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Name of Civilization Name and class period. Part 1- Civilization Name What is the name of the civilization Why did you decide on this name? How did you.

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Presentation on theme: "Name of Civilization Name and class period. Part 1- Civilization Name What is the name of the civilization Why did you decide on this name? How did you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name of Civilization Name and class period

2 Part 1- Civilization Name What is the name of the civilization Why did you decide on this name? How did you come up with the name?

3 Part 2- Natural boundaries and territories Where is the civilization located in the world? Describe the climate Describe the landscape / geographic features What parts of the land or coastline make your culture easy to attack What defenses does the land naturally provide

4 Part 3- Social Structure Label the parts of the social pyramid

5 Social Structure Explain the groups of people in each division Specific jobs that each class has

6 Government What form of government does you civilization have How are leaders selected What are the titles of those in power What are the responsibilities of those in power (at least 4)

7 Laws What major laws have been made and why (1 minor law and 1 severe law) What punishments exist for law breakers according to your laws What type of military do you have

8 Religion Is your religion monotheistic or polytheistic Who is considered to be your religious leader What god (monotheistic) or gods (polytheistic)are worshipped by your civilization- if you worship many gods- you should at least 2 listed here How do people show respect of honor their god or gods Describe the most import religious holiday or ceremony in your culture- you must explain how it is celebrated

9 Language What is the name of the language you speak How is writing represented (alphabet letters, symbols, pictures, a combination) Create (a visual representation of your writing system) a writing sample- see examples below

10 Economics What type of currency does you civilization use (type of money) Explain 4 factors that effect the economy

11 Arts Explain/ Describe at least 5 forms of art from your civilization (art can be paintings, buildings, plays, dances, songs, games, sports) There should be 5 pictures with 5 explanations here

12 Literature Describe at least 5 types of literature your civilization has (books, magazines, national documents, movies, television shows, newspapers) There should be at least 5 pictures with 5 explanations

13 Customs/Traditions You should have at least 5 customs/traditions for this section Provide an explanation of each one

14 Contributions / Inventions At least 4 inventions your civilization invented An image or picture of each invention Description of each invention

15 Sources / Websites

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