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Design Course Changes 2015/2016. General and ATAR Year 11 Unit 1 and 2 Year 12 Unit 3 and 4 Must teach the correct units to the student in the year they.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Course Changes 2015/2016. General and ATAR Year 11 Unit 1 and 2 Year 12 Unit 3 and 4 Must teach the correct units to the student in the year they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Course Changes 2015/2016

2 General and ATAR Year 11 Unit 1 and 2 Year 12 Unit 3 and 4 Must teach the correct units to the student in the year they are in. Implications – student who comes into a new subject in Year 12 must do Units 3 and 4.

3 General – overall Can study more than one context in the Design course – Graphics Photography Dimensional Technical Graphics The content organisers have been reworded and include Design, Communication and Production Rationale, Course Outcomes have not changed

4 General – Year 11 Unit 1 and 2 Unit 1 has been named Design fundamentals Unit 2 has been named Personal design Assessment weightings are now fixed Investigation type assessment has been removed Two types - Production 70% and Response 30% Assessment outline for the course must include: A set of assessment tasks A general description of each task Unit content to be assessed Weighting for each task and each assessment type Approximate timing of each task Each assessment type must be included at least twice for a pair of units.

5 General – Year 12 Unit 3 and 4 Unit 3 has been named Product Design Unit 4 has been named Cultural design Three types - Production 65%, Response 20% and the Externally set task 15% Externally set task will need to be administered in Term 2 at a time stated by the Authority (No further information known at this stage) A few changes between the two units in the content but very minor

6 Content – plus and minus Clearer statement on what the design process involves Research, investigation, ideation, development, refinement, production and reflection

7 ATAR – overall The four identified contexts remain however students can only study one ATAR Design course The content organisers Design, Communication and Production Rationale, Course Outcomes have not changed A number of dot points have been modified or relocated

8 ATAR– Year 11 Unit 1 and 2 Unit 1 has been named Product Design Unit 2 has been named Cultural design Removal of the Investigation type assessment has been removed and the addition of Examination. Production 50% and Response 30% and Examination 20%

9 ATAR– Year 12 Unit 3 and 4 Unit 3 has been named Commercial Design Unit 4 has been named Influential Design Two parts – Practical and Written Practical – 100% weighting Written – 100% weighting Written – Response 40% Written - Examination 60%

10 ATAR– Year 12 WACE examination Practical Now states submission should demonstrate a comprehensive design process. It states what can be included in the portfolio Written No portfolio in the examination Section One and Two same as current WACE There is still a choice of one context specific question

11 Content – plus and minus The design process is not as prescribed as in the General course The course is still open to interpretation Some of the wording is still complex and difficult to understand and use. ie: Synetics Can be quite complex to understand and how much needs to be covered? – there are 23 synectic trigger mechanisms The depth of instruction is still not highlighted The course does allows for flexibility There needs to be more support for teachers regarding portfolio creation and syllabus interpretation

12 Any Questions.

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