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PC Support & Repair Chapter 5 Fundamental Operating Systems.

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1 PC Support & Repair Chapter 5 Fundamental Operating Systems

2 Objectives After completing this chapter, you will meet these objectives: ▫ Explain the purpose of an operating system. ▫ Describe and compare operating systems to include purpose, limitations, and compatibilities. ▫ Determine the operating system based on customer needs. ▫ Install an operating system. ▫ Navigate a Graphical User Interface (GUI). ▫ Identify and apply common preventive maintenance techniques for operating systems. ▫ Troubleshoot operating systems.

3 Purpose of OS: 4 Basic Functions

4 Purpose of OS: Control Hardware Access Interaction between hardware & application Device driver handles this ▫ Program from hardware manufacturer PnP auto detects hardware & installs driver ▫ OS then configures the device ▫ Updates the registry

5 Purpose of OS: File & Folder Management Files, subfolders, folders (or directories)

6 Purpose of OS: User Interface How you interact with OS/software GUI (graphical user interface) CLI (command line interface)

7 Purpose of OS: Application Management Click an icon, OS locates program, loads into RAM OS makes sure the application has system resources An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of guidelines used by programmers to ensure that the application they are developing is compatible with an OS. ▫ Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) – Cross-platform standard specification for multimedia graphics ▫ DirectX – Collection of APIs related to multimedia tasks for Microsoft Windows

8 Review You are creating a new web design software. What guidelines do you need to follow to ensure it will work on an OS? ▫ API DOS has what kind of interface? ▫ CLI Windows has what kind of interface? ▫ GUI What are the 4 basic functions of an OS? ▫ Hardware access, manage files/folders, user interface, manage applications

9 OS Terms & Concepts Almost all modern OS’s have all of these capabilities

10 OS Memory Types Conventional Memory 0KB - 640KB ▫ For drivers Upper Memory 640KB – 1MB ▫ For BIOS Extended Memory 1MB – max ▫ For OS & application software

11 OS Modes of Operation OS has different modes to handle each type of application Real Mode (OLD) ▫ Used by DOS & Windows 3.x ▫ OS can run only 1 program at a time ▫ Can only address 1MB of RAM ▫ Still available

12 OS Modes of Operation Protected Mode (OLD) ▫ Each program has a space in memory that can’t be used by other programs ▫ Can manage multi-tasking ▫ Can access all memory & virtual memory  VM= using some HD space for RAM ▫ Up to 32-bit access to RAM, devices, etc.

13 OS Modes of Operation Virtual Real Mode (OLD) ▫ Allows OLD real mode applications to run within protected mode  Allows XP to run a DOS only application  If there’s an error, it will only affect the virtual

14 OS Modes of Operation Compatibility Mode ▫ In Vista/7 ▫ Allows program to run as if it was on an earlier OS  An XP only program can run in Vista

15 OS Terms & Concepts 32-bit & 64-bit OS 32-bit (x86) OS ▫ Can only access up to 4GB RAM 64-bit (x64) OS ▫ Can access more than 128GB RAM ▫ Data path is bigger, faster ▫ Need 64-bit program to take advantage of it

16 Review Which bit OS can only access up to 4GB of RAM? ▫ 32-bit What mode will allow a program designed for XP, run in Windows 7? ▫ Compatibility Mode Which memory is available for the OS & software? ▫ Extended Memory, above 1MB How does virtual memory work? ▫ Uses part of the HD for RAM Which mode in XP allows you to run a DOS program and if there’s a n error in it, it won’t affect XP? ▫ Virtual real mode

17 Choices for OS

18 Versions of Windows OS Windows XP Pro– Used to connect to Windows Server or network Windows XP Home– Used on home computers Windows XP Media Center – Used on entertainment computers Windows XP Tablet PC Edition – Used for tablet PCs Windows XP 64-bit Edition – Used for computers with 64-bit processors Windows 2000 Pro – Older; was replaced by Windows XP Pro Windows Vista Home Basic – Used on home computers Windows Vista Home Premium – Used on home computers to expand personal productivity and digital entertainment beyond the basics Windows Vista Business – Used on small business computers for enhanced security and enhanced mobility technology Windows Vista Ultimate – Used on computers to combine all the needs of both home and business users

19 Pick the Right OS What applications is the customer using? ▫ Will the OS be compatible? Compatible with the network OS? If you are sharing files, try and get same OS as other computers ▫ Make sure all is compatible Consider costs, too

20 Check Minimum Requirements RAM Hard disk drive CPU Video adapter card May need to upgrade some Make sure you have more than minimum

21 Check Hardware Compatibility Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) Verifies your hardware is compatible with the OS ▫ Vista/7- Compatibility Center or Logo’d ProductsCompatibility Center Logo’d Products ▫ XP- HCL Lab 5.3.2

22 Review Before you install a new OS, you should check if your hardware will work with it. What should you reference? ▫ HCL, Compatibility Center Windows & Mac are versions of what types of OS that are designed for a single user? ▫ Desktop OS Name some considerations when deciding on a new OS.

