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Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS) Catalina Martínez-Mediano and Nuria Rioperez

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Presentation on theme: "Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS) Catalina Martínez-Mediano and Nuria Rioperez"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS) Catalina Martínez-Mediano and Nuria Rioperez MIDE I - Faculty of Education - UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) And M. Castro, N. Mileva, S. Stoyanov, W. Kicken, S. Tzanova

2 CONTENTS 1.IPLECS 2.IPLECS Objectives 3.The project approach: PSS 4.Application of Performance-centered Approach in m- Learning (mPSS) 5.The evaluation projects strategies 6.The evaluation projects results 7.Conclusions

3 1. IPLECS Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS) is a virtual campus platform for performance- centered reusable learning materials to apply in performance-centered settings to support university curriculum in physic-engineering education.

4 1. Previous works IPSS_EE (Internet-based Performance Support System with Educational Elements) provide online access to the full range of information and guidance. Performance-centred learning Self-directed learning Based on tasks DIPSEIL is a project, that add to IPSS_EE, a distributed system for individualized learning

5 2. IPLECS Objectives Design a Master Degree, within the EHEA on Information and Communication System (ICS), Apply the ICS master, by means of the DIPSEIL- IPLECS platform, in Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, Evaluate the ‘ICS master’ in its design, during their application and in their results. with the collaboration of 6 European universities (Plovdiv U, TUS Sofia, CIME-INP Grenoble, DEIS, Cork, OTC-OU Netherland, DIEEC-EDU-UNED, Madrid,

6 3. The project approach: PSS Based in the ‘Principles of Electronic Performance Support System’ (EPSS), but evolved to the Higher Education System. The EPSS concept includes the idea to provide information and help to the learner just-in-time, just-enough, and just-at-the-point-of needed And needs computer support for an effective and efficient job performance.

7 3.1. The PSS concept in IPLECS The concept of performance support system (PSS) in education, should consider the specific goals of higher education: Students should be supported to perform the task, but also to understand the underlying processes and concepts.

8 3.2. The performance learning center concept Imply: Definition of a set of authentic problems and tasks related to a specific working environment Shift the focus from the lower levels of learning taxonomy (knowledge, understanding) towards higher levels (solving real-world problems) Apply adequate performance-oriented assessment methods

9 4. Application of Performance-centered Approach in m-Learning (mPSS) The main reason for the application of Performance-centered approach in m-Learning for educational and training purposes is: Contribute to the development of mobile learning, Use the same instructional criteria than in IPLECS, in the context of mobile learning: Performance-centred Self-directed Based in tasks The four possible mobile performance support scenarios: mobile performance support courseware; industry-based mobile performance support systems; mobile social support system; context-based performance support.

10 4. PSS Workflow Model to guide the curriculum design The PSS Workflow Model is based in: State a reference situation in which the students will use what they are going to learn Formulate a few learning goals and clear and specific objectives oriented to competences Create learning tasks, providing to the students: Background information, Examples, Procedures and Feedback, Summative evaluation.

11 4.1. The Learning support strategies Designing a sequence of easy-to-complex tasks; Creating opportunities for deliberate practicing these tasks, giving formative feedback; Adapting instructions to students’ knowledge level and learning style; Providing a variety of instructional stimuli (resources) Allowing constant access to learning resources.

12 4.2. The ICS Master Degree Courses The ICS Master Program is integrated 6 mandatory courses and 4 electives courses, to choose 2. Semester 1 Introduction to Information and Telecommunication systems (PU) Realtime and Industrial Communications (UNED-DIEEC) Internet Technology (DEIS) Advanced electronics for information and communication technologies (TUS) Semester 2 Satellite and Mobile Communications (PU) Optical Fiber Communication Systems (CIME) Electives courses: Power Supply for TICs Equipment (UNED-DIEEC) Multi Media (DEIS) Digital Functions Design (CIME) Microelectronics and Nanolectronics (TUS)

13 Course structure Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 6 Task 7 Task 5 Task 4 Mod 1 Mod 2 Course 1 Mod 3

14 5. The evaluation projects strategies The evaluation strategy of the IPLECS and mPSS projects aims to study the total purposes, specially: 1.The coherence between every course in the ICS curriculum with the PSS Workflow Model (adequacy indicators), by means of the ‘PSS Validity Scale’ 2.The Students ’ attitude to learn by computer, by one specific Questionnaire. 3.The usability and functionality of the platform (efficiency indicators), by means of the‘Computer System Usability Questionnaire’ 4.The ‘ Effect of PSS curriculum on students ’ learning achievement in competencies ’ (efficacy indicators), by means of tests 5.The ‘ Satisfaction with the curriculum and the IPLECS platform (when the course has finished) by means of Questionnaires, focus groups, interviews).

