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STAGES Language Application Overview. The Language Application is available on a separate URL (typically /stagesLanguage) and tied to only one database.

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Presentation on theme: "STAGES Language Application Overview. The Language Application is available on a separate URL (typically /stagesLanguage) and tied to only one database."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAGES Language Application Overview

2 The Language Application is available on a separate URL (typically /stagesLanguage) and tied to only one database. The changes made are not redundant over the servers and require a Script to copy the changes to the other servers. The Language Application uses the same Login/Passwords as STAGES. Only Full Permission Users are allowed access to the Application. The Language App supports multiple Language Codes. The language is selected on the top to activate editing for that language. Language Codes are assigned to STAGES users in User Region.

3 The Global Fields are listed Alphabetically by English Label, using an Index (left). There may be more than one Field with the same label. The Windows that the Field is used on are listed in the Usage pane.

4 Global Fields can be edited for Label, Short Label and Help Text. Label is the text displayed at the beginning of the Detail or the column header of the List. Short Label will display (when assigned) instead of the Label. The Label will display while hovering over the Short Label. Help Text shows while hovering over the Label/Short Label. Short Labels and Help Text can be added event if they are blank in the Default ‘ENG’ language.

5 Windows are searched by Window, Field, or Function. Searching with a blank field will return all Windows. The fly out displays how the result was matched. The Window Label and Help Text can be modified on the top right. Window Fields, Functions, and Prompts can be edited from the tabs on the bottom right.

6 The Window Field information in the List (center) displays the English Label of the fields, the label entered for this language in the global Field tab, and the default metadata for the field. Changes are made and are visible in the Detail pane (right). Help Text, Labels, and Short Labels assigned on the Window Field will override the Global Field values on the window. The order of the fields can be rearranged. Field length/height can be changed. Header width and Data width are used for List windows only. Display Options can be edited through the dropdowns for Default, Yes, or No.

7 The Window Functions are the buttons that display on the window. The Label, Accelerator and Help Text of the buttons can be edited. The Available Accelerators are listed in the Lookup. Accelerators must be unique. If there are multiple functions/menu items with the same accelerator, they will not be functional. Confirm labels can only change the default ENG labels, a confirm dialogue cannot be created by the language application.

8 Prompts are pieces of text that are brought into a field by a procedure. The label of the prompt can be changed. Prompts on one window may be used across multiple windows. For example, the History prompts are used across all history windows.

9 The Menu Items are listed in an expandable/collapsible tree structure. Selecting an item from the tree brings up the detail to edit. The Label and Accelerator can be edited. The Ampersand (&) defines that the following character will be underlined. The Accelerator must be unique.

10 Application Functions are buttons that appear throughout the application, and are typically located on the window bars, or the beginning of a row in list windows. The Label and Help Text can be edited, the Accelerator for these functions is not editable.

11 Application prompts are pieces of text that are global throughout the application. These are typically used in dialogue windows, such as Confirmations and Errors. The Labels for the Logout and Window menus are also edited in Application Prompts.

12 Error Messages can be edited in Error Codes If the ENG Error Message contains a variable (a bracketed word), the variable MUST be exactly the same in the translated error message, even when translating into another language. For example, [Field] will return the field label of the item in error into the message. If the field label is translated, the translated label will be in the error message.

13 The Label and Help Text of Permissions can be edited. The Permissions tree is ordered on the Label of the Permissions.

14 To export the language from one database to another, log into SQL on the database that the Language Application affects. As AppEngineInstaller, execute ‘pExportLanguage ‘[LanguageCode]’. This will return a script to delete and recreate the Language information. Copy the script into a new query and run as AppEngineInstaller on the other databases to install the Language.

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