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 Engage in targeted, research-based, small group instruction addressing the needs of our students.  Create a school culture that promotes goal setting.

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2  Engage in targeted, research-based, small group instruction addressing the needs of our students.  Create a school culture that promotes goal setting and academic achievement and celebrates progress.  Ensure that every child is advancing academically and that no child is getting left behind.

3  Professional Literature Used to Develop the Program: ◦ Falling in Love with Close Reading by Christopher Lehman and Kate Roberts ◦ The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students by Nancy Love, Katherine Stiles, Susan Mundry, Kathryn DiRamma ◦ Revisiting Professional Learning Communities At Work by Rebecca Dufour ◦ RTI Success in Secondary Schools: A Toolkit for Middle & High Schools by Jim Wright ◦ When Kids Can’t Read- Kylene Beers ◦ Fair Isn’t Always Equal- Rick Wormeli

4  All Students will move up at least TWO Grade levels in reading this year.  Students will read at least 50 books at their reading level.  As a whole school (students and staff) we will read 10,000 books this year.

5  Students meet in small group three a week for targeted literacy instruction.  Students take an assessment monthly to determine how much they improved in reading and whether or not they met their monthly goal  Groups are organized based on reading level and skills needed to master.  Students will work with get an opportunity to work with students they have never worked with before and teachers they may not have worked with before.

6 Lexile levels correlate to reading levels. Students take a computer adapted test that determines their lexile scores. Lexile is a way to measure how complex a text is.

7  Myon offers students a digital library of books based on their interest and reading level.  Most books have audio versions.  After each book, students take a short quiz.  After every 5 books there is a benchmark assessment.

8  DRP assessments: ◦ Determine a students ability to comprehend (understand) a text. ◦ Have students identify the correct missing word from the sentence based on the context clues surrounding it ◦ Get progressively more challenging throughout the test to help build test-taking stamina ◦ Provide us with data to see which skills a child has mastered and which skills they still need to work on.

9  Students: ◦ Students receive their data report at the end of the cycle. ◦ They use their data to set 3 goals for the next cycle and develop a plan for how they meet those goals. ◦ At the end of the cycle they reflect on whether or not they met their goals and why.  Parents: ◦ Receive a progress report in the mail after each cycle is complete. ◦ Progress report includes where the child started the cycle at and where the child finished the cycle at. ◦ It gives you information on their updated reading level and what provides you with ways you can support your child in at home in reading  Teachers: ◦ Teachers look at the data and set goals for each cycle too. ◦ After each cycle they confer with the Literacy Coach around their own goals and I confer with them on additional strategies they can use to support your child in the area of literacy.

10  Have them sign onto MyOn at least 45 minutes EACH night. ◦ THE MORE THEY READ THE QUICKER THEY MOVE UP!  Have them read out loud to you each night in any language.  Ask them questions about the book they are reading. ◦ See handout with lists of thought provoking questions that can apply to any text.  When you receive their progress report each month talk to them about it. ◦ Ask them what their goals are for the next cycle. ◦ Post their goals somewhere. ◦ Have them go over their plan for how they are going to meet their goals.  Work through practice State Exams with them. ◦ Use our packet we are providing you with and do two passages a week.  Send them to Saturday Test Prep Sessions  Take them to the library.

11  All teachers have engaged in professional development to improve their skills teaching reading. They have learned the following strategies: Socratic Seminars, Readers Theatre, and how to model fluency.  70% of our students have signed onto Myon and increased their Lexile Score.  100% of our students have set their own reading goals for cycle one and created customized plans to meet those goals.  85% of our students have already read 3 or more books this school year.



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