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CEN 5070 - Software V & V Unit Testing Concepts 2/2000Unit Test Concepts2 Purpose This module presents the basic concepts of black-box and white-box.

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2 CEN 5070 - Software V & V Unit Testing Concepts

3 2/2000Unit Test Concepts2 Purpose This module presents the basic concepts of black-box and white-box testing for unit testing. A systematic approach is shown for deriving functional, boundary and white-box test cases. "… arbitrarily selected test set... results in inefficient testing, leaving some functions untested while performing redundant testing of others." Darlene Mackay, Quality Consultants Unlimited

4 2/2000Unit Test Concepts3 Agenda What Is Unit Testing Black-Box Testing White-Box Testing Putting It All Together

5 2/2000Unit Test Concepts4 WHAT IS UNIT TESTING? Executing a software element to determine whether it meets its specification Executing a software element to discover defects or anomalies Inspecting software element code to discover defects or anomalies.

6 2/2000Unit Test Concepts5 WHAT IS A UNIT? Named software element Separately invokable Performs single function Examples Subprogram or script Field with validation Database stored procedure Java class method

7 2/2000Unit Test Concepts6 SPRAE: A Model for Testing Practice Specification -- basis for software testing Premeditation -- testing requires planning, forethought Repeatability -- process, results independent of tester Accountability -- testing artifacts maintained Economy in the use of human, time and computing resources

8 2/2000Unit Test Concepts7 A TESTING LIFECYCLE Analysis Design Implementation Execution Evaluation Specification Test Strategy/Plan Test Script, Data, Driver Defect Data Problem Reports Test Results Test Cases

9 2/2000Unit Test Concepts8 Agenda What is Unit Testing Black-Box Testing White-Box Testing Putting It All Together

10 2/2000Unit Test Concepts9 BLACK-BOX TESTING Testing based on the specification rather than the implementation. Specification defines the expected response(s) to stimuli Software under Test StimuliResponse(s)

11 2/2000Unit Test Concepts10 BLACK-BOX TECHNIQUES Functional testing -- tests the behavior of the software. Boundary testing -- tests behavior at the lower/upper bounds of input values Random testing -- tests using randomly generated stimuli (load testing) Intuitive (ad hoc) testing -- error guessing

12 2/2000Unit Test Concepts11 BLACK-BOX TECHNIQUES Fuzz Testing Fuzz testing – random data used as program inputs Forces program crashes, assertion violations Is not functional (results-oriented) testing Barton Miller at U. Wisconsin, 1988-89

13 2/2000Unit Test Concepts12 BLACK-BOX TECHNIQUES Category Partitioning 1. Transform the system’s specification to be more concise and structured. 2. Decompose the specification into functional units - to be tested independently. 3. Identify the parameters and environment conditions. 4. Find categories that characterize each parameter and environment condition. 5. Every category should be partitioned into distinct choices, CPM_paper.pdf

14 2/2000Unit Test Concepts13 BLACK-BOX TECHNIQUES Equivalence Partitioning 1.Domain testing approach – input (domain) or output (range) 2.An equivalence partition (EP) is a set of values s.t. behavior is same for all values in set Month: valid=[1,12]; Lo = [ 12] Age: baby = [ 55] 3. Output partition – idea to force all behaviors to be seen Loan Action: [approved], [denied], [conditional], [held] 4. Rules in Dec Table => equivalence class of data values that cause rule to fire.

