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Published byQuentin Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
WELCOME Fall 2011- Winter 2012 RESA Meeting SCIENCE Essential Standards Implementation Facilitator: Jami Inman NCDPI Science Consultant
Expected Outcomes By the end of this session participants will… Identify resources and supports for implementation of Science Essential Standards. Increase understanding of K-12 vertical strands. Use Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) to connect standards and research on learning to classroom practice.
Today’s Agenda DPI Updates SCOS and Essential Standards ACRE, Race to the Top, and Next Generation Accountability BREAK Themes, Strands, and Organization of Standards LUNCH Curriculum Topic Study Implementation Strategies
The Science Section Curriculum and Instruction, DPI Beverly Vance, Science Section Chief Debra Hall, K-5 consultant Donna Kenestrick, K-5 consultant Benita Tipton, 6-8 consultant Jami Inman, 9-12 consultant Ragan Spain, 9-12 consultant Victoria Ewing, program assistant
Lincoln Durham Alamance Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir McDowell Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pender Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly StokesSurry Swain Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey Perquima ns Chowan Pasquotank Camden Currituck Alexander Region 1 Ragan Spain – Region 2 Benita Tipton – Region 3 Debra H/Donna K Region 4 Jami Inman – Region 5 Donna Kenestrick – 3863 Region 6 Debra Hall – Region 7 Jami Inman Region 8 Ragan S/ Benita T Science Service Delivery Assignments Beverly G. Vance, Science Section Chief 919-807-3936 Victoria Ewing Program Assistant/Science 919-807-3929
…saying Goodbye to the current SCOS…
Remember! Even though we are preparing for the new Essential Standards, the SCOS will be taught and tested during the 2011-2012 school year.
Instructional Resources for SCOS 2004 SCOS Middle Grades Resources High School Resources
Instructional Resources for SCOS K-12 2004 Units, Differentiation Strategies and 5E EOGs grade 5 & 8 EOCs
SCIENCE Essential Standards Approved since February 2010 Can be accessed at Click on support tools in the left menu to access –Crosswalks –Content Descriptions
Supports for Implementation
DPI Modules On the DPI ACRE web site, find the PD menu on the left side of the page: Includes online, onsite, real-time and asynchronous offerings
NC’s lens for classifying standards: RBT
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Why was the original taxonomy revised? Cognitive research revealed that learning was not linear (e.g., analysis may have to precede understanding....) Over the years, too many verbs were used (and misused) to describe the levels. Type of knowledge makes a difference.
1. Remem- ber 2. Under- stand 3. Apply 4. Analyze 5. Evaluate 6. Create A. Factual Knowledge B. Conceptual Knowledge C. Procedural Knowledge D. Meta- Cognitive Knowledge
Four Types of Knowledge A.Factual knowledge- terms, details, symbols, informational sources (vocabulary) B.Conceptual knowledge- classification, generalizations, theories, models (Taxonomy of a bug/tree) C.Procedural knowledge- employing a method or technique, using skills, procedures to solve a problem (Scientific processes) D.Metacognitive knowledge- strategic, self- knowledge, critiquing, cognitive demands of specific tasks, (experimentation)
Understand Defined as… “To construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication” Verbs alternative names Interpreting clarifying, paraphrasing, representing, translating Exemplifying illustrating, instantiating Classifying categorizing, subsuming Summarizing abstracting, generalizing Inferring concluding, extrapolating, interpolating, predicting Comparing contrasting, mapping, matching Explaining constructing models
LIVE Training Sessions Summer Institutes for LEAs, IHE Institutes RESA presentations in all regions during November, January and February Informal Educator Institutes in December Live Webinars throughout the 2011-2012 school year
January 26, 2012 Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC Region 5 January 24, 2012 Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agriculture Ctr, Williamston, NC Region 1 February 16, 2012 A-B Tech Candler, NC Region 8 January 31, 2012 Mid Pines Inn 1010 Midland Road Southern Pines, NC Region 4 January 12, 2012 River Landing Clubhouse 116 Paddle Wheel Dr. Wallace, NC Region 2 January 19, 2012 Holiday Inn Express N. Wilkesboro Region 7 November 2, 2011 NCSBA Building Raleigh, NC Region 3 January 9, 2012 UNC Charlotte Charlotte Region 6
Science Webinars September 22, 2011 Webinar I November 29, 2011 Webinar II February 28, 2012 Webinar III April 25, 2012 Webinar IV *all webinars will be archived and posted to our Science WIKI
Science Web Pages Science WIKI Science Sharp School site ACRE Science SCOS
Science WIKI You can enter as a guest OR create a wiki account and send a request to join us
Race to the Top Career and College Ready, Set, Go! NC is one of 12 states awarded Nearly $400 million over the grant period Designed to spur public school innovation North Carolina’s Four Pillars: Great Teachers and Principals Quality Standards and Assessments Turn around the lowest achieving schools Data System to improve instruction *Special Section devoted to STEM education
Literacy in Science Common Core Literacy Standards in Science and Technical Subjects The standards begin at grade 6. (Note: Standards for K–5 reading in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K–5 Reading standards.) For more information: http://www.corestandards.org
Writing in Science Online Writing Instruction (OWI) designed to provide students with opportunities to have a variety of experiences throughout the school year not an assessment, but a formative tool to monitor the progress of students in writing and adjust instruction replaces the previous Writing Instruction System
Assessment Updates Test Development ACT framework ABCs
A Word about Assessment… Online Assessment Website - Please contact the following NC DPI staff for more information: Kayla Siler Jim Kroening Tracey Greggs
…Assessment continued… Best Practices Guide Roadmap NC Education Includes tutorials and other informative links – to access NC FALCON, Online Writing Instruction, Primary Artifact Questions (PAQs), NC Test, etc. Large-scale managed Moodle system with specialized additions to support professional development, student learning, accountability processes, and information delivery.
