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Or “How I can assist my child with their science project without pulling my hair out.”

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Presentation on theme: "Or “How I can assist my child with their science project without pulling my hair out.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or “How I can assist my child with their science project without pulling my hair out.”

2 Straight Talk for Parents & Teachers

3 Ask a Question Arguably the most important part of the project. Must be interesting to your child. Challenge your child on all aspects of their question. It must have a purpose.

4 Background Research Take your child to the library. Sun Ridge Pebble Hills El Paso Public Branch Internet Searches Let your scientist do the searching, but assist them especially with very complex topics Be cautious with resources. Not all web pages are reliable.

5 Construct a Hypothesis How does the hypothesis relate to the topic? Can it be tested? Challenge your child.

6 Conduct an Experiment Assist with finding materials. Make sure the experiment is safe. Allow your child to conduct the experiment. Mistakes will happen, but that’s okay.

7 Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions How will your child record data? Critique their data tables and graphs? Does the data reflect their question and hypothesis?

8 Communicate Your Results Be your child’s audience. Critique your child’s board. Allow your child’s board to be both an organized presentation of their project as well as a reflection of their creative minds.

9 Assisting with Bibliography Must be in APA Style Son of Citation Machine EasyBib Free iPhone and Android App Bibme

10 Science Fair Forms Visit Left-hand Menu Click on “Intel ISEF” Click on “Rules, Forms, and Resources” Click on “Forms” “Related Links” Right-hand Menu Click on “Intel ISEF Rules Wizard”

11 Board Dimensions Maximum Size of Project Depth (front to back): 30 inches or 76 centimeters Width (side to side): 48 inches or 122 centimeters Height (floor to top): 108 inches or 274 centimeters

12 Other Resources

13 Contact Information Mrs. Aragon – 8 th Science Mrs. Barraza – 6 th Science Mrs. de la Rosa – 8 th Science Mrs. Lindsey – 6 th Science Mr. Morales – 8 th Science Ms. Ochoa – 7 th ScienceMs. Fernandez – 7 th Science

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