15 2/2000Unit Test Concepts14 FUNCTIONAL TEST DESIGN METHODOLOGY Specification Identify behaviors Develop test cases Write test script

16 2/2000Unit Test Concepts15 EXAMPLE A (1) Specification Compute pay for an hourly employee, given the number of hours worked and the hourly pay rate. Compute overtime at 1.5 times hourly rate for hours in excess of 40. Software under Test HoursPay Rate

17 2/2000Unit Test Concepts16 EXAMPLE A (2) Identify Behaviors Case 1: No overtime (Hours <= 40) Expect Pay = Hours * Rate Case 2: Overtime (Hours > 40) Expect Pay = 40*Rate+1.5*Rate*(Hours - 40)

18 2/2000Unit Test Concepts17 EXAMPLE A (3) Create Test Cases Case 1: No overtime (Hours <= 40) Use Rate = 10, Hours = 30 Expect Pay = Hours * Rate = 300 Case 2: Overtime (Hours > 40) Use Rate = 10, Hours = 50 Expect Pay = 40*Rate+1.5*Rate*(Hours - 40) = 550

19 2/2000Unit Test Concepts18 EXAMPLE A (4) Write Test Script Step StimuliExpected Response HoursRatePay = 1 2 30 5010 300 550

20 2/2000Unit Test Concepts19 A MORE COMPLEX EXAMPLE (B) Increased number of behaviors Use of decision table to document behaviors Test case generation from decision table

21 2/2000Unit Test Concepts20 EXAMPLE B (1) Specification Compute pay for employee, given the number of hours worked and the hourly pay rate. For hourly employees (rate = 30) are paid for exactly 40 hours.

22 2/2000Unit Test Concepts21 EXAMPLE B (2) Identify Behaviors Case 1: Hourly AND No overtime (Rate < 30) & (Hours <= 40) Expect Pay = Hours * Rate Case 2: Hourly AND Overtime (Rate 40) Expect Pay = 40*Rate+1.5*Rate*(Hours - 40) Case 3: Salaried (Rate >= 30) Expect Pay = 40 * Rate

23 2/2000Unit Test Concepts22 DECISION TABLE Condition c1: Rate < 30 | Y Y N N c2: Hours <= 40 | Y N Y N Action a1: Pay = Straight time | X a2: Pay = Overtime | X a3: Pay = Professional | X X Columns define Behaviors

24 2/2000Unit Test Concepts23 EXAMPLE B (3) Create Test Cases One test case per column of decision table Case 1: Hourly, No Overtime Case 2: Hourly, Overtime Case 3: Salaried, No Extra Hours Case 4: Salaried, Extra Hours Order the test cases by column

25 2/2000Unit Test Concepts24 EXAMPLE B (4) Write Test Script Step StimuliExpected Response HoursRatePay = 1 2 30 5010 300 550 330401600 450401600

26 2/2000Unit Test Concepts25 RULES -- DECISION TABLES Condition c1: Rate < 30 | Y Y N N c2: Hours <= 40 | Y N Y N Action a1: Pay = Straight time | X a2: Pay = Overtime | X a3: Pay = Professional | X X Use X to select action(s) Elementary conditions Use 'Y', 'N', '-' or space

27 2/2000Unit Test Concepts26 Your Turn -- Problem P1 (1) Specification Compute the dosage of drug X for patient, given the patient's Age and Weight. For patients 12 and under, the dosage is 1 pill. For patients over 65, the dosage is 2 pills. For all other patients, the dosage is 2 pills plus an extra pill for each 50 pounds above 120. The drug can not be given to patients over 300 pounds or over the age of 80.

28 2/2000Unit Test Concepts27 Your Turn (2a) Identify Behaviors Case Expected Stimulus Description#Pills 1 2 3 4 5 6

29 2/2000Unit Test Concepts28 Your Turn (2b) Decision Table c1: Age <= 12 | c2: Age > 65 | c3: Age > 80 | c4: Weight > 300 | c5: Weight > 120 | a1: Pills = 0 | a2: Pills = 1 | a3: Pills = 2 | a4: Pills = 2+(W-120)/50 |

30 2/2000Unit Test Concepts29 Your Turn (3) Create Test Cases Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Weight ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Pills ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

31 2/2000Unit Test Concepts30 Your Turn (4) Write Test Script Step StimuliPills= Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weight Step StimuliPills= Age 7 8 9 10 12 Weight 11

32 2/2000Unit Test Concepts31 SCALING UP The heart of the approach is to use a decision table as a thinking tool. The most critical task in this process is to identify all the stimuli and responses. When there are many logical combinations of stimuli, the decision table can become large, indicating that the unit is probably too complex.

