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宁波市江东区中心小学 仇赛霞 Ningbo Jiangdong Central Primary School Qiu Saixia.

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2 宁波市江东区中心小学 仇赛霞 Ningbo Jiangdong Central Primary School Qiu Saixia

3 Welcome to my school. It’s very big, clean and nice! Let’s go and have a look.

4 a music room a playgrounda garden a teachers’ office a classrooma library first floor a computer room an art room second floor

5 You can see many books. You can read books. You must be quiet there. What is it? a library

6 You can see many computers. You can use a computer. You can’t drink in this room. What is it? a computer room

7 You can see the blue sky. You can run and play games. You can play football and basketball. What is it? a playground

8 It’s a very big room. You can do sports and play games. You can play basketball. What is it? a gym

9 The teachers work and have a rest ( 休息 ) there. You can hand in your homework to that room. What is it? a teachers’ office

10 on the first floor (在一楼) The teachers’ office is __________________. Where is the teachers’ office? first floor

11 next to (与 … 相邻) The teachers’ office is ______ the classroom. Where is the teachers’ office?

12 The teachers’ office is ______ the computer room. under (在 … 下面) Where is the teachers’ office?

13 The computer room is ______ the teachers’ office. abov e (在 … 正上方) Where is the teachers’ office?

14 John. Do you have a washroom? Yes, we do. It’s on the first floor. It’s next to the canteen.

15 Where is the …? It’s on the first / second floor. It’s next to the … It’s above / under the … Learning Tips : 询问建筑物方位时,可以这样问: (表达所在楼层) (表达 “ 与 … 相邻 ” 位置关系) (表达 “ 楼层上下相对应房间 ” 位 置关系)

16 Where is the computer room? It’s next to the_________________. teachers’ office first floor second floor

17 Where is the gym? It’s under the___________. classro om first floor second floor

18 Where is the music room? It’s on the______________. It’s above the _____________. second floor art room first floor second floor

19 Do you have a canteen ? Yes, we do. It’s on the______________. It’s under the _____________________. first floor teachers’ office first floor second floor

20 Where is the …? It’s on the ____ floor . It’s next to the_________________. It’s above / under the _____________. first floor second floor

21 This is my school.

22 This is the garden.

23 This is the playground.

24 This is the gym.

25 Shhh… Be quiet in the library ! 在图书馆请保持安静 ! This is the library.

26 art room

27 This is our English teachers’ office.

28 What is your school like? Can you describe your school? …

29 Introduce your school 介绍你的学校 Welcome to my school. This is the_____. It’s _____. It’s on the ______ floor.That is the _____. It’s______. It’s on the_______ floor. It’s next to_____. And we have______... My school is clean and nice. I like my school very much!


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