log ' no reco nor tracking in SSD no tracking in IST"> log ' no reco nor tracking in SSD no tracking in IST">

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10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch1 Update on the simulation with pixl patches BFC chain was working with TPC+full PiXL but crashes when I used patches.

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Presentation on theme: "10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch1 Update on the simulation with pixl patches BFC chain was working with TPC+full PiXL but crashes when I used patches."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch1 Update on the simulation with pixl patches BFC chain was working with TPC+full PiXL but crashes when I used patches for pixl : –Reason : different geometries used when PixhitCollection are written (StPixlFastSimMaker) and when tracking is done (StiHftHitLoader) –I was unable to have geometry file of a modified geom. (upgr15.h) using Gerrit’s how-to Jason had a recipe on his blog to create the proper file from starsim directly : http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/jwebb/2011/jul/11/howto-convert-a- starsim-geometry-root

2 10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch2 2 patches I’ve defined 2 others pixl geometry files : –pixlgeo13.g : adjacent patch –pixlgeo14.g : mercedes patch inner layer outer layer

3 10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch3 Starsim & BFC chain Code in DEV. Single pions are generated with patched pixel means no SSD nor IST material. BFC chain : root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,20,"DbV20090305,trs,upgr15,-ssdfast,pixFastSim, Idst,IAna,l0,tpcI,fcf,Tree,logger,ITTF,Sti,StiRnd,PixelIT,-IstIT, StiPulls,VFMCE,NoSvtIt,NoSsdIt,MakeEvent,McEvent,geant,evout, IdTruth,tags,bbcSim,emcY2,EEfs,big,-dstout,fzin,McEvOut,clearmem, MiniMcMk","/star/institutions/ksu/bouchet/HFTPATCH_SCRATCH/ 100pions_50ev.fz") > log ' no reco nor tracking in SSD no tracking in IST

4 10/25/11update BFC with pixl patch4 Plots are the 2D positions of the first hit on tracks Root file is MuDst.root = reconstructed tracks  BFC chain works with patch  Some issues to fix : almost no hits in the second layer Tracking evaluation using StRecTreeMaker  next step : go back to hijing events with pileup

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