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MARTIN STUTE, JACKIE KLOPP, Senior Thesis & Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "MARTIN STUTE, JACKIE KLOPP, Senior Thesis & Seminar."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING GOALS, SENIOR THESIS assemble a logical chain of reasoning ranging from observation to inference and action, not only to identify and characterize a problem, but also to find solutions apply appropriate analytical and quantitative approaches handle uncertain, complex, real-world problems in the lab, field, community clearly communicate complex analyses, interpretations and significance through variable media collaborate in teams, with peers and mentors, and work with others in diverse group settings, developing flexibility and leadership skills Life is………

3 A GOOD THESIS PROJECT……. is cutting edge, pushes the envelope has to have a quantitative/analysis component can be completed in the time frame is interesting to you and others and makes a ‘good story’

4 HOW TO FIND A RESEARCH MENTOR? Figure out what gets you excited Contact people who work in your area of interest at Columbia, NY area, or beyond (PhD required) Apply to a formal summer internship opportunity (but make sure your mentor will also work with you during the semester) Research mentor:Seminar advisor: State-of-the-art of the fieldDeadlines Methods/approach/analysisWriting/presentations Interpretation and conclusionsBig picture content ResourcesEvaluations/grading


6 Bibliographies IRB, ethics in science Concept maps Data analysis Peer review Oral presentations Posters Scientific writing (5 drafts!) Senior Seminar can be taken in any sequence

7 POSTER SESSION (END OF APRIL) Up to 60 posters, 200 people

8 SENIOR SEMINAR STATISTICS 4 departments/programs: BC EnvSci, DEES, E3B, SusDev 8 faculty senior seminar advisors: BC (3, lead), DEES (2), E3B (2), SusDev (1) SusDev: Satyajit Bose, Jeffrey Shaman, Jackie Klopp 50-60 students 40-50 research mentors Faculty advisors help students find research mentors


10 RESEARCH PROJECTS Senior theses often get published

11 2015 Senior Thesis Poster Session Thursday, April 23 4:30-5:00 pm Mini Presentations 5:00-6:30 pm Posters and Reception Event Oval, LL100, Diana Center, Barnard College The Earth Institute Environmental Science, BC Earth & Environmental Science, CU Sustainable Development, CU Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology, CU Environmental Biology, CU Bárðarbunga Volcano, Iceland, 9/4/2014 Photo: Peter Hartree

12 Biodiversity, Sustainable Diets, and the Growth of the Palm Oil Industry in Myanmar Khristopher Nicholas, Sustainable Development, Columbia University Thesis Mentors: Dr. Jessica Fanzo, Institute of Human Nutrition, CGSD, SDSN Kytt MacManus, CIESIN, Earth Institute


14 Validation and Establishment of Correlations Between Minute Ventilation Measurements and Cardiovascular Health Indicators in NYC Bicyclists

15 Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Swaziland by Integrating HIV Treatment into Maternal and Child Health Services Noeleen Advani, Columbia University’15, Sustainable Development & Economics Research Mentor: Averie Baird Gachuhi, ICAP at Columbia, MSPH Select Clinics and Hospitals Were Analyzed for Variation in Model of Integrated Care for HIV+ Pregnant Women Maternal and Child Healthcare Unit at Lamvelase Clinic


17 The Effect of Food Policy Initiatives on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption for Harlem Residents Ladan Liban, Environmental Policy, Barnard College Dr. Kathryn Neckerman, CUSSW/CPRC, Columbia University Source:

18 NYC CANNERS: An Analysis of the Informal Waste Sector and Bottle Bill Policy Larissa McDonogh-Wong Environmental Policy, Barnard College Steve Cohen The Earth Institute, Columbia University New York Times

19 The extent to which grassroots environmental groups use a leftist radical discourse Myriam Amri, Sustainable Development, School of General Studies, CU Thesis Mentor: Jeff Goodwin,Dept of Sociology, NYU

20 Learner Theme MapTrainer Theme Map The Role of Training Programs in the Sustainability of Potable Water Projects Presented by Monica Carty Mentors: Sabrina Aggarwal and Jeff Walters How do trainers’ and learners’ perspectives compare on trainings, and it’s relationship to sustainability? Senegal Themes and Comparisons

21 Antarctic peace threatened by increasingly available resources Mariah Chen, Environmental Policy, Barnard College Research Mentor: Adela Gondek, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University ?

22 Analysis of Historical and Future Appliance Standard Setting: Comparison of the United States, California, the European Union, and Japan’s Appliance Standards and Best Practices Reeva Dua, Department of Environmental Policy, Barnard College Michael Gerrard, Director of Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School

23 Ximena Fonseca-Morales 1 Sabine M. Marx 2, Raymond D. Crookes 2 1 Environmental Science Department of Barnard College, 2 Center for Research on Environmental Decisions The Effects of Promoting Electricity Conservation on Energy Consumption in University Housing Photo Sources:

24 Analyzing the Correlation between Student Engagement with Sustainable Development and National Environmental Behavior Research Mentors: Radhika Iyengar, Earth Institute; Oren Pizmony-Levy, Teachers College Samantha Schipani, Department of Sustainable Development, Columbia College Map of PISA Countries and Economies. (Source: Programmae for International Student Assessment, 2006)

25 Long-term Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Orleans Parish Residents Leila Wisdom, Department of Environmental Sciences, Barnard College, Columbia University Mentor: Professor John C. Mutter, SIPA, LDEO, Columbia University

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