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 A. phytoplankton (algae) multiply, reach a maximum population, and begin to die off.  B. hypoxic conditions result with fish and other aquatic animals.

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Presentation on theme: " A. phytoplankton (algae) multiply, reach a maximum population, and begin to die off.  B. hypoxic conditions result with fish and other aquatic animals."— Presentation transcript:

1  A. phytoplankton (algae) multiply, reach a maximum population, and begin to die off.  B. hypoxic conditions result with fish and other aquatic animals dying.  C. nutrients enter a body of water and the aquatic plants living in the water become fertilized.  D. dead phytoplankton settle to the bottom and become food for decomposers (mainly bacteria).  E. explosive growth of bacteria consume a lot of oxygen, causing depletion of oxygen in the water

2 C. nutrients enter a body of water and the aquatic plants living in the water become fertilized. A. phytoplankton (algae) multiply, reach a maximum population, and begin to die off D. dead phytoplankton settle to the bottom and become food for decomposers (mainly bacteria). E. explosive growth of bacteria consume a lot of oxygen, causing depletion of oxygen in the water B. hypoxic conditions result with fish and other aquatic animals dying. What is the name of this process you just put in order? EUTROPHICATION

3  Eutrophication ;jsessionid=B2523513066DA3680 9E569A4C8FB2D90?uak=ipw


5  Attack the growth of vegetation by putting herbicides into the water, using aeration, harvesting aquatic weeds, drawing water down so rooted plants die  Stop nutrients from being added to the water by identifying point or nonpoint source pollutants and then banning them or educating people about better practices for fertilizers and other chemicals

6  Specific organisms that may be monitored due to their sensitivity to water pollution or a specific abiotic factor (trout – 9-11 ppm: most fish can survive fine in 4-7 ppm)  Benthic macroinvertebrates – aquatic insects, larvae and crustaceans that live in the bottom portion of a waterway for part of their life cycle  EX: sensitive - mayfly, stonefly and caddisfly

7  Fresh water mussels need DO, loons need clear water for diving and trout need high levels of DO and cold waters.

8  Leeches, worms, black fly larvae

9  Physical tests (temperature, flow velocity, turbidity)  Chemical tests (pH, DO, nitrates, phosphates, and hardness - determines the presence of some common metal cations such as Mg 2+ and Ca 2+ )  Biological tests - fecal coliform and biological assessment

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