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POSTMODERNISM. Post+ modernisem: After modernism Dissatisfaction Modern architecture Different from Postmodern Postmodernism Compact Oxford English Dictionary:

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2 Post+ modernisem: After modernism Dissatisfaction Modern architecture Different from Postmodern Postmodernism Compact Oxford English Dictionary: "a style and concept in the arts characterized by distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions." Merriam-Webster: Either "of, relating to, or being an era after a modern one", or "of, relating to, or being any of various movements in reaction to modernism that are typically characterized by a return to traditional materials and forms (as in architecture) or by ironic self-reference and absurdity (as in literature)", or finally "of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language". American Heritage Dictionary: "Of or relating to art, architecture, or literature that reacts against earlier modernist principles, as by reintroducing traditional or classical elements of style or by carrying modernist styles or practices to extremes: 'It [a roadhouse] is so architecturally interesting... with its postmodern wooden booths and sculptural clock.

3 Historical context Post secon war 1950 economic boom in Unite state Neocolonialis m 1960 Change of international order Computariseti on Green revolution Eletronic information Social Revolution of 1968 Consumer society Society of media Multinational capitalism Modernisation 1989 fall of berlin wall

4 Cultural background Deconstruction Structuralism Jacques Derrida post-structuralism Jean-François Lyotard Exicstnsialism neoralism Claude Lévi-Strauss Ferdinand de Saussure Jap paul sartre Heidegger

5 Main characteristics Rejection of objective truth Global cultural narrative or meta-narrative Emphasizes the role of language Power relations Attacks sharp classifications

6 Literature Irony, playfulness, black humor Intertextuality Pastiche Metafiction Magic Realism

7 Music Modernism Continuation and extension Irony Miscellane 'high' and 'low' styles Disdain structural unity Mixture of past and present sonorites Locates meaning in listeners Elitist and populist values Music is relevan In all culture aspect multiple meanings and multiple temporalities Pluralism and eclecticism Fragmentatio ns and discontinuities Avoids totalizing forms Technology influence over musical product quotations of to music of many traditions and cultures Embraces contradictions Distrusts binary oppositions

8 Art New classicism Conceptual art Installation art Performance art Neo- expressionism and painting

9 Cinema Intertextuality Self-referentiality Parody Pastich Recourse to various past forms, genres, and styles

10 Reacting to postmodernism Dogme 95 Integral Movement New Sincerity Radical Orthodoxy Structuralism New Urbanism Stuckism Altermodern Remodernism Neo-minimalism New Puritans Post-postmodernism

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