ABCs Reports
The Conceptual Framework & Next Generation Science Standards
NEW National Standards in Science Conceptual framework was released during the past summer ACHIEVE is in the process of developing draft versions of the next generation of standards North Carolina is one of the lead states
Themes, Strands and Organizational Structure
Constructing a map… Themes, Strands and Organizational Structure
Building A Map Remove the contents of the envelope and place on the table so the group can easily read the statements related to force and motion. Discuss which statements could be understood (learned) at K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Building A Map Have one person keep notes of the conversation and questions that arise. Once consensus on the grade range placements have been reached, try to arrange them on the template provided showing how one statement contributes to the understanding of another. Tape the statements to the template.
Building A Map Use a vis-à-vis marker to draw arrows to show the connections. Prepare to give feedback to large group on the process and the discussion within your group.
Building A Map Compare your map to the NC Science Essential Standards map for Relative Motion.
Referencing an Atlas Map… Motion: Laws of Motion Map
Quick Write: Make a quick list of 3 ideas shared today and share how each will impact your practice. List 1 idea that “Squares” with your thoughts: List 1 idea that’s still rolling “Around”: “I’m just not sure about that!” List 1 idea you would like to “Change”:
Lunch Break
Curriculum Topic Study A look at the powerful process of curriculum Topic Study….. DPI Science Consultants
Bookmark our WIKI ! Open your browser. Go to this site
State and National Standards Are Not Enough… “What has been missing is a systematic, scholarly, deliberate process to help educators intellectually engage with standards and research on student learning so they can make effective use of them.” Keeley, 2005 CTS provides that “missing link”.
What is CTS? A process that incorporates a systematic study of standards and research A set of tools and resources for improving curriculum, instruction, and assessment An intellectually rigorous and engaging professional development experience to improve teacher content and pedagogical knowledge
WHY is Curriculum Topic Study IMPORTANT to UNPACKING North Carolina’s Science Essential Standards?
Bridging the Gap National Standards Research on Learning Classroom Practice State Standards
Resources for CTS… Experts at Your Fingertips 24/7 Indicates the resource or parts of it are online
Additional Resources… The National Research Council’s (NRC) A Framework for K-12 Science Education was released in July 2011 and will serve as the basis for the Next Generation Science Standards managed by Achieve, Inc. Science College Board Standards for College Success defines the knowledge and skills students in grades 6-12 need to be college and career ready.
