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SECTION 5.1: Euler Circuit Problems

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Presentation on theme: "SECTION 5.1: Euler Circuit Problems"— Presentation transcript:

1 SECTION 5.1: Euler Circuit Problems

2 What is a routing problem?
Routing problems deal with finding ways to deliver goods and/or services to many different destinations. Does a possible route exist or which one of the possible routes is the most efficient? Examples of routing problems: delivering mail, walking through a neighborhood…

3 The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg: A prize is offered to the first person who can find a way to walk across each one of the seven bridges of Konigsberg without re-crossing any and return to the original starting point. bridge


5 A graph is a picture consisting of vertices (dots) and edges (lines)
A graph is a picture consisting of vertices (dots) and edges (lines). The edges do not have to be straight lines but they have to connect two vertices. Example: or

6 A loop is an edge connecting a vertex back with itself.
This is a loop named BB No loop

7 An isolated vertex is the vertex that is not connected to any other vertex.
Vertex F is an isolated vertex

8 Multiple edges have two vertices for which there exists more than one edge connecting them.
These are multiple edges CD or DC

9 Disconnected graph: a graph made up of connected pieces Example:
Components - pieces of disconnected graphs which are themselves connected G

10 List vertex set and edge set
Vertex set V = Edge set E =

11 Example Consider the graph with V={A, B, C, D, E}
and E={AC, AE, BD, BE, CA, CD, CE, DE} Draw several different pictures of the graph.

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