33 2/2000Unit Test Concepts32 IDENTIFYING BEHAVIOR Approaches Work backwards Identify each response Identify conditions that provoke response Identify separate stimuli Work forward Identify each stimulus Identify how stimulus influences what unit does Specify the response Treat stimuli combinations

34 2/2000Unit Test Concepts33 IDENTIFYING STIMULI Arguments passed upon invocation Interactive user inputs Internal, secondary data global or class variables External data (sources) file or database status variables file or database data Exceptions

35 2/2000Unit Test Concepts34 IT PAYS TO BE A GOOD STIMULUS DETECTIVE Failure to identify stimuli results in an incomplete, possibly misleading test case The search for stimuli exposes interface assumptions -- a major source of integration problems incomplete design of unit inadequate provision for exception handling

36 2/2000Unit Test Concepts35 IDENTIFYING RESPONSES Arguments/Results passed back on exit Interactive user outputs Internal, secondary data updated global or class variables External data (sinks) output file or database status variables output file or database data Exceptions

37 2/2000Unit Test Concepts36 IT PAYS TO BE A GOOD RESPONSE DETECTIVE Failure to identify responses results in incomplete understanding of the software under test shallow test cases incomplete expected results incomplete test "success" verification -- certain effects not checked To test, one must know all the effects

38 2/2000Unit Test Concepts37 A SKETCHING TOOL Black-Box Schematic Stimulus TypeResponse Type Software under Test Argument Inputs Globals Database Exception Argument Outputs Globals Database Exception

39 2/2000Unit Test Concepts38 BEFORE CONTINUTING Much of the discussion so far involves how to identify what software does. We have introduced thinking tools for systematically capturing our findings. These thought processes and tools can be used anywhere in the lifecycle, e.g., in software design! One Stone for Two Birds!!

40 2/2000Unit Test Concepts39 BOUNDARY TESTING DESIGN METHODOLOGY Specification Identify elementary boundary conditions Identify boundary points Generate boundary test cases Update test script (add boundary cases).

41 2/2000Unit Test Concepts40 (1) Specification Compute pay for an hourly employee, given the number of hours worked and the hourly pay rate. Compute overtime at 1.5 times hourly rate for hours in excess of 40. Software under Test HoursPay Rate

42 2/2000Unit Test Concepts41 (2) Identify Boundary Conditions Condition 1 (bc1): Hours <= 40 Observations: Condition taken directly from decision table No boundary conditions for Rate

43 2/2000Unit Test Concepts42 (3) Identify Boundary Points bc1 (Hrs <= 40) Boundary Points Point 1: AT the boundary: Hours = 40 Point 2: Just INside: Hours = 39 Point 3: Just OUTside: Hours = 41 Observations: Inclusive inequalities have 3 boundary points

44 2/2000Unit Test Concepts43 (3a) BP Generalization bc: x > y has TWO boundary points bp1: Just INside: x = y + precision bp2: Just OUTside: x = y bc: x == y has THREE boundary points: bp1: OUTlo: x = y - precision bp2: OUThi: x = y + precision bp3: AT: x = y

45 2/2000Unit Test Concepts44 (3b) BP Generalization bc x != y has THREE boundary points: bp1: INlo: x = y - precision bp2: INhi: x = y + precision bp3: OUT: x = y

46 2/2000Unit Test Concepts45 (4) Generate Test Cases Combine Hours boundary points with Rate Case 1 (AT): Hours = 40, Rate = 10, Pay=400 Case 2 (IN): Hours = 39, Rate = 10, Pay=390 Case 3: (OUT): Hours = 41, Rate=10, Pay=415 Observations: Test each boundary point individually Then consider pair-wise boundary points

47 2/2000Unit Test Concepts46 (5) Update Test Script Step StimuliExpected Response HoursRatePay = 1 2 30 5010 300 550 34010400 43910390 54110415

