty Tenochtitlan amazed Cortes’s army with its size and beauty Many conquistadors thought it was a dream Many conquistadors thought it was a dream We welcomed by Moctezuma at first We welcomed by Moctezuma at first Spanish greed for gold angered the Aztecs and soon were driven away from Tenochtitlan Spanish greed for gold angered the Aztecs and soon were driven away from Tenochtitlan Cortes unknowingly weakened the Aztecs with disease while in Tenochtitlan Cortes unknowingly weakened the Aztecs with disease while in Tenochtitlan He returned to defeat the Aztecs with horses, steel armor, and guns He returned to defeat the Aztecs with horses, steel armor, and guns

7 MALINCHE American Indian woman American Indian woman She helped Cortes communicate with native people She helped Cortes communicate with native people Gave Cortes advice on how to defeat the Aztecs Gave Cortes advice on how to defeat the Aztecs

8 FRANCISCO PIZARRO Traveled to and explored South America after Cortes Traveled to and explored South America after Cortes Conquered the Incan empire Conquered the Incan empire

9 JUAN PONCE DE LEON Sailed for Spain in the year 1513 Sailed for Spain in the year 1513 Landed in present day Florida Landed in present day Florida Was in search of the “Fountain of Youth” Was in search of the “Fountain of Youth” It was a legend about a fountain that could keep people young forever It was a legend about a fountain that could keep people young forever

10 HERNANDO DE SOTO Was sent by Spain in 1539 to conquer and settle Florida and lands beyond Was sent by Spain in 1539 to conquer and settle Florida and lands beyond Traveled through Georgia and the American Southeast Traveled through Georgia and the American Southeast Was the first European explorer to reach the Mississippi River Was the first European explorer to reach the Mississippi River Met, fought, and enslaved many American Indians he met Met, fought, and enslaved many American Indians he met Died in 1542 without starting any settlements Died in 1542 without starting any settlements

11 FRANCISCO VASQUEZ DE CORONADO Was sent by Spain in 1540 Was sent by Spain in 1540 He searched for legendary cities of gold in North America He searched for legendary cities of gold in North America He and his soldiers traveled over 3,500 miles He and his soldiers traveled over 3,500 miles

12 ALVAR NUNEZ CABEZA DE VACA AND ESTEVANICO Were told by American Indians of rich cities in North America Were told by American Indians of rich cities in North America Explored much of North America in search of cities of gold, but never found them Explored much of North America in search of cities of gold, but never found them Many conquistadors dealt with starvation, natural obstacles, and bad weather Many conquistadors dealt with starvation, natural obstacles, and bad weather Learned much about the geography and people of North America Learned much about the geography and people of North America

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