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SPEED READING Communication skills by Mohamed Elfatih Ismail 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SPEED READING Communication skills by Mohamed Elfatih Ismail 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPEED READING Communication skills by Mohamed Elfatih Ismail 1

2 Outlines  Reading ?  How were you taught to read?  History of Speed reading.  Reading Test.  Reading Problems. 2

3 Reading  “Understanding what is the author intended”  Reading Process RecognitionRecallAssimilation Intra- integration Extra- Integration RetentionCommunication 3

4 How were you taught to read? The Phonic Method The Look- Say Method 4

5 History of Speed Reading  World War II : Tachistoscope  By the 1960’s, researchers, including the American Evelyn Wood, were beginning to prove that the eyes could learn to move faster and break the record of 400 wpm barrier. 5

6 Reading Test  wpm (words per minute).  Comprehension  Vocabulary.  Conceptual difficulty of the material.  Incorrect mental set.  Lack of interest and motivation.  Poor Organization.  Check your reading speed? 6

7 Statistics on reading speed ReaderSpeedComprehension Poor10-10030-50% Average200-24050-70% Functionally Literate40070-80% Top 1 in 100800-100080+% Top 1 in 10001000+80+% 7

8 Reading Problems  Eye fixation.  Speed read ing has be en found to be be ter for under stand ing than slow read ing.  It has been discovered that the human brain with the help of its eyes takes in information far more easily when the information is conveniently grouped in meaningful bundles.  Sub-vocalisation.  Finger-Pointing.  Regression/back-skipping. 8

9 Bibliographies 9  Tony Buzan, “The speed reading book”, BBC, 2003.

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