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2 Analog to Digital Conversion
Introduction The sampling problem Conversion errors Different types of A-to-D converters Applications

3 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
WHY TO GO TO DIGITAL WORDS ? Benefits of Computer Power for further signal processing Permanent Data Storage



6 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
INTERFACE BETWEEN “ANALOGUE” SIGNALS AND DIGITAL (BINARY) REPRESENTATIONS TWO ALTERATIONS OF THE SIGNAL: Signal is sampled at given instants (sampling time) Continuous amplitude is encoded to a limited number of binary word, i.e. a binary word represents an interval of amplitude (quantization) Binary code ….. Time 00101 00100 00011 00010 00001

7 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
RESTITUTION OF THE SIGNAL THROUGH A DAC (Digital-to-Analogue Converter) DIGITIZATION IS A CRUCIAL SIGNAL TRANSFORM and both transformations aspects (Time Sampling and Amplitude Quantization) have to be considered Binary code ….. 00101 00100 00011 00010 00001 Time

8 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
Relationship between quantization error, number of bits, resolution: Binary code A = maximum amplitude Amplitude interval : LSB=A/2n n = number of bits ….. 00101 Ex : 8 bits ADC, 1V Full Scale Amplitude Resolution (LSB) = 1/28 = 3.9 mV (0.39%) 00100 00011 Max Quantization error : Q = +/- LSB/2 (ideal) Quantization noise : 00010 00001

9 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
Dynamic Range Ratio between the minimum and the maximum amplitude to be measured In case of a linear ADC, the dynamic range is related to the number of bits (and hence the resolution) an 8-bit ADC has a dynamic range of 256 In case of large dynamic range (as for calorimeter signals in HEP) the dynamic range could be as high as : a linear ADC would require 21 bits! Some non-linearity is then introduced and there is distinction between dynamic range and resolution n-bit resolution N-bit dynamic range (N>n) example: 12-bit resolution for a 16-bit dynamic range means that a signal in the range is measured with a resolution of 0.02%

10 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
The perfect ADC would be the one with a very high number of quantization levels (high resolution) and at the same time very high sampling rate Unfortunately this is not possible : different ADC architectures are existing, each one is offering a different compromise between resolution and sampling rate

11 Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion
Speed (sampling rate) Power bipolar GHz >W Flash CMOS Sub-Ranging Pipeline Successive Approximation Sigma-Delta Discrete Hz Ramp <mW 6 18 Number of bits There is a trade-off between sampling rate and number of bits The choice of an ADC architecture is driven by the application

12 The sampling problem The sampling problem 1 Hz signal 2 Hz signal
Sampling Frequency =2Hz Sampling Frequency =1Hz If sampling is done with rate of 1 Hertz (green points), blue and red curves can not be distinguished To represent the 1 Hertz blue signal, at least two samples per period are needed (on picture, the additional purple point), i.e. sampling at 2 Hertz

13 The sampling problem The sampling problem interpretations:
To represent a signal with maximum frequency f0, it is needed to sample at minimum frequency 2*f0 (Shannon Theorem) Sampling at frequency fs is applicable to signals with bandwidth limited to fs/2 “analogue” signal spectrum For conversion with an ADC sampling at frequency fs (Nyquist Rate ADC), the signal frequency bandwidth HAS TO BE LIMITED to fs/2

14 The sampling problem Frequency representation of sampled signals
“analogue” signal spectrum “sampled” signal spectrum “sampled” signal spectrum with first order “hold”

15 ADC errors : transfer curve
Ideal ADC Errors Offset Integral non-linearity Differential non-linearity Missing code or non-monotonicity

16 ADC errors : Integral Non Linearity (INL)
Non linearity: maximum difference between the best linear fit and the ideal curve

17 ADC errors : Differential Non-Linearity (DNL)
Code -0.6LSB DNL +0.5LSB DNL Analog Input Least Significant Bit (LSB) value should be constant but it is not The difference with the ideal value shall not exceed 0.5 LSB Easy way of seeing the effect random input covering the full range frequency histogram should be flat differential non-linearity introduces structures

