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From Colonies to Nation A Tradition of Liberty Impact of the Enlightenment Declaring Independenc e A New NationOdds and Ends $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000.

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Presentation on theme: "From Colonies to Nation A Tradition of Liberty Impact of the Enlightenment Declaring Independenc e A New NationOdds and Ends $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Colonies to Nation A Tradition of Liberty Impact of the Enlightenment Declaring Independenc e A New NationOdds and Ends $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000

2 It was a form of direct democracy developed by New Englanders. What is a town meeting?

3 This “belief” during the Scientific Revolution contributed to Enlightenment thought. What is the power of human reason?

4 This pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, increased support for independence when it was published in January 1776. What is Common Sense ?

5 France joined the American Revolution after this battle. What is the Battle of Saratoga?

6 He was known for his systematic collection and articulation of natural laws, such as gravity and motion. Who is Sir Isaac Newton?

7 This court case helped establish the right of freedom of the press. What is the John Peter Zenger case of 1734?

8 The teachings of Enlightenment thinking provided the basis for its establishment. What is democratic government?

9 They were the punishment Britain imposed after the Boston Tea Party. What are the Intolerable Acts?

10 The French navy helped the Continental army win this decisive battle by preventing the British army from escaping by sea. What is Yorktown?

11 Copernicus’ theory of a sun- centered solar system was criticized for this reason What is it disputed Church teachings regarding the universe?

12 Published statements that unjustly damage a person’s character What is libel?

13 In 1748, he suggested the powers of government should be divided between 3 branches. Who is Baron de Montesquieu?

14 It contains this famous phrase, “We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” What is the Declaration of Independence ?

15 It is someone who fights because he is being paid, not because he believes in the cause What is a mercenary?

16 He was accused of “depriving us, in many cases, of trial by jury” Who is King George?

17 This period of religious revival occurred in the 1730s and 1740s because some Christians believed there had been a decline in religious zeal in the colonies. What is the Great Awakening?

18 These two ideas from John Locke had a dramatic influence on the founding fathers. What are: 1.Rulers receive the right to govern from the people. 1.Unjust rulers can be forced from power.

19 It caused tensions to increase dramatically between the colonies and Britain when it was passed in 1765. What is the Stamp Act of 1765?

20 It was the name given to a colonist who supported Britain and did not support the war for American Independence. What is a Loyalist?

21 It means “free from the superstitions and ignorance of the Middle Ages.” What is enlightened?

22 This Massachusetts preacher was a major leader of the Great Awakening. Who is Johnathan Edwards?

23 These 3 branches, suggested by Montesquieu, provide the basic structure for government in the United States. What are: 1.Executive Branch 2.Legislative Branch 3.Judicial Branch

24 The first battles of the American Revolution broke out in these two Massachusetts towns in 1775. What are Lexington and Concord?

25 This treaty ended the American Revolution. What is the Treaty of Paris?

26 It is the belief that a king’s power came from God What is divine right?

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