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The Daily 5 Second Edition

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1 The Daily 5 Second Edition
Updates Provided by Amy Williams Berrien RESA Published in 2006 Published in 2014

2 No longer do all 5 rounds We no longer plan to do all 5 rounds of Daily 5 each day At the beginning of the year you may start with 5 rounds but as the year continues you drop back from so that students can experience the “READING FLOW” 3 rounds for those with less stamina or with younger students 2 rounds for those who can maintain longer independent work times

3 Read to Someone Gets Bumped
Work on Writing is now the second to be introduced after Read to self Read to someone is often now last to be introduced

4 Non-negotiables Read to self and work on writing are non-negotiables
Students can choose the order in which they do read to self or work on writing Students may make other choices as time allows

5 Word Work Reduced Students no longer do a full round of word work
Students choosing to do word work set a timer for 10 minutes and when their time is up switch to another choice

6 Food for thought “Once we have introduced all the Daily 5 tasks and students have built independence- we no longer need an uninterrupted literacy block.” Share your thoughts with those sitting near you

7 The Sisters say… “The independence built by modeling and practice and the consistent structure of the focus lesson, check-in, and independent work time allows individual rounds of the Daily 5 to take place at ANY point during the day.”

8 I-Charts Expedited No more students brainstorming what the Daily 5 choice should look like, sound like, feel like Instead teacher records desirable behaviors on the I-chart in front of the students and briefly explains each one

9 Standards Based Check-in
Instead of thumbs up, down, or to the side Students raise their fingers to communicate their personal success with behaviors; Below standard Approaching standard Meeting standard Exceeding standard

10 Foundational Lessons Since there is extra time when first introducing Daily 5- when students are still building their stamina- present ALL foundation mini lessons We teach foundation lessons to preempt behaviors that can stop students from being independent and building stamina

11 Foundational Lessons Read to self foundation lessons
3 ways to read a book I-Pick Good Fit books Choose a successful spot Work on Writing foundation lessons Underline words you don’t know how to spell and move on Set up a notebook Choose what to write about

12 Foundational Lessons Read to someone foundation lessons
Check for understanding EEKK Voice level How partners read How to get started Coaching or time How to choose a partner

13 Foundational lessons Listen to reading foundation lessons
Set up technology Listen and follow along Manage fair and equitable use with a limited number of devices Word Work foundation lessons Set up and clean up materials Choose materials to use Choose a successful spot

14 Novelty is not a Virtue The materials you begin the year with are the same materials you should end the year with You want the kinesthetic act of manipulating words to secure them in students’ long term memory- if you keep adding options- students will remain in the exploration phase

15 Graph Stamina Graph stamina with students after Daily 5 rounds each day This makes their progress visible and their goals tangible Set class goals to grow stamina daily

16 Ideas for today’s work sessions
Craft a letter explaining Daily 5 and/or I-PICK to parents Create a “Donor’s Choose” account to grow your classroom library or classroom technology Consider how your beginning of the year next year will look different with no MEAP testing in the fall Locate websites for online reading- create a free website (Weebly) or Symbaloo board for easy student access Investigate how you will differentiate word work

17 Ideas for today’s work sessions
Craft a letter explaining the Daily 5 to a guest teacher Other ideas? Let’s brainstorm for a few minutes at our tables about some projects we would like to work on today

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