48 2/2000Unit Test Concepts47 Your Turn Boundary Testing c1: Age <= 12 | Y N N c2: Age > 65 | Y N N c3: Age > 80 | Y c4: Weight > 300 | Y N N N N c5: Weight > 120 | N Y a1: Pills = 0 | X X a2: Pills = 1 | X a3: Pills = 2 | X X a4: Pills = 2+(W-120)/50 | X Decision Table:

49 2/2000Unit Test Concepts48 Your Turn (2-3) Boundary Conditions/Points Boundary Condition Boundary Point (BP) ATIN bc1: OUT bc2: bc3: bc4: bc5:

50 2/2000Unit Test Concepts49 Your Turn (4) Generate Boundary Test Cases To create a test case, you must pair an Age with a Weight Weight boundary point + NOMINAL Age Age boundary point + NOMINAL Weight OUT Age + OUT Weight A nominal value is one that is not close to a boundary point. For simplicity, use the same nominal value in all test cases.

51 2/2000Unit Test Concepts50 Your Turn (4) Boundary-Nominal Test Cases Condition btc BC Weight Age Expect Weight>300 1 IN 301 21 0 2 OUT 300 21 Age <= 12 3 IN 220 11 4 AT 12 5 OUT 13 Age > 65 6 IN 7 OUT Age > 80 9 IN 10 OUT Weight>120 11 IN 12 OUT

52 2/2000Unit Test Concepts51 Your Turn (4) Out-Out Boundary Test Cases Condition OUT BP Weight Age btc Weight Age Expect >300 <=12 13 >65 14 >80 15 >120 <=12 16 >65 17 >80 18

53 2/2000Unit Test Concepts52 OBSERVATIONS Functional testing defines a minimal number of test cases Boundary testing adds a large number of test cases, but are EASY to create Boundary testing finds lots of errors!

54 2/2000Unit Test Concepts53 BOUNDARIES EXIST FOR Optional fields: (present, missing). Variable length data: null string, max length Database tables: empty Searching: first/last position File: closed, empty

55 2/2000Unit Test Concepts54 Agenda More on Boundary Points & Values Automated Test Data Generation Boundary Testing Approach Test Set Reduction Strategies

56 2/2000Unit Test Concepts55 Tools for Boundary Testing Ref – MS thesis, Jermaine Stewart, 2006 Versions:, Unix invocation: % BTDgen BTDgen: specification  Boundary Test Sets Full cartesian product – high volume [btd_xxx.txt] Reduced set (nominal values) [bnc_xxx.txt] Specification: var declarations + boundary conditions.

57 2/2000Unit Test Concepts56 Agenda More on Boundary Points & Values Automated Test Data Generation Boundary Testing Approach Test Set Reduction Strategies

58 2/2000Unit Test Concepts57 Boundary Test Set Reduction Cartesian product yields exponential size Boundary-nominal yields linear size By-passes “masking” problem Multiple boundaries not tested Combinatorial methods applied to each variable’s boundary value set.

59 2/2000Unit Test Concepts58 RANDOM TESTING Beyond scope of course (except for term project) Generally used to bombard software with inputs Usually no effort to identify expected results Appropriate for automated load testing, where concern is for capacity/volume.

60 2/2000Unit Test Concepts59 INTUITIVE (AD HOC) TESTING Most common type of informal testing Often, no specification!! No scripts Not repeatable Not systematic Very effective Does not guarantee thorough testing

61 2/2000Unit Test Concepts60 INTUITIVE TESTING Ad hoc, exploratory testing, ideal for destructive testing Goal is to break the software via unexpected stimuli or sequences of stimuli Benefits Flushes out holes in the specification.. What really should happen when the input is X? Forces treatment of error/exception handling

62 2/2000Unit Test Concepts61 MAIN POINTS BLACK-BOX TESTING Black-box = spec-based testing Tests intentions Key knowledge = stimuli and responses Decision table organizes S/R conditions Boundary testing flushes coding errors Black-box test case design can drive software design -- same issues addressed

63 2/2000Unit Test Concepts62 Agenda What is Unit Testing Black-Box Testing White-Box Testing Putting It All Together

64 2/2000Unit Test Concepts63 WHITE-BOX TESTING Software under Test StimuliResponse(s) Testing to ensure that software does not do what is not supposed to do. Test ALL of it! Tick -- Tick -- Tick No-Surprise Software!!