15 5. The evaluation projects strategies To summarize: Planned, enacted, experienced curriculum Teachers ’ and students ’ experiences By means of Quantitative and qualitative instruments and data analysis

16 6.The evaluation projects results 6.1. The PSS Validity Scale (adequacy) PSS Validity Scale: CriteriaResults: 1. State a reference situation in which the students will use what they are going to learn This element didn’t appear in all the courses 2. Formulate a few learning goals and clear and specific objectives oriented to competences This element always appears in the courses 3. Create learning tasks, providing to the students: - Background information, - Examples, - Procedures and - Feedback This element always appears in the courses, developed according to the advices given in it. 4. Support provided to the students in order to help them perform the task more easily and facilitate learning This element didn’t always appears in the courses. 5. Summative evaluationThis element always appears in the courses, but in some case the evaluation criteria are not included.

17 6. The evaluation projects results 6.2. The attitude to learn by computer Attitude is considered one variable that should be controlled, because one positive attitude or a negative one affects to our research purpose. The questionnaire, of 20 items, Likert scale (1-5 less to maximal agree), was answered by 10 students. The items with higher punctuation (4.5): I enjoy working in internet environment; I find very positive the idea of using computers and Internet by study different subject matters. The items mean: 4.26 showing a positive attitude.

18 6. The evaluation projects results 6.3. The Computer System Usability Q. A questionnaire on usability and functionality of the IPLECS platfom, of 19 items, Likert scale, 1-7, maximal disagree to maximal agree with the item. The items better valuated: It was easy to learn to use the system (6.60) The organization of information on the system screens is clear I am able to efficiently complete my work using the system Mean=5.94, S.D.=0.267, show a positive valuation and agreement between the students.

19 6. The evaluation projects results 6.4. Effect of PSS curriculum on students achievement in competencies ’ (efficacy) Introduction to Information and Telecommunication Systems StudentsTasksRangeMin-maxMeanSt.D 1281-107.75-108.900.89 Two subjects have been evaluated: 1. Introduction to Information and Telecommunication Systems

20 6. The evaluation projects results 6.4. Effect of PSS curriculum on students ’ achievement in competencies ’ (efficacy) Advanced Electronics for Information and communication Technology StudentsTasksRangeMin-maxMeanSt.D 1281-107.25-108.490.95 2. Advanced Electronics for Information and communication Technology

21 6. The evaluation projects results 6.5. Satisfaction with the ICS curriculum and the IPLECS platform The 'Reflective Questionnaire' on the general instructional design is applied in every course. The questionnaire was integrated by 29 items, Likert scale, from 1 to 5, maximal disagree to maximal agree with the items. We can see the resume of the descriptive statistics in two courses evaluated by the students.

22 6. The evaluation projects results 6.5. Satisfaction with the PSS curriculum and the IPLECS platform Reflective Q. on ‘Introduction to Information and Telecommunication Systems’ course StudentsRangeMeanSt.D 101-54.120.11

23 6. The evaluation projects results 6.5. Satisfaction with the PSS curriculum and the IPLECS platform Reflective Q. on ‘Advanced Electronics for Information and communication Technology’ course StudentsRangeMeanSt.D 101-53.490.33

24 7. Conclusions 1.The PSS validity scale gives a heterogeneous results on the ICS courses in some items, but, in general the results show that the courses are aligned with the PSS Model. 2.The students ’ attitude to learn by computer, is very positive and homogeneous. 3.The usability and functionality of the platform, present good evaluation on the screens organization and its easy learning. …

25 7. Conclusions 4.The ‘ Effect of PSS curriculum on students ’ learning achievement in competencies ’, in the subjects evaluated, have been very positive, with a very good marks. 5.The ‘ Satisfaction with the PSS curriculum and the IPLECS platform on the courses evaluated, show a high satisfaction.

26 Lessons learned and improvement necessities 1.In order to get a better adequacy to the instructional purpose of the DIPSEIL and PSS models is necessary that the curriculum developer and the instructional group design make and effort to work together. 2.Some changes should be done in the different instruments to collect information, to refine they. 3.We need to analyze information collected by focus groups and interviews, add their results to our report.

27 Ackowledgment The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the European Union Socrates in the projects: IPLECS. 141944-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP mPSS Leonardo Project 142788-LLP-1-2008-1-BG- LEONARDO-LMP.

28 THANK YOU !!.

29 Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS) Catalina Martínez-Mediano MIDE I - Faculty of Education- UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education)

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