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Published byPhyllis McDowell Modified over 9 years ago
Title III Program Directors & Lead ESL Teachers Regional Fall Meetings
AGENDA Welcome & Updates Program Services Providing Services for English Language Learners with Disabilities Designated Supports & Accommodations WVGSA & ELPA21 Program Data Management Consortia Meetings
Policy Updates Policy 2417-Public Comment - Updated Exit Criteria in section 2.2 Policy 2340 –Public Comment - ELPA21 part of MAP Immigrant –Country to STU.301
Foreign Exchange Students Memorandum: Foreign Exchange Students and Title III Services Guidance from the U.S. Department of Education Foreign exchange students who are LEP and enrolled in public elementary or secondary schools in the United States are covered by Lau v. Nichols. As a result, school districts must take affirmative steps to help students with limited English proficiency (LEP) overcome language barriers so that they can participate meaningfully in each school district’s programs. See 414 U.S. 563 (1974).
Website Redesign
ELPA 21 Questar Assessment Inc. Testing Dates: February 16, 2016 – March 25, 2016 Two Online Trainings: - December 9, 2015-2:00 P.M. (Technical) - January 12, 2016-2:00 P.M.(Assessment Administration) ELPA 21 Communication Materials Call: - November 12, 2015 – 2:00 Website
OCR- and DOJ –approved home language survey questions 1) What is the primary language used in the home, regardless of the language spoken by the student? 2) What is the language most often spoken by the student? 3) What is the language that the student first acquired?
OELA: Toolkit 1.Identifying All English Learner Students 2.Provide English Learners with a Language Assistant Program 3.Staffing and Supporting and EL Program 4.Meaningful Access to Core Curricular, Extra Curricular Programs 5.Creating an Inclusive Environment and Avoiding Unnecessary Segregation 6.Addressing English Learners with Disabilities 7.Serving English Learners who Opt-Out of EL Program 8.Monitoring and Exiting English Learners from EL Programs and Services 9.Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Districts EL Program 10.Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program LEAs must provide the personnel necessary to effectively implement EL programs. Necessary personnel include teachers who are qualified to provide EL services, core-content teachers who are highly qualified in their field as well as trained to support EL students, and trained administrators who can evaluate theseteachers. LEAs must provide adequate professional development and follow-up training in order to prepare EL program teachers and administrators to implement the EL program effectively. LEAs must ensure that administrators who evaluate EL program staff are adequately trained to meaningfully evaluate whether EL teachers are appropriately employingtheir training in the classroom in order for the EL program model to successfully achieve its educational objectives.
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Checklist: –Qualified Teachers –Adequate Number of Qualified ELL Staff –Adequate Resources for an EL Program
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Tool #1 Professional Development for Teaching ELs, provides a frame for how PD may be structured to build on what teachers know and maximize adult learning.
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Tool #2 Professional Development for General Education Teachers of ELs, provides a recommended set of components for a comprehensive PD program for general education teachers of ELs.
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Tool 3 Meeting the Needs of ELs, delves deeper into what general education teachers should know to teach ELs effectively.
Chapter 3: Staffing and Supporting an EL Program Tool 4 Frameworks for Supporting Classroom Teaching of ELs, provides an overview of the work being done to incorporate effective instructional practices for ELs in current teacher evaluation and support systems by the American Institutes for Research’s Center on Great Teachers and Leaders and Center for English Language Learners, working alongside the Council of Chief State School Officers’ ELL State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (ELL SCASS)
ESEA Application/ ESEA Consolidated Monitoring Section C: Identify the number of positions designated to provide support for the district’s ESL program Level Of Service –Monitoring Services? Home Language Survey
Key Points LEAs must identify, locate, and evaluate ELs with disabilities in a timely manner. LEAs must consider the English language proficiency of ELs with disabilities in determining appropriate assessments and other evaluation materials.
Key Points Continued LEAs must provide and administer special education evaluations in the child’s native language, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so, to ensure that a student’s language needs can be distinguished from a student’s disability related needs. LEAs must not identify or determine that EL students are students with disabilities because of their limited English language proficiency.
Key Points Continued LEAs must provide EL students with disabilities with both the language assistance and disability related services they are entitled to under federal law.
Over-identify or Under-identify (1)The evaluating professional’s lack of knowledge of second language development and disabilities (2) Poor instructional practices (3) Weak intervention strategies (4) Inappropriate assessment tools Sánchez, Parker, Akbayin, & McTigue, 2010
IEP and 504 Team includes participants,preferably with expertise in second language acquisition, who have knowledge of the student’s language needs Language support for parents Obligation for services
Tools #1 - Policy Recommendations #2 - Comparison of Language Differences Verses Disabilities #3 - Checklist for IEP Teams #4 -CRDA Data #5 -Selecting Appropriate Accommodations
Annual ELP Assessment Both Title I and III of ESEA require States and LEAs to annually assess the English proficiency of all ELLs in the State enrolled in public schools in grades kindergarten through twelve in the domains of speaking, listening, reading and writing (sections 1111(b)(7) and 1123(b)(3)(D) of ESEA).
Participation of ELLs in the annual State ELP Assessment a)Regular State ELP assessment without accommodations b)Regular State ELP assessment through the use of one or more appropriate accommodations as indicated in the student’s IEP c)Alternate assessment aligned to State ELP standards, if the IEP Team determines that the student cannot participate in the regular State ELP assessment, with or without appropriate accommodations
ELPA21 Assessment Conceptual Model
P01: Text-To-Speech Description: Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to- speech technology. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATExcludes Passages Not Available ELLExcludes Passages Not Available 504Excludes Passages Not Available IEPExcludes Passages Not Available
P02: Human Read Aloud Description: Text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader who follows the administration guidelines Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATExcludes Passages ELLExcludes Passages 504Excludes Passages IEPExcludes Passages
P03: Braille (contracted) Description:A raised-dot code that individuals read with the fingertips. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P06: ASL-Interpreter Description:Certified sign language interpreter Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P13: Text-to-Speech (all text) Description:Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P14: Read Aloud (all text) Description:Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P15: Read Aloud Directions Only Description:Directions are read aloud Classification:WV Only Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P16: Certified Sign Language Directions Description:Directions presented through certified sign language Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P17: Braille (Platform Provided) Description:RBD and embosser contracted and uncontracted braille Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P18: Rephrased Directions Description:Directions rephrased by a trained examiner Classification:WV Only Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P19: Paper Version (large print) Description:The Student takes a paper-and-pencil version of the test. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P21: Screen Reading Software (JAWS) Description:Screen Reading Technology Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P22: Enlarge Text on Screen (zoom) Description:The Student enlarges the size of text and graphics on a given screen. Classification:Universal Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P23: Magnification Device Description:The student adjusts the size of specific areas of the screen with an assistive technology device. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P24: Translator (Human or Electronic – Science Only) Description:The student uses an electronic or human translator for test. Classification:WV Only Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P25: Electronic Translator to Present Directions (Science Only) Description:The student uses an electronic translator for directions only Classification:WV Only Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P27: Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionary Description:The student uses a Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionary Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATFull Writes OnlyNot Available ELLFull Writes OnlyNot Available 504Full Writes OnlyNot Available IEPFull Writes OnlyNot Available
P28: High Color Contrast Description:The student is able to adjust the text color and screen background color based on the student’s need. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P29: Sign Dictionary to Present Test Description:The student uses a sign dictionary to present test, including directions. Classification:WV Only Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P30: Translated Test Directions (Spanish available embedded) Description:Students use translated test directions prior to beginning the actual test items. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P31: Translation Glossary (math only) Description:Translations for construct-irrelevant terms in math appear on the computer screen when students click on them. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P32: Stacked Translations (Spanish and math only) Description:Provide the full translation of each test item above the original item in English. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P33:Turn Off Universal Tools Description:Disabling any universal tools that might be distracting or that students do not need to use. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P34:American Sign Language (ASL) Description:Test content is translated into ASL video. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P35: Braille (uncontracted) Description:Uncontracted braille and tactile graphics 9fixed paper form) Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P36: Closed Captioning Description:Printed text that appears on the computer screen as audio materials are presented. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P37: Masking Description:Blocking off content that is not of immediate need or that may be distracting to the student. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P38: Color Contrast Description:Test content of online items may be viewed with different colors. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P39: Color Overlay Description:Color transparencies are placed over a paper-based assessment. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P40: Print on Demand (stimuli only) Description:Paper copies are printed for students Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P41: Translation Glossary (paper-and-pencil) Description:Provide translations glossary for paper-and-pencil tests Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P42: Noise Buffers Description:The student uses noise buffers to minimize distractions or filter external noise during testing. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