65 2/2000Unit Test Concepts64 WHITE-BOX TESTING Focus is thorough execution of program elements during the testing process. Warning: Tests only what is built, not what was intended! Software under Test StimuliResponse(s)

66 2/2000Unit Test Concepts65 WHITE-BOX TESTING Concept of coverage. Numeric measure of thoroughness of testing, relative to Statements Branches Conditions Paths

67 2/2000Unit Test Concepts66 CONTROL FLOW GRAPH Defines the flow of control through unit. 1 2 4 5 3

68 2/2000Unit Test Concepts67 CONTROL FLOW GRAPH TERMINOLOGY 5 NODES sequential blocks of code terminated by a branch 3 PATHS: [1,2,3,5], [1,2,5], [1,4,5] 2 BRANCHES 1 and 2 are decision nodes 1 2 4 5 3

69 2/2000Unit Test Concepts68 CONTROL FLOW GRAPH COVERAGE One test case forces execution of one path (red) Paths are determined by branches (decision nodes) A thorough test set forces execution of all paths (red, green, blue). 1 2 4 5 3

70 2/2000Unit Test Concepts69 COVERAGE LEVELS (%) Statement -- a statement has been executed at least once during testing Branch -- each outcome of a branch has been performed at least once during testing Path -- a path through the code has been executed at least once during during testing Condition -- a condition has evaluated to true and to false at least once during testing

71 2/2000Unit Test Concepts70 CONTROL FLOW GRAPH COVERAGE MEASUREMENT For 2 test cases (red, green) Node (statement) cov = 4/5 Branch cov = 1/2 [2] Path cov = 2/3 Acceptable coverage levels Statement cov = 90% Branch cov = 80% Path cov = 70% 1 2 4 5 3

72 2/2000Unit Test Concepts71 BRANCH vs CONDITION COVERAGE Code example 1 2 4 100% Branch coverage [1] (x=0,y=2), (x=1,y=2) [TT,FT] But not 100% Condition coverage Need case TF (x=0,y=1) if (x 1) x = x + y; else y = y - x;

73 2/2000Unit Test Concepts72 THE PROBLEM WITH COMPOUND CONDITIONS Makes complex logic appear simpler than it really is Test cases may be omitted Logic results in 3 paths, not 2!! 1 2 3 if (x<1) {if (y>1) x=x+y; else y=y-x; } else y=y-x; 1 2 5 3 4

74 2/2000Unit Test Concepts73 THE PROBLEM WITH PATH COVERAGE Not all paths are feasible No test case can force path [1,2,3,4,5]. Consecutive decisions mutually exclusive. if (x<1) y=2; if (x >= 1) y=3; z=y; 1 2 4 3 5

75 2/2000Unit Test Concepts74 Measuring Path Testing Difficulty McCabe metric -- logical code complexity Formula: 1 + #decisions in control flow graph Test Significance: #basis paths through code Design use: complexity of code Test use: min #test cases for 100% path coverage McCabe measures test (development) difficulty

76 2/2000Unit Test Concepts75 How To Design White Box Tests Test cases must execute different paths Decision tables Rows -- elementary conditions in the code Columns -- combinations of conditions in the code Column based test case forces flow through different logic paths in the code Decision table built from code reflects what was built versus intended (from spec) Decision analysis for white-box testing.