23 Hard Drive Terms Primary partition ▫ Partition where the OS is ▫ There can be up to four partitions per hard drive Active partition ▫ Partition being USED by the OS. Only one can be active at a time Extended partition ▫ The remaining free space on a drive ▫ Can be subdivided into smaller sections called logical drives, using letters Formatting ▫ This process prepares a file system in a partition for files to be stored Drive mapping ▫ Drive mapping is a letter assigned to a physical or logical drive

24 Hard Drive Terms C: D:C: D:C: E: 1 st Hard Drive; Bootable; All of the HD is one letter; PRIMARY PARTITION 1 st Hard Drive; C: is PRIMARY bootable; D: is an EXTDENDED LOGICAL PARTITION 1 st Hard Drive; C: is PRIMARY bootable; D: & E: are EXTDENDED LOGICAL PARTITIONS

25 Parts of the Hard Drive Sector ▫ Small section Cluster ▫ One or more sectors Track ▫ One complete circle of data on one side of a hard drive platter ▫ A track is broken into groups of sectors

26 Review What is a complete circle of data on a HD? ▫ Track How many partitions can there be per HD? ▫4▫4 How many active partitions can there be at a time? ▫1▫1 What partition contains the OS? ▫ Primary You partitioned the HD with an OS C:, and D: for data only. What kind of partition is D:? ▫ Extended partition

27 Install Methods Distribution DVD or CD Install from network ▫ NIC must be configured to boot to network location Image Recovery CD or partition

28 Clean Install of the OS from CD/DVD BIOS must boot to CD/DVD The install formats & partitions the drive ▫ Partition- logical section Prepares to accept the file system ▫ Directory structure to organize files of OS, applications, config, and dat File Systems ▫ FAT32 (up to XP)  Can only handles up to 2TB ▫ NTFS (Vista & 7)  Can handle up to 16 Exabytes

29 File Systems NTFS ▫ Use most of the time ▫ Has data security (encryption & compression) FAT32 ▫ Generally can be used in XP/2000 ▫ If partition is under 32GB FAT16 ▫ Used if under 2GB

30 Install the OS- XP Setup XP –Setup and install XP Repair XP – To repair an installation, press R to open the Recovery Console. ▫ Troubleshooting tool that can be used to create and format partitions &repair the boot sector or Master Boot Record. Quit – To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

31 Install the OS- XP 1 st looks for existing install ▫ If found, you can repair it  It replaces OS files with original from CD ▫ All applications & data should remain ▫ ALWAYS BACKUP ANYWAY!

32 XP Install Pictures

33 XP Settings During Install

34 Install XP- Create User Accounts

35 Lab Install XP Create Accounts Check for Updates

36 Install Vista w/ DVD Install from within existing OS ▫ DVD should auto-run ▫ If not, select DVD and click setup.exe If no OS on HD, boot to DVD ▫ What needs to be done first with this option?

37 Install Vista

38 Upgrade – Keep your files, settings, and programs and upgrade Windows. Also use this option to repair an installation. ▫ Doesn’t show if no OS is found Custom (advanced) – Install a clean copy of Windows, select where you want to install it, or make changes to disks and partitions. Quit – To quit Setup, click the x in the Close box.

