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Population Education Making the Connections November 17 – 18, 2006 Duke University.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Education Making the Connections November 17 – 18, 2006 Duke University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Education Making the Connections November 17 – 18, 2006 Duke University

2 Overview of Workshop Introduction –Population Connection’s Education Program –Workshop methodology –Population Issues Demonstration of Hands-on Activities –Vary concepts and techniques Closing –Participants fill out evaluations –Discuss Pop Ed resources, services & Trainers Network –Distribute CD-ROM

3 Mission of the Education Program The Population Connection Education Program provides quality training and teaching materials for educators to help them cover population topics effectively in the classroom. The Program’s ultimate goal is to prepare young people to make informed, responsible decisions as the next generation of consumers, parents, voters and leaders. Founded 1975

4 Workshop History YearTotal WorkshopsTrainer WorkshopsTeachers Trained 1984130300+ 1985190492 1986280597 1987369803 19884615956 198954311,060 199071461,714 199188642,245 19921361093,200 19931531133,108 19941651123,620 19951801104,164 19962041464,407 19972551735,300 19983302197,450 19993532037,600 20004132418,200 200150330610,600 200263536613,514 200356235212,318 200453937012,200 200555342012,037


6 Population Connection Mission Overpopulation threatens the quality of life for people everywhere. Population Connection is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by Earth's resources. Founded 1968

7 Overview of Population Connection Programs Communication Program –The Reporter – quarterly magazine –Op-eds and other press outreach Legislative Program –Staff/members meet with national and state legislators –Capitol Hill Days

8 Population Connection Programs, Cont. Field Program –Organizers in 12 Cities –Campus Outreach –Fellowships –E-mail and District Activist Networks Development Program


10 The Population Connection

11 How does the population affect us? Unsustainable Population Growth Decrease in human quality of life Irreparable environmental damage

12 The Population Explosion

13 The History of Population Growth YEARS ELAPSEDYEAR POPULATION 3,000,00010,000 B.C. (Agricultural Revolution) 5-10 Million 10,0001 A.D.170 Million 1,8001800 (Industrial Revolution) 1 Billion 13019302 Billion 3019603 Billion 1519754 Billion 1219875 Billion 1219996 Billion 13?2012?7 Billion

14 The J-Curve

15 How has the environment been affected by population?

16 …here at home, deforestation threatens a vital natural resource and destroys the beauty of our land.


18 Currently we’re depleting underground water reserves faster than nature can refill them.

19 The Average American uses as much energy as... 1 2 7 12 28 93 324 5.2

20 What do these environmental changes mean for global health?

21 Per capita, grain harvesting and has been substantially declining In the desperation to feed the ever increasing population, global food supplies are being depleted…

22 The amount of grain harvested per person is declining

23 …this is one of the causes that has led to problems of widespread famine and malnutrition.

24 Food isn’t the only important resource quickly being depleted.

25 Today over one billion people in the world don’t have access to safe drinking water sources.

26 We need to confront the population problem, otherwise the global health situation will only worsen.

27 Women are the key to the solution.

28 Worldwide Fertility

29 Family planning services empower women with the ability to control the spacing and number of their children.

30 The Guatemala Case Study

31 Family planning counseling in southern Guatemala

32 When women have access to reproductive health information and services, they make better decisions for themselves and their communities.

33 However, women around the world are still denied access to family planning education and services.

34 C ougar H unt P rey Squirrel (S) Squirrel (S) 1 KG Rabbit (R) 2 KG Porcupine (P) 7.5 KG Beaver (B) 20 KG Deer (D) 75 KG

35 T imber! Minutes# of trees at beginning of minute # of new trees # of trees cut # of trees at end of minute 1120+4123 2 +4-2125 3 +4-4125 4 +4-8121 5 +4-16109 6 +4-3281 7 +4-6421 8 +4-128< 0


37 World Pyramid

38 Power of the Pyramids

39 300 Million in the USA

40 Family A (15 years) Year 0 Year 60 Year 75 Year 45 Year 30 Year 15 A Matter of Timing

41 Family B (20 years) Year 0 Year 80 Year 60 Year 40 Year 20 A Matter of Timing

42 Family C (25 years) Year 0 Year 75 Year 50 Year 25 A Matter of Timing

43 Family D (30 years) Year 0 Year 60 Year 30 A Matter of Timing

44 Family E (35 years) Year 0 Year 70 Year 35 A Matter of Timing

45 Family F (40 years) Year 0 Year 80 Year 40 A Matter of Timing

46 FamilyAge of mother at first birth Generations alive at one time Total Population of family Percentage of Total Population A1566348 B2053124 C2541512 D30375 E35375 F40375 Totals13099 A Matter of Timing - 3

47 A Matter of Timing – 4

48 A Matter of Timing - 5

49 Thank you! Now go forth and teach about population!

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