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Delaware Statewide GIS Conference The National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Homeland Security April 18, 2002 John Moeller Staff Director Federal Geographic.

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Presentation on theme: "Delaware Statewide GIS Conference The National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Homeland Security April 18, 2002 John Moeller Staff Director Federal Geographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delaware Statewide GIS Conference The National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Homeland Security April 18, 2002 John Moeller Staff Director Federal Geographic Data Committee

2 The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 17 Cabinet and Executive Level Agencies Chaired by DOI, Vice Chair - OMB Coordination of Geographic Data at Federal level Federal Leadership for NSDI Includes participation of many Stakeholders from State, Local and Tribal governments, private sector and academia FGDC Staff supports daily operations

3 FGDC Federal Agencies n USDA n Commerce n Defense n NIMA n USACE n Energy n HUD n Interior n Justice n State n Transportation n EPA n FEMA n Library of Congress n NARA n NASA n NSF n TVA n HHS

4 Spatial Data Is Critical to Business and Government nGovernment information is a valuable national resource - OMB A-130 nEstimated 80% of government data has spatial component nGeography serves as the common thread to address diverse issues nCan’t effectively do Homeland Security or E-Gov without geographic information

5 NSDI Vision Current and accurate geographic information is readily available locally, nationally, and internationally… An Infrastructure for improved public and private sector use of geospatial data for better decision making

6 The NSDI n OMB Circular A-16 and EO 12906 l Develop and implement spatial data resource for nation l Reduce duplication of effort l Promote effective management by all levels of government l Improve the acquisition, distribution and use of geographic information l Stakeholder collaboration - public private partnerships (State, local, tribal, Pvt, Academic) l Federal leadership provided by the FGDC

7 NSDI Components Framework Provides consistent base for spatial location Framework Data Themes Imagery Elevation Cadastral Transportation Governmental Units Geodetic Hydrography

8 NSDI Components Metadata Explanation or textual description of data resources

9 NSDI Components Clearinghouse (catalog) Provide access and catalogue ability

10 NSDI Components Standards Standards for data and technology interoperability

11 NSDI Components GEOdata Geographic data needed for community decision-making

12 NSDI Components Partnerships Relationships for collaboration, sharing and policy deliberations

13 NSDI Components Metadata GEOdata Clearinghouse (catalog) Framework Standards Partnerships

14 NSDI - How Is It Built ? By Implementing NSDI Policies, Practices and Standards in Programs and Geospatial Activities as part of an organization’s responsibilities –USGS National Map –US Census Tiger/MAF –FEMA Map Modernization –State and local Programs and Activities

15 Homeland Security

16 Key Homeland Security Data Factors The same general questions need to be answered for Homeland Security work whether the work is pre- or post- incident oriented: Who? When? Why? What? How?

17 The Principle is "Where"


19 GI is an Important Tool for All Homeland Security Requirements: Preparedness Emergency Planners and Responders must often depend on current, accurate geospatial information that is readily available is crucial to ensuring the readiness of teams to respond. Detection Geospatial information provides the spatial and temporal backdrop for real-time linking and analysis of information in space and time, that may lead to timely identification of likely modalities and targets. Prevention Geospatial information provides a means to detect and analyze patterns regarding threats and possible attacks. Coupled with information about borders, waters, and airspace this turn can lead to the disruption or prevention or interdiction of attacks.

20 GI is an Important Tool for All Homeland Security Requirements Protection Geospatial information is very important in the analysis of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities and in the use of decision support technologies such as visualization and simulation to anticipate and protect against cascading effects of an attack on one system as it relates to other interdependent systems. Response and Recovery Geospatial information is essential, for emergency response services of all kinds, as well as for carrying out long-term recovery operations. It is already used by many organizations for natural disaster response and recovery, including those with Federal Response Plan responsibilities. It has played a key role in the aftermath of 9/11.

21 Keys to Interoperable Data for Homeland Security Documentation / Metadata Access to Clearinghouse Standards for Geoprocessing & Presentation Technologies Framework Robust Spatial Data Infrastructure Consistent Funding Well defined roles for data development, maintenance, and delivery. Implementation of NSDI Policies, Practices and Standards!