39 Vista Install Pictures

40 Install Vista- Create an Account 1 st account is an administrator ▫ Default name is administrator ▫ Change name ▫ Recommended to use this account to manage PC  Not for daily use Then create user accounts ▫ Has fewer permissions than admin

41 Install Vista- Complete Setup

42 Complete the Install When done, it reboots & you log in Register with key ▫ Allows download of important updates, patches & service packs ▫ Install can continue w/out key XP- Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools Vista- Start, Programs Verify all hardware works in Device Manager

43 Lab Install Windows Vista Create Accounts Check for Updates

44 Review How many primary partitions can be on a HD? ▫4▫4 You are installing a clean copy of Vista. What option do you select when the DVD starts? ▫ Custom (Advanced) What 3 things can be done when Custom is chosen? ▫ Clean install ▫ Partition change ▫ Select where to install Vista

45 Review Can you complete an install w/out the key? ▫ Yes, delayed up to 30 days During Vista setup, you are asked to create a user name & password. What kind of account is created during this step? ▫ Administrator account What’s the difference between an Admin & User account? ▫ Admin can change security settings, install software, and make changes to all accounts

46 Review You just finished installing an OS. What can you check to make sure all of your hardware is functioning? ▫ Device Manager Before you begin installing XP, what should you check to make sure the hardware has been tested for XP & will work? ▫ HCL You are in Vista. Cool Edit will only work in XP, Me, or 2000. What mode will let it run? ▫ Compatibility Mode

47 Custom Installs- Cloning/Imaging Creates an image of a hard drive in a computer ▫ Create a master installation on one computer. Includes the OS, applications, and configuration settings that will be used by the other computers in the organization. Run Sysprep (for unique system ID after cloning) Create an image using a cloning program (Ghost). Copy the disk image onto a server. When the destination computer is booted, a shortened version of the Windows setup program runs. The setup creates a new system security identifier (SID), installs drivers for hardware, creates user accounts, and configures network settings to finish the OS install.

48 Other Custom Installs Over a network Recovery Disc ▫ Automated System recovery (ASR) ▫ Must be created in Backup Factory Recovery Partition ▫ Can restore PC to factory specs

49 Review What kind of install uses a master computer all set up and then you “copy” it to all of your other computers? ▫ Cloning or imaging In order to install an OS over the network, what must be configured? ▫ NIC (also works with modems & fire wire)

50 Boot Sequence 1.Power On Self Test (POST) ▫ Turn on the computer (cold boot) ▫ The computer performs the POST ▫ Any errors will be beep-codes 2.BIOS locates & reads config settings in CMOS ▫ Finds what device to boot to ▫ Tells where the OS is ▫ Normal is floppy, cd, hd 3.BIOS locates MBR ▫ Finds the OS boot loader (NTLDR)

51 XP Boot Sequence NTLDR ▫ Windows loader program does all the rest Boot.ini ▫ For menu of different OS’s installed ▫ Detects installed hardware Ntoskrnl.exe gets loaded ▫ Going to complete boot process Hal.dll ▫ Translator between Windows & hardware Registry files read for system configuration Device drivers are loaded Ntoskrnl.exe starts WINLOGON.exe to login to Windows

52 Vista Boot Sequence MBR (Master Boot Record) located ▫ ID’s the first active partition Windows Boot Manager starts (Bootmgr) ▫ Replaces NTLDR ▫ Determines which OS should start if have multiple Boot Configuration Data (BCD) ▫ Gives you menu to select OS ▫ Replaces boot.ini Boot process completes with Ntoskrnl.exe Hal.dll ▫ Translator between Windows & hardware Device drivers are loaded

53 Lab Make a comparison chart of the boot sequences between XP & Vista ▫ Highlight the differences

54 Review 1 st thing when computer turns on? ▫ POST What do you think will happen if you get a “NTLDR is missing” or “Bootmgr is missing” message? ▫ OS will not load What does boot.ini do? ▫ Menu of what OS to select What does MBR stand for? ▫ Master boot record

55 Changing the Configuration- Msconfig Set programs that run at startup Too many running can slow PC down Can also find bad things running Start, Run, Msconfig

56 Registry Files Begin with HKEY_ The Control Panel settings, File Associations, System Policies, or installed software changes are stored Each user has their own section of the registry

57 Changing the Configuration- Regedit Edits registry Start, Run, regedit BE CAREFUL!!! ▫ MAKE A BACKUP 1 st ▫ No undo, saves when exit

58 Msinfo Summary of hardware, software, settings

59 Command Start, run, cmd (or command) DOS commands

60 Startup Modes F8 during boot, advanced startup options Safe Mode ▫ Starts Windows & only loads drivers for basic components, such as the keyboard and display Safe Mode with Networking Support ▫ Starts Windows to Safe Mode & loads drivers for network components Safe Mode with Command Prompt ▫ Starts Windows & loads the command prompt instead of the GUI Last Known Good Configuration ▫ Loads config settings used the last time Windows started successfully ▫ Finds a copy in the registry ▫ Only works if used immediately

