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Christian Reconstructionism… Michael S. Davis English 104 Summer 2003 …And its Social Implication.

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1 Christian Reconstructionism… Michael S. Davis English 104 Summer 2003 …And its Social Implication

2 Thesis: Although the Christian Reconstructionist movement is severely opposed by some and misunderstood by many, Christian Reconstructionism is achieving greater influence in the American culture and society (especially through the home schooling movement).

3 Intellectual Origins Jewish Religion (B.C.) Jesus’ Teachings Apostolic Teachings Early Church Fathers Reformers Puritans

4 Source Documents Old Testament New Testament

5 Authoritative Literature Creeds and Councils Writings of Early Church Fathers “Institutes of the Christian Religion,” John Calvin “Westminster Confession of Faith” “Puritan” Theology Cornelius Van Til’s Presuppositional Apologetics

6 More Literature “Institutes of Biblical Law,” Rousas John Rushdoony “Theonomy in Christian Ethics,” Greg Bahnsen “Days of Vengeance,” David Chilton

7 History 1965 RJ Rushdoony established the Chalcedon Foundation 1973 RJ Rushdoony published “Institutes of Biblical Law Hundreds of books, newsletters, articles, treatises, symposiums, debates

8 Early Founders Cornelius Van Til Rousas John Rushdoony Greg Bahnsen Gary North Gary Demar David Chilton James Jordan

9 Cornelius Van Til 1895-1987 Professor of Apologetics Westminster Theological Seminary

10 Rousas John Rushdoony 1916-2001 Minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Missionary to Chinese in San Francisco and to Western Shoshone Tribe in Idaho

11 Current Status Leaders Gary North Gary Demar James Jordan Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Roger Schultz Ray Sutton Andrew Sandlin Activism Rutherford Institute National Taxpayers Party (Now Constitution Party) National Reform Association Institute For Christian Economics Chalcedon Foundation

12 Christian Reconstructionism and its Social Implication

13 Isaiah 2:4,11:19 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

14 In the Kingdom of God… There will be worldwide peace and a life changing love for God… ~Effected by the Word of God ~

15 Theory Everyone has a philosophy Everyone lives according to their philosophy What you believe philosophically, affects the way you live

16 Research Culmination of two years of research beginning with my conversion Read a few books Used the internet to find information Interviewed a friend

17 Strategy Study to know the truth Study the movement’s beliefs as a follower Study to impact the beliefs of those around me Discuss and debate with others

18 Local Interview Interviewed a Christian Home school “Mom” Former “Femi-nazi” Already friends with the family Spent an hour and a half in discussion and interview

19 What I learned… A “Transformational,” Christian World and Life View Presuppositional Apologetics

20 You should know… Faith is not a “Sunday” thing-it applies to all of life and culture There is no “neutrality” when it comes to Faith…you are either for or against.

21 My Connection… I am a “Five-Point” Christian Reconstructionist

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