Components of a Curriculum Topic Study CTS Sections and Outcomes Selected Readings from CTS Resources Web Site- Supplementary Material
The CTS Guide 6 sections –Purposes of the sections I : Identify Adult Content Knowledge II : Consider Instructional Implications III : Identify Concepts and Specific Ideas IV : Examine Research on Student Learning V : Examine Coherency and Articulation VI : Clarify State Standards and District Curriculum Each section links to CTS collective resources
Types of CTS Guides Published Guides Customized Guides
Published Guides Produced by Page Keeley 147 CTS Topic Study Guides Organized in 11 Categories Closely aligned to national documents
Published Guides Diversity of Life (7 topics) Ecology (11 topics) Biological Structure and Function (11 topics) Life’s Continuity and Change (10 topics) Matter (16 topics) Earth (18 topics) Astronomy (10 topics) Energy, Force, and Motion (23 topics) Inquiry and the Nature of Science and Technology (26 topics) Implications of Science and Technology (11 topics) Unifying Themes (4 topics)
Looking at a Customized Guide
Customized NC Guide FORCE & MOTION Standards- and Research-Based Study of a Curricular Topic Section and Outcome Selected Sources and Readings for Study and Reflection Read and examine related parts of I. Identify Adult Content Knowledge IA. Science for All AmericansScience for All Americans Chapter 4, Motion, pages 52-55; Forces of Nature, pages 55-57 Chapter 10, Uniting the Heavens and Earth, pages 149-150 *Optional Resource: IB. Science Matters Chapter 1, The Clockwork Universe, pages 7-18 Chapter 3, Electricity and Magnetism, pages 44-49 Chapter 9, The Four Forces, pages 157-163
Customized NC Guide Force & Motion (continued) II. Consider Instructional Implications IIA: Benchmarks for Science LiteracyBenchmarks for Science Literacy 4F, Motion general essay, pages 87-88; grade span essays, pages 89-91 4G, Forces of Nature general essay, page 93; grade span essays, pages 94-96 10B, Uniting the Heavens and Earth essay, page 242 IIB: National Science Education Standards Download free pdf version for easier navigationNational Science Education Standards Grades K-4, Standard B essay, pages 123, 126; Vignette Science Olympiad, pages 39-40 Grades 5-8, Standard B essay, pages 149, 154; Vignette The Insect and the Spider, pages 80-81 Grades 9-12, Standard B essay, pages 177-178 *Optional Resource: IIC: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas Download free pdf versionA Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas Core Idea PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interaction, pages 5-7 – 5-11
Customized NC Guide Force & Motion (continued) III. Identify Concepts and Specific Ideas IIIA: Benchmarks for Science LiteracyBenchmarks for Science Literacy 4F, Motion, pages 89-92, bulleted list of statements for each grade span 10B, Uniting the Heavens and Earth, page 243, bulleted list for 9-12 4G, Forces of Nature, pages 94-97, bulleted list of statements for each grade span IIIB: National Science Education Standards Download free pdf version for easier navigationNational Science Education Standards Grades K-4, Standard B, Position and Motion of Objects, page 127 Grades 5-8, Standard B, Motion and Forces, page 154 Grades 9-12, Standard B, Motion and Forces, pages 179-180
Customized NC Guide Force & Motion (continued) IV. Examine Research on Student Learning IVA: Benchmarks for Science Literacy Click onto section; then click “View Research” box beside section heading or go to Chapter 15 from the Table of ContentsBenchmarks for Science Literacy 4F, Motion - The Concept of Force, page 339; Newton’s Laws of Motion, page 339-340 4G, Forces of Nature, page 340 *Optional Resource: IVB: Making Sense of Secondary Science: Research into Children’s Ideas Chapter 21, Forces, pages 148-153 Chapter 22, Horizontal Motion, pages 154-162 Chapter 23, Gravity, pages 163-167
Customized NC Guide Force & Motion (continued) V. Examine Coherency and Articulation VA: Atlas of Science Literacy link to Science Literacy Maps on the National Science Digital Library(NSDL)websiteAtlas of Science Literacy Volume 1, Laws of Motion, pages 62-63; Gravity, pages 42-43 Volume 2, Classical Mechanics, pages 74-75 On-line, The Physical Setting maps Gravity, Laws of Motion and Waves; Historical Perspectives map Classical Mechanics VB: Science College Board Standards for College Success TM Download free pdf versionScience College Board Standards for College Success TM Foundational Knowledge upon entering sixth grade, page 88; Physical Science (6-8): Standard PS.1: Interactions, Forces and Motion, pages 89-95 Physics (9-12): Standard P.1: Interactions, Motion and Forces, pages 142-150; Objective P.2.2 Conservation of Linear Momentum, pages 152-154
Customized NC Guide Force & Motion (continued) VI. Clarify State Standards and District Curriculum VIA: State Standards: Link Sections II-IV to learning goals and information from your state standards or frameworks that are informed by the results of the topic study.State Standards See NC 2009 Science Essential Standards, Crosswalk and Unpacked Content documents. VIB: District Curriculum Guide or Instructional Materials: Link Sections II-IV to learning goals and information from your district curriculum guide or instructional materials that are informed by the results of the topic study.
Exploring the Guide NC Customized CTS Guide for K-12 Force & Motion Strand
Curriculum Topic Study Whirl-Away Activity Instructions Follow the CTS section study directions for your assigned section. You have 45-minutes to read the resource(s), discuss, identify important information and create a poster. Designate a group reporter to share out to the whole group.
CTS Share Out
Curriculum Topic Study Take-Away Reflection Activity Think-Pair-Share How will you use CTS in preparing for implementation of the Science Essential Standards?
Information, Technology & Science
5 W’s of the Information and Technology Essential Standards Who – Classroom teachers Where – In the classroom When – K-12 beginning 2011-2012 Why – 21 st Century Skills What – NC Information and Technology Standards
Strands of the Information and Technology Essential Standards Sources of Information Informational Text (K-5) Research Process Technology as a Tool Safety and Ethics
Evaluations Thank you for your participation! -Jami Inman, NCDPI
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