61 Review You installed a video card on a GCIT computer, but now the display is messed up. What startup mode can allow you to get a new driver that’s stored on the server? ▫ Safe mode with networking support You just added a new printer & driver. Now the PC won’t boot. How would you go back to a good, working computer? ▫ Last known good configuration How do you boot into safe mode? ▫ Press F8 during boot

62 Directories & Files C: is the Root ▫ In here are Folders/Directories ▫ C:\Documents and Settings\Users\Bob\My Documents\School\Homework\Science.doc File Rules: ▫ 255 characters max ▫ Can’t use a slash or a backslash (/ \) ▫ File extension is added to ID the type of file ▫ Filenames are not case sensitive

63 Files NTFS can store larger files Has better security Offers encryption & compression Convert from FAT32 to NTFS ▫ CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS in Command Prompt

64 Navigating Windows GUI Vista default theme is Aero ▫ Translucent, animations ▫ NOT on Vista Basic Sidebar ▫ Games, Notes, Clock, etc. Display Properties/Personalization Computer/My Computer properties My Network Places/Network ▫ To connect/disconnect a network Control Panel

65 Administrative Tools Computer Management

66 Administrative Tools Device Manager

67 Administrative Tools Task Manager ▫ Ctrl + Alt + Del ▫ What’s running ▫ Stop unresponsive ▫ CPU performance

68 Administrative Tools MMC- Microsoft Management Console Allows you to organize management tools in one location ▫ Called snap-ins Can create multiple custom screens ▫ To focus on different management tools

69 Review Where do you uninstall a program? ▫ Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs To use MMC, what must you have? ▫ Admin rights The MMC can be customized by organizing tools, which are also called what? ▫ Snap-ins How do you get to task manager? ▫ Ctrl+Alt+Del

70 Upgrading the OS Check HCL Backup data 2000 to XP ▫ If CD doesn’t start, type winnt32 for CD ▫ Quick ▫ Existing applications & settings stay XP to Vista ▫ Must be XP SP2 ▫ Select Upgrade option

71 Can’t Upgrade? Use Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT) ▫ Migrates user files & settings to new OS ▫ Download from Microsoft & use on old ▫ After new OS installed, download again to restore settings

72 Review What should you do before you upgrade an OS? ▫ Check HCL, backup data What command will start the XP upgrade if the CD doesn’t Auto-run? ▫ Winnt32 What version of XP must you have before you upgrade to Vista? ▫ SP2 What would you use if you have to install an OS in order to transfer data & settings? ▫ User State Migration Tool

73 Preventive Maintenance Backup & Restore Defrag Windows Update AV Update HD error checking

74 Updating Drivers Check for updates Roll Back if doesn’t work

75 More Updates Firmware Updates ▫ For Drives, Cards, BIOS ▫ Can increase speed of hardware, enable new features, or increase the stability of a product ▫ Follow instructions carefully OS Updates ▫ Auto update ▫ Multiple are in a service pack ▫ Set restore point before install

76 System Utilities Scandisk/chkdsk ▫ Scandisk is Windows 2000 ▫ Chkdsk is XP/Vista/7 ▫ Checks integrity of files & folders Defragment ▫ Moves parts of same file closer together on HD

77 Backups Under System Tools Normal Backup (Full Backup) ▫ All selected files on the disk are archived to the backup medium Differential Backup ▫ Backs up all the files & folders that have been created or modified since the last full backup Incremental Backup ▫ Backs up all the files and folders that have been created or modified since the last backup Daily Backup ▫ Only backs up the files that are modified on the day of the backup

78 Backup Media Tape Drives USB Flash Optical Media External HD ▫ eSATA fastest

79 Review What checks file integrity in Windows XP/Vista/7? ▫ Chkdsk Which backup is the slowest because all data & files are put on the media? ▫ Normal/Full What can you do to help reduce repair costs and increase reliability of your computers? ▫ Preventive maintenance plan You downloaded a new driver that is not functioning correctly. What can you do? ▫ Roll back the driver to the old one

80 Review Where can you enable automatic Windows updates? ▫ Control panel What key gets you into safe mode? ▫ F8 How do you switch your XP computer from FAT32 to NTFS? ▫ Run the Microsoft Convert Utility What is a database for Windows, applications, and user settings that can be backed up? ▫ Registry

81 Review- 13 Questions

82 PC Support & Repair Chapter 5 Fundamental Operating Systems

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