18 ADC errors : Missing code, monotonicity
Non-monotonic Missing code Other conversion errors : non-monotonic ADC Missing code

19 ADC errors : Effective number of bits (ENB)
An n bit ADC introduces a quantization error e(x) q Encoding a signal (A/2) sinwt with A being the full scale will give an error Ideal Signal to Noise Ratio Measurement of the SNR indicates the Effective number of bits ENB Example: AD bit 20 to 65 MHz SNR (measured) = 70 dB Effective number of bits = 11.4

20 Types of ADC Flash ADC & Subranging Flash ADC Pipeline ADC
Successive Approximation ADC Ramp ADC Sigma-Delta

21 Flash ADC Signal amplitude is compared to the set of 2n references
Direct “thermometric” measurement with 2n-1 comparators Typical performance: 4 to 10 bits (12 bits rare) Up to GHz (extreme case) High power (2n comparators) typ. 2W Sampling

22 Sub-ranging Flash ADC Typical performance: Half-Flash ADC
2-step Flash ADC technique 1st flash conversion with 1/2 the precision Residue calculation (1st flash conversion result reconstructed with a DAC and subtracted from signal) Residue flash conversion Required Typical performance: 4 to 10 bits Up to 100 MHz Less power, but difficult analogue functions (sample and hold, subtraction, DAC) 4-bits + 4-bits sub-ranging flash needs 30 comparators (instead of 255 for 8-bits flash)

23 Time Adjustment & Digital Error Correction
Pipeline ADC X 2 - S&H Comparator 1-bit DAC 1-bit Sampling Input S&H Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage N 1-bit 1-bit 1-bit ………… 1-bit Time Adjustment & Digital Error Correction N-bit Pipeline ADC Input-to-output delay = n clocks for n stages One output every clock cycle (as for Flash) Saves power (N comparators) Typ. 12 bits 40MHz 200mW

24 Successive approximation
Compare the signal with an n-bit DAC output Change the code until DAC output = ADC input An n-bit conversion requires n steps Requires a Start and an End signals Typical conversion time 1 to 50 ms Typical resolution 8 to 12 bits One comparator Power 10 mW Input S&H Sampling

25 Ramp ADC - + Start to charge a capacitor at constant current
Count clock ticks during this time Stop when the capacitor voltage reaches the input Very slow, can reach very high resolution (1s, 18 bits) with some further tricks (dual slope conversion) Vin Counting time (What’s used in digital multimeter) - + IN C R S Enable N-bit Output Q Oscillator Clk Counter Start Conversion S&H Input

26 Over-sampling ADC e(x)
q -fs/2 +fs/2 f |e(f)| Assuming the error is a white noise, its power spectral density is flat within the range [–fs/2,fs/2] If fs/2 is higher than the maximum frequency f0 of the signal, then after filtering the quantization noise left in the signal frequency band (<f0) is : fs/2 fs/2

27 Over-sampling ADC (cont)
The signal to noise ratio when encoding a signal with maximum frequency f0 with sampling at fs Hence it is possible to increase the resolution by increasing the sampling frequency and doing the proper filtering Example : an 8-bit ADC would become a 12-bit ADC with an over-sampling factor of 250 (!) But it is not an effective mean of increasing the resolution, because the 8-bit ADC must meet the linearity requirements of a 12-bit ADC

28 Sigma-Delta ADC Over-sampling ADC using a feedback loop to further reduce noise in the low-frequency range have been developed : the most common today is the Sigma-Delta Converter The feedback loop provides a further “noise shape” with effective noise reduction in the signal frequency band 1-bit ADC 1-bit DAC - Input Output 1rst Order Sigma-Delta Modulator

29 Sigma-Delta ADC This architecture is highly tolerant to components imperfections With strong Noise shaping and high linearity capability, Sigma-Delta modulators are capable of very high resolution (up to 22 bits) However some other limitations may appear and several complