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Radiation Therapy Connective Tissue Oncology Society 2005 Thomas F. DeLaney, M.D.

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1 Radiation Therapy Connective Tissue Oncology Society 2005 Thomas F. DeLaney, M.D.

2 Samarium-153 for Osteosarcoma Anderson PM (Mayo Clinic)Anderson PM (Mayo Clinic) 14 patients14 patients –High dose samarium 30 mCi/kg + gemcitabine 1500 mg/m2 –Stem cells reinfused 2 weeks later –Standard dose samarium 1 mCi/kg + gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 repeated in respondersa ToxicityToxicity –Modest cytopenias ResponsesResponses –6 PR, 2 mixed, 6 progressive –All relapsed or had new metastases within a year ? Use standard dose samarium + gemcitabine for multiple cycles and combine with external beam, avastin, HDMTX? Use standard dose samarium + gemcitabine for multiple cycles and combine with external beam, avastin, HDMTX

3 STS-Results of Limb Sparing Therapy Merimsky O et al (Tel Aviv Medical Center)Merimsky O et al (Tel Aviv Medical Center) 133 patients133 patients –Intermediate and high grade sarcomas –Limb sparing surgery + post-op XRT ResultsResults –23 LR; 35 systemic spread +/- LR DFS/OS influenced by:DFS/OS influenced by: –Stage I (A or B) vs Stage II –Upper vs lower limb –Resection margins: adequate vs marginal/positive margins –Good vs bad histologic response to induction therapy –If diagnostic biopsy at outside facility, fare worse –MFH : 10 y RFS: 62%- relapses occur in first 3 years –Liposarcoma: 10 Y RFS 52%; relapses occurring out to 8 years

4 Retroperitoneal STS: Surgery + XRT +/- Chemotherapy Ballo et al (MD Ancerson Cancer Center)Ballo et al (MD Ancerson Cancer Center) –84 patients (1965-2003) with primary (61)/LR (23) STS –G1 13G2 19G3 52 –Margins Positive/Uncertain40Negative 44 –EBRT only 64 pts (40-66 Gy; Median 50 Gy) Post-op 33 pts –EBRT + IORT 18 pts; IORT (10-15 Gy; Median 15 Gy) –DSS 47%DMFS66%LC51% –LF: 29/33 in field; 2/33 marginal; 2 /33 outside –Multivariate: G3 : inferior DFS 36 % vs 64% –Local control Inferior in pts presenting with recurrent disease : 35% vs 58%Inferior in pts presenting with recurrent disease : 35% vs 58% Inferior for positive/uncertain margins 34% vs. 69% for (-) marginsInferior for positive/uncertain margins 34% vs. 69% for (-) margins Not improved with  dose, IORT, concurrent chemoRx, XRT timingNot improved with  dose, IORT, concurrent chemoRx, XRT timing –Complications 11% at 5 years ; these patients received post-op XRT11% at 5 years ; these patients received post-op XRT

5 Radio-Hyperthermo-ChemoRx for MFH Marsushita Y et al (Nagoya City Univ. Medical School)Marsushita Y et al (Nagoya City Univ. Medical School) –34 pts with MFH (1992-2000) XRT: 32 Gy/16 fx of 2 Gy q.d.XRT: 32 Gy/16 fx of 2 Gy q.d. Hyperthermia Weekly x 5 sessions: 42.5° for > 60 minHyperthermia Weekly x 5 sessions: 42.5° for > 60 min Cisplatin 90 mg/m2 and Pinorubin 25 mg/m2 i.a. q week x 3Cisplatin 90 mg/m2 and Pinorubin 25 mg/m2 i.a. q week x 3 –Surgical margin: wide 12 pts; marginal 20 pts: 2 LR –21 pts CDF; 5 NED; 5 DOD; 1 AWD; 3 DID –Complications: Deaths: 1 septicemia, 1 PE 2 2 nd degree burns2 2 nd degree burns 8 delayed wound healing8 delayed wound healing

6 Complications of Combined Modality Therapy for Lower Extremity STS Cannon et al (MD Anderson Cancer Center)Cannon et al (MD Anderson Cancer Center) –412 pts with primary LE STS Pre-op XRT 268 (65%): median dose of 50 GyPre-op XRT 268 (65%): median dose of 50 Gy Post-op XRT 144 (35%): median dose of 60 GyPost-op XRT 144 (35%): median dose of 60 Gy –Complications Acute wound: 15%: no difference pre vs post-op XRTAcute wound: 15%: no difference pre vs post-op XRT –Medial thigh vs non medial: 21% vs 8 % Chronic complications: 6%Chronic complications: 6% –Post-op 16% vs Pre-op 6% p=0.02 –Thigh fractures: Peri-osteal stripping 10% vs. no stripping 1%

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