P43:Streamlined Interface Description:Streamlined Interface Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P44: Line Reader Description:Student is able to use this feature as a guide when reading text. Classification:Designated Support Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
P45:Unlimited Replays Description:The student is able to replay items in the listening domain an unlimited number of times. Classification:Accommodation Type:PresentationProvision LocationEmbedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R02:Scribe (excluding ELA full write) Description:Scribe Classification:Designated Support Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R03: Braille Response Description:Provide response in braille Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
R04: Scribe (including ELA full write) Description:Scribe items writing Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
R05: Abacus Description:Abacus Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R11: Assistive Technology (Alternate response options) Description:Assistive Technology utilized for responses Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
R13: Provide Physical Support Description:Physical Support Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R15: Bilingual Dictionary Description:Student uses bilingual word-to-word dictionary Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R17: Electronic Translator Description:Student uses electronic translator to respond Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R18: Sign Dictionary Description:Student uses sign dictionary to respond Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R19: Calculator Description:Student uses calculator to respond Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R20: Multiplication Table Description:Student uses multiplication table to respond Classification:WV Only Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
R21: Speech-to-Text Description:Speech to text Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
R22:Unlimited Re-recordings Description:The student is able to rerecord answers in the speaking domain an unlimited number of times. Classification:Accommodation Type:ResponseProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SATNot Available ELLNot Available 504Not Available IEPNot Available
T03: Frequent Breaks Description:Frequent Breaks Classification:WV Only Type:TimingProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
T04:Extra Time Description:Extra Time Classification:WV Only Type:TimingProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
T07: Flexible Scheduling Description:Flexible Scheduling Classification:WV Only Type:TimingProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
T09: Separate Setting Description:Separate Setting Classification:WV Only Type:TimingProvision LocationNon-Embedded Test:ELAMathScienceELPA21 Plan Type: SAT ELL 504 IEP
ELL Student Edits WVR600 STU.EDT
Student ELL Edit Checks Display students who are not coded correctly Depending upon mobility of students districts should visit as often as weekly but at least monthly
ELL with status of Exited (X) and no exit date Definition –The student has a status of exited (x) but no exit date was entered. How to fix –Access the student’s record through STU.301 - Maintain Student Information menu. You will include the exited date in the student’s record.
Student’s Record
ELL with no entry date Definition –The student was indicated to be an ELL student but the entry date into the program is not present in the student’s record How to fix –If the student is an ELL student you will access the student’s record through STU.301 -Maintain Student Information menu and include the entry date in the student’s record. –If the student is not an ELL student you will contact your RESA Staff and County Contact
Student’s Record
Students inaccurately identified as ELL Contact Robert and Mami by email to obtain written approval to have the student removed from ELL Program –Include student last name and number Once you receive a reply from Robert or Mami forward the email to your RESA Staff and County Contact. –If you do not know your RESA Staff person, then ask your County Contact to forward
ELL receiving service with an exit date Definition –The student has a status of exited (x) but no exit date was entered. How to fix –Access the student’s record through STU.301 - Maintain Student Information menu. You will either change the status for an exited student or remove the exit date for a student receiving services.
ELL in R district without an EC enrollment code Definition –The student is enrolled in the R district which indicates the student is attending a Private or Parochial school. The student is receiving state funded services and should be enrolled part-time How to fix –Access the student’s record through STU.301 - Maintain Student Information menu to ensure the student is coded properly.
Student’s Record
ELL without a course code Definition –The student is identified as a ELL student but does not have the ESL course 4115 scheduled How to fix –Most likely you will not have access to resolve yourself –Work with the school to have the course added to the student‘s schedule
Course Setup for use School Level Need to ensure with counselor or principal the following items –When and how the class is being offered It will affect school periods and course definitions Teacher needs to be in the Teacher file Course needs to be added to the Teacher’s schedule County Contact or RESA Staff for assistance Then add the course to the student’s schedule
Course Definition The course should be defined –Grade Type - Not used –Include in Honor Role – No –Include in GPA – No
Highly Qualified Teachers Teachers who are HQ in other subject areas will remain HQ in those courses Teachers without a 1050 endorsement will not be HQ for ESL
Questions on ELL Student Edits
ELL Screen Revisions
ELL Screen Enhancements (proposed) Change LEP to ELL
ELL Screen Enhancements (proposed) Pre-determination criteria
ELL Screen Enhancements (proposed) The date that an ELL student successfully meets exit criteria. A student has met the criteria after (1) scoring 5 for two consecutive years on the English language proficiency assessment and (2) scoring at Mastery level or above on the Reading Language Arts section of the general assessment. A student should only receive an exit date when both of these requirements have been fulfilled.
Questions on ELL Revisions
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