77 2/2000Unit Test Concepts76 WHITE-BOX TESTING TOOLS Tools instrument source code and gathers coverage data when tests Compiled languages Script languages -- coming to market Some provide test case design assistance List of paths not covered Data conditions to force branch/path Graphic depiction of graph coverage

78 2/2000Unit Test Concepts77 Problem P1 Code (v1) & Decision Table if (Age>80 || Weight>300) return 0; if (Age <= 12) return 1; if (Age > 65) return 2; if (Weight < 120) return 2 else return 2+(Weight-120)/50; Age>80 | Y N N N N N Weight>300 | - Y N N N N Age<=12 | Y N N N Age>65 | Y N N Weight<120 | Y N Pills = | 0 0 1 2 2 C ------------------------------ Note: C: 2+(Weight/120)/50 McCabe = 6

79 2/2000Unit Test Concepts78 Problem P1 Code (v2) & Decision Table if (Age>80 || Weight>300) return 0; if (Age <= 12) return 1; if (Age > 65 || (Age<=65 && Weight<120)) return 2; return 2+(Weight-120)/50; Age>80 | Y N N N N N N Weight>300 | - Y N N N N N Age<=12 | Y N N N Age>65 | Y N N Weight<120 | - Y N Pills = | 0 0 0 1 2 2 C McCabe = 7

80 2/2000Unit Test Concepts79 Your Turn -- White-Box Testing (1) Construct Decision Table pills=0; if (Age < 80 && Weight <300) { pills=1; if (Age >= 65) pills=2; else if (Age > 12) pills=2+(Weight-120)/50; } return pills; ____________ | Pills = | - - - - - - - --------------------------- Note: C: 2+(Weight/120)/50

81 2/2000Unit Test Concepts80 Your Turn -- P1 (2) Derive White-Box Test Cases Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Weight ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Pills ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

82 2/2000Unit Test Concepts81 OBSERVATIONS -- WHITE-BOX TEST CASES Code may not be complete with respect to input combinations from the specification Decision table constructed from code is simpler -- subset of black-box table Claim: black-box test cases force coverage of logic Unless the code implements the wrong (a different) function

83 2/2000Unit Test Concepts82 MAIN POINTS WHITE-BOX TESTING White-box = logic testing Limitation: can't tell what's missing Don't forget exceptions -- throwing, catching, propagating (debugger) Perform decision analysis of code Coverage tools help. Use black-box test cases.

84 2/2000Unit Test Concepts83 Agenda What is Unit Testing Black-Box Testing White-Box Testing Putting It All Together

85 2/2000Unit Test Concepts84 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Test design is a systematic process whether you use decision tables or not, you must understand the factors influencing and influenced by the behavior of the unit The sooner you design test cases, the better Test design is more crucial than running tests Reveals assumptions, omissions and errors Use test cases during design and coding

86 2/2000Unit Test Concepts85 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER It's okay to ask "What happens when …? Look for test design patterns Expect certain type units to be tested in a similar way A way to identify best practices Efficiency without cutting corners View test design as a "design product", not just a test product!!

87 2/2000Unit Test Concepts86 Functional/Boundary Testing Worksheets Stored in Domino Master template Stimulus-Response Analysis Decision Table Functional Test Cases Boundary Test Design Boundary Point Analysis Boundary Test Cases

88 2/2000Unit Test Concepts87 SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES

89 2/2000Unit Test Concepts88 Your Turn (Dosage Problem) (2a) Identify Behaviors Case Expected Stimulus Description#Pills 1 2 3 4 5 6 Any Age, Weight>300 Age > 80, any Weight Age <= 12, Weight <= 300 Age > 65, Weight <= 300 Age 13-65, Weight 120-300 Age 13-65, Weight < 120 0 0 1 2 2+(W-120)/50 2

90 2/2000Unit Test Concepts89 Your Turn (2b) Decision Table #1 c1: Age <= 12 | Y Y N N N c2: Age > 65 | Y Y N N N c3: Age > 80 | Y Y c4: Weight > 300 | N Y N Y N Y N N Y c5: Weight > 120 | N Y a1: Pills = 0 | X X X X X a2: Pills = 1 | X a3: Pills = 2 | X X a4: Pills = 2+(W-120)/50 | X

