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A Laser-induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study of Rhodium Monosulfide Runhua Li and Walter J. Balfour Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria.

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Presentation on theme: "A Laser-induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study of Rhodium Monosulfide Runhua Li and Walter J. Balfour Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Laser-induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study of Rhodium Monosulfide Runhua Li and Walter J. Balfour Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria W. Scott Hopkins and Allan G. Adam Department of Chemistry, University of New Brunswick


3 Band heads observed in LIF spectra from Rh+CS 2 s=strong; m=medium; w=weak


5 Observed electronic energy levels and transitions of RhS in LIF

6 RhS 18130 cm -1 band

7 Partial High-Resolution Spectrum of 18130 cm -1 band for RhS

8 T-18130.28-0.14835J(J+1)±0.2228(J+1/2) Reduced term value plot for the [18.13]  1/2 state of RhS

9 Term Values (cm -1 ) in the 4  - Ground State of RhS

10 X=(J-1/2)(J+3/2). Upper and lower signs give the e (F 1 and F 3 ) and f (F 2 and F 4 ) levels respectively.

11 Fitted Ground State Parameters for RhS ParameterValue/cm -1 Std. Devn. B0.1630080.15×10 -4 D9×10 -8 3×10 -8 λ11.8571×10 -3 λDλD 8.05×10 -5 0.14×10 -5 -0.05683×10 -4 No. of data points = 463 ; Overall standard deviation = 0.0053 cm -1


13 Qualitative molecular orbital correlation diagram for RhS

14 A comparison of ground state data for some Rh diatomic species

15 Comparison of the molecular orbitals for the rhodium diatomics

16 Summary : Ground State of RhS Rh S r 0 =0.2059 nm

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