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Protestant Reformation. Protestant reformation- split of the Catholic and Protestant churches Martin Luther- Humans are not saved through good works but.

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Presentation on theme: "Protestant Reformation. Protestant reformation- split of the Catholic and Protestant churches Martin Luther- Humans are not saved through good works but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protestant Reformation

2 Protestant reformation- split of the Catholic and Protestant churches Martin Luther- Humans are not saved through good works but their faith in God Luther angered by the church and their indulgences He writes his Ninety-five Theses- attacked the abuses of the sale of indulgences- this begins the Protestant Reformation Lutheranism become first protestant faith

3 Calvinism John Calvin creates another Protestant religion Calvinism Like Martin Luther- believes faith not actions helped one achieve salvation -predestination- God had predestined people to be saved and others to be damned Brought Calvinism to Geneva and created the Consistory- court to enforce moral discipline (against dancing, singing obscene songs, swearing, drunkenness and playing cards)

4 Anabaptists Were very tolerant of other Christian beliefs Believed in complete separation of church and state- -Catholics and Protestants saw them as dangerous radicals because of this Today Baptists, Quakers, and Amish all trace their roots back to Anabaptists

5 The English Reformation Henry VIII of England stood firmly against the Protestant revolt. “Defender of the Faith “- Pope


7 Henry VIII This was until 1527, after 18 years of marriage to his Spanish wife Catherine of Aragon, Henry wanted his Marriage annulled. Henry wanted to ensure a male heir, and the only child produced from Catherine was a daughter, Mary Tudor. He now wanted to marry Anne Boleyn in hopes for a son.

8 Catherine of Aragon

9 Anne Boleyn

10 Henry was furious!!! In response he made an Act of Supremacy. Which made Henry the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England Those who opposed this were executed for treason.

11 Catholic law does not permit divorce, so he asked for the pope to annul the marriage. The Pope refused- he did not want to offend the Holy Roman Emperor at the time, Charles the V, nephew of Catherine.

12 After Henry split from the church he had his marriage annulled. He married Anne Boleyn and she bore a second daughter Elizabeth I. In the years ahead, Henry marries four more times but only had one son, Edward

13 More wives It became clear through several miscarriages that Anne Boleyn would not produce a male. She was soon convicted of adultery and incest and beheaded. A day later, Henry married Jane Seymour

14 Jane Seymour

15 Jane Seymour bore a male- Edward. She died 2 weeks after his birth. 2 years later Henry marries Anne Of Cleves, who he eventually divorces

16 16 days after his divorce with Anne he marries Kathryn Howard- cousin of Anne Boleyn She was 19, he was 49 Less than a year into the marriage, Kathryn was accuses of adultery and beheaded

17 Soon married Katherine Parr Henry Died While Married to her.

18 The Church of England Despite Henry’s break from the Roman Catholic Church, he rejected most Protestant doctrines. Aside from allowing the use of English Bibles and the break from the Church he still kept most Catholic forms of worship.

19 Religious Turmoil Henry Dies – 1547 His 10 year old son from Jane Seymour, Edward, inherits the throne. Implemented Protestant reforms with help of advisers Edward died in his teens and his sister Mary Tudor, daughter of Catherine of Aragon, reigns Queen



22 Mary Tudor She was determined to return England to the Catholic faith Under Queen Mary- hundreds of English Protestants were burned at the stake

23 Queen Elizabeth I Mary Dies, and the throne is passed to Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth was almost executed by her half sister Mary Tudor. Elizabeth held a compromise of middle ground, yet upheld many Protestant practices.


25 Elizabeth I Reigned for 45 years- often know as the Elizabethan Golden Age Used her skills to restore unity to England She made England a Protestant nation while keeping some Catholic practices. The “Virgin” Queen





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