91 2/2000Unit Test Concepts90 Your Turn (2b) Decision Table #2 c1: Age <= 12 | Y N N c2: Age > 65 | Y N N c3: Age > 80 | Y c4: Weight > 300 | Y N N N N c5: Weight > 120 | N Y a1: Pills = 0 | X X a2: Pills = 1 | X a3: Pills = 2 | X X a4: Pills = 2+(W-120)/50 | X

92 2/2000Unit Test Concepts91 Your Turn (3a) Create Test Cases (testset1) Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age 8 12 67 67 81 85 15 28 28 Weight 40 305 180 360 120 315 100 220 320 Pills 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 4 0 Is more better? Every combination of stimuli is tested. Each column specifies at least one condition per variable

93 2/2000Unit Test Concepts92 Your Turn (3b) Create Test Cases (testset2) Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age 20 10 70 83 13 30 Weight 310 70 160 150 115 220 Pills 0 1 2 0 2 4 Is fewer better? Not every combination of stimuli is tested. Test case generation easier when each column specifies at least one condition per variable

94 2/2000Unit Test Concepts93 Your Turn (4) Write Test Script (testset1) Step StimuliPills= Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 WeightStep StimuliPills= Age 7 8 9 10 12 Weight 11 8 12 67 81 85 67 28 15 315 120 360 180 305 40 100 220 320 0 4 2 1 0 2 0 0 0

95 2/2000Unit Test Concepts94 Your Turn (2) Identify Boundary Conditions Condition 1 (bc1): Age <= 12 Condition 2 (bc2): Age > 65 Condition 3 (bc3): Age > 80 Condition 4 (bc4): Weight > 300 Condition 5 (bc5): Weight > 120

96 2/2000Unit Test Concepts95 Your Turn (3) Identify Boundary Points Boundary Condition Boundary Point ATIN bc1: Age <= 12 OUT bc2: Age > 65 bc3: Age > 80 bc4: Weight > 300 bc5: Weight > 120 1211 66 81 301 121 13 65 80 300 120

97 2/2000Unit Test Concepts96 Your Turn (4) Boundary-Nominal Test Cases Condition btc BC Weight Age Expect Weight>300 1 IN 301 21 0 2 OUT 300 21 5 Weight>120 3 IN 121 21 2 4 OUT 120 21 2 Age <= 12 5 AT 220 12 1 6 IN 220 11 1 7 OUT 220 13 4 Age>65 8 IN 220 66 2 9 OUT 220 65 4 Age>80 10 IN 220 81 0 11 OUT 220 80 2

98 2/2000Unit Test Concepts97 Your Turn (4) Out-Out Boundary Test Cases Condition OUT B-point Weight Age btc Weight Age Expect >300 <=12 12 300 13 5 >65 13 300 65 5 >80 14 300 80 5 >120 <=12 15 120 13 2 >65 16 120 65 2 >80 17 120 80 2

99 2/2000Unit Test Concepts98 Your Turn -- White-Box Testing (1) Construct Decision Table pills=0; if (Age < 80 && Weight <300) { pills=1; if (Age >= 65) pills=2; else if (Age > 12) pills=2+(Weight-120)/50; } return pills; | Age < 80 | N - Y Y Y | Weight<300 | - N Y Y Y | Age >= 65 | N Y N | Age > 12 | N - Y | Pills = | 0 0 1 2 C -------------- Note: C: 2+(Weight/120)/50

100 2/2000Unit Test Concepts99 Your Turn (2) Derive White-Box Test Cases Case 1 2 3 4 5 Age 83 24 11 68 35 Weight 97 310 85 225 108 Pills 0 0 1 2 2 | Age < 80 | N - Y Y Y | Weight<300 | - N Y Y Y | Age >= 65 | N Y N | Age > 12 | N Y Y Pills = | 0 0 1 2 C

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