22 FGDC Activities for Homeland Security Homeland Security Working Group FGDC/USGS/NIMA Memorandum of Understanding Geospatial Information One Stop

23 Geospatial One-Stop

24 E-Gov Initiatives Federal OMB TaskForce Purpose: Recommend “High Payoff” E-Gov Initiatives: –Interviews with many sectors –Basic research and analysis –Made recommendations to President’s Management Council (PMC) 24 Initiatives were selected Geospatial Information One Stop selected as one of the Government to Government Initiatives Lead was assigned to the Department of the Interior and FGDC –11 Federal Partner Agencies plus State, Local, and Tribal government –Other Sectors will be key players

25 Vision of Geospatial One-Stop To spatially enable the delivery of government services

26 Current Model Data Producer Data User Data User Data User Data User Data User NSDI Gateway Portal

27 Future Model Local Governments Federal Government State Governments Tribal Governments Civilian Sector DoD Commercial Sector Local Users DoD Users Tribal Users State Users National Policy Makers Commercial Users Civilian Users International Users Federal Users Geospatial One-Stop Portal Other standards- based portals

28 Project Goals  Provide fast, low cost, reliable access to Geospatial Data needed for government operations via a G2G web portal for geospatial information  Facilitate the effective alignment of roles, responsibilities and resources for G2G geospatial interactions needed for vertical missions such as Homeland Security  Obtain multi- sector input for geographic information standards to create consistency needed for interoperability and to stimulate market development of tools

29 One Stop Modules Focus of Geo One Stop is to accelerate development and implementation of NSDI technology, policies and standards that support “one-stop” access  Develop consensus standards for core data requirements  Framework data standards and models  Document current Framework holding in Clearinghouse  Document planned Framework data collection in Clearinghouse  Develop interoperable Web services  Design and implement a comprehensive government to government web portal for geospatial information

30 Geospatial One Stop What are the Outcomes ?   All levels of government have better, faster, less expensive access to reliable data to expedite citizen service  Improved ability to leverage and align resources for data acquisition partnerships and reuse of accessible geospatial data  All E-Gov Initiatives are spatially enabled through data and functional capability from Geospatial One-Stop  Homeland Security and Government Mission needs are supported with geospatial information

31 How To Help in Geospatial One Stop  Provide input and representation of all levels of government and sectors in Geospatial One Stop:  Technical and program topics  Standards requirements and models  Candidates for Standards Development Process  Review and Input on Drafts  Implementation of Standards when they are endorsed  Participation in Portal Requirements and Design  Document Framework Theme data holdings and Plans  Simplify and unify programs and initiatives to accomplish multiple objectives through I-Team and other collaborative efforts

32 Wrap up and Conclusions

33 GeoSpatial One Stop Portal Metadata - Clearinghouse - Data Standards Framework Partnerships and Collaboration Other A-16 Themes & all Geodata APPLICATIONS and USES Homeland Security E-Gov Business Needs of Agencies & Organizations Technology Interoperability Specifications Data from all sources, programs, procedures and technologies FEDERAL NGO, Academia NATIONAL SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE Enabling Geographic Information for the Nation Enabling Geographic Information for the Nation STATE, LOCAL TRIBAL Private

34 How Do Organizations Implement NSDI Technical: – Document data using FGDC/NSDI Metadata Standard – Publish metadata (and data) in the NSDI Clearinghouse – Promote interoperable specifications and interfaces – Promote data integration – Implement and Adhere to NSDI standards for all data collection and acquisition

35 How Do Organizations Implement NSDI Institutional: – Search Clearinghouse before collecting data – Budget and leverage agency resources – Ensure data is readily shared with users – Coordinate and build partnerships through I-Teams, etc. – Protect privacy and confidentiality – Minimize duplication and use spatial data to enhance business and decision processes ( E-gov ) – Promote integration of activities to serve multiple objectives – Be a part of the solution Delaware is a leader

36 To find out more.… - Federal Geographic Data Committee 590 National Center, Reston, Virginia 20192 703-648-5514 703-648-5755 (f)

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