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HOGMANAY NEW YEAR’S EVE. The Hogmanay is a different New Year’s Eve in Scotland. It is celebrated on the 31st. of December DECEMBER.

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2 The Hogmanay is a different New Year’s Eve in Scotland. It is celebrated on the 31st. of December DECEMBER

3 The people stay in the square. When is twelve o’clock a new year starts and people celebrate it This is George Square in the city of Glasgow

4 Fantastic fireworks starts at twelve o’clock This is the city of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. You can see the castle at the top

5 During the Hogmanay people sing a very Scottish song: The Auld Lang Syne ( ÉS L’HORA DELS ADÉUS) This is the song you are listening

6 Finally, they celebrate the First Footing. The first person to visit a friend’s house will be lucky. This person has to bring: coalorshortbread

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