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PIP Update June 17 th 2015. Agenda Summary Update – Current Activities – Updates (Alexander Valishev - Simplified Modeling of Space Charge Losses in Booster.

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Presentation on theme: "PIP Update June 17 th 2015. Agenda Summary Update – Current Activities – Updates (Alexander Valishev - Simplified Modeling of Space Charge Losses in Booster."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIP Update June 17 th 2015

2 Agenda Summary Update – Current Activities – Updates (Alexander Valishev - Simplified Modeling of Space Charge Losses in Booster at Injection) – Additional Meetings/Notes

3 Updates Linac – SBK: Work at CPI continues – – LN: Preparing for shutdown install. Questions about light quality. Questions on Interface between pirTel and opt. engine – Modulator: HRM ready for production, PLC code being tested, Testing new cells. – Utilities: completed – task closed Booster – Beam Studies: Cogging: Largely operational – BES sync on first pulse waiting on MI LL people for OK (running final test this week.) Booster optics software – Tried to do some early injection studies – ran for several hours and collected data – Talk today on optics corrections. Booster Longitudinal dampers – New card being tested – will try and test mode 2 as well as test fixes to some issues Booster BPMs – Working on firmware design…. – RF: Refurbished cavity work: A 17 refurb station installed today – this is the second attempt to have all refurbed cavities – Next cavity on mill: new ceramic window put on and welded….but it looks like it may have failed during brazing! » Vacuum leak developed and claim to have heard some popping noise during process 15 Hz cycling will begin after today. Plan is ramp up using TLG the Booster cycle rate. New Tuners – TD has repaired the two tuners that had an error in the ferrite placement and next tuner in pipeline – Vendor delivered first partial batch of ferrites – they all tested positively. Plan to have next set here end of month? – Pat/John preparing for delivery of next set of ferrites to TD. – Bias Supplies: Have three in process and one more reaming in gallery? Not sure if #7 was tested and shipped Anode Supplies: Making plans to testing and install. Planning on both to be installed – starting with East. Transformer: Will be installed when east anode goes in…recent meeting presented schedule by Ryan. Perpendicular cavity: Work on test cavity proceeding, refining simulations Stations 20, 21 & 22: starting to ramp up activity on 20 th upstairs – cabling and rack work will begin @ shutdown Rework of cavities 21 & 22: Room being cleared out to make space… New cavities: Dialogue with management still ongoing – working on design details – Shielding: TLMs testing completed – Official approval was received from DOE/Safety that TLMs can be used. – Absorber/Kicker: Completed for now – working on optimizing positions/reduction of losses Salah will hold meeting to discuss loss profile at 13:00 hours today (Huddle)

4 Recent PIP Budget/News FY15 Budget: Discussions of task updates/consolidation with Ann just about done! Update of RLS – Some Booster items remain – Mostly cavities related Meetings to discuss transition PIP to PIP-II continue….working towards completion/agreement spring DOE REVIEW of PIP Received final document – need to respond to some items Working on 70KW plan as requested by review committee Lab is going through budgets: PIP submitted PIP PMG – Aug Sergei PIP meeting Thursday Bob will try and set up PIP physics workshop

5 Upcoming Talks 15 Hz East/West gallery – John Laser Notcher (pre-install update) – Dave Salah Chaurize – Notch system operations Keith/Tony – TLM install and operations New Cavities(plans) Install of Cavity 21 and 22 (plans)

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