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Overcoming Speech Anxiety. Some people are so afraid of getting in front of an audience, they would almost rather die than give a speech!

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming Speech Anxiety. Some people are so afraid of getting in front of an audience, they would almost rather die than give a speech!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Speech Anxiety

2 Some people are so afraid of getting in front of an audience, they would almost rather die than give a speech!

3 Common excuses for not giving a speech: 1.I don’t know how to do it. 2.It is too difficult and I will never do it well enough. 3.People will think I am an idiot. 4.There will be many other better speakers. 5.I will be embarrassed when people see I cannot cope. 6.Some people in the audience won’t like what I have to say. 7.I can’t be myself, and I am not a good actor. 8.My English is not good enough. 9.I might make a serious mistake in front of important people.

4 Keep in mind that a speaker’s nervousness is usually not that obvious to the audience.

5 A small amount of anxiety is natural and OK – use it as motivation to perform well (just like an athlete might do).

6 Before the speech, do something that will help you feel relaxed. Physical Exercise – Ride a bicycle Mental Exercise – Pleasant memories Reason with yourself I know what I am talking about. I have prepared well. I will do the best that I can. Do a test run 1 of your speech 1 test run = rehearsal Practicing something straight through, from beginning to end.

7 If you start feeling nervous during a speech, pause and take a deep breath. The pause may seem very long to you, but to the audience it will seem short.

8 Don’t just stand in one place stiffly. Move around a bit onstage (but not too much).

9 If your hands start shaking, place them on the lectern 1. (But don’t grip the lectern for a long time.) Use hand gestures (motions) to help you feel more relaxed. 1 Words with a similar meaning to lectern are: Podium, Pulpit, Stand, Platform

10 Never tell the audience that you are nervous!!! This is a common mistake. Don’t do it! It just makes your audience uncomfortable.

11 Most audiences are accepting and approving. They want to see you do well, and are cheering for you to succeed. (And so is your teacher!) Have a positive view – assume that you will be accepted.

12 Be yourself! Don’t pretend to be someone that you are not. Take a “down-to-earth” approach. Be humble. Don’t pretend to be a know-it-all expert. Connect with the audience. Build rapport. Rapport = a good relationship; harmony.

13 Don’t spend so much time thinking about yourself and how you will perform. Concentrate on the audience and your subject.

14 START SLOWLY! Begin your speech with short sentences and an occasional pause. This will allow you to breathe naturally and feel relaxed.

15 Most importantly, prepare and practice! Practice out loud – in front of a friend, if possible. Ask for feedback and suggestions. Practice in front of a mirror. Record your speech and listen to yourself.

16 Good luck! Remember, you can do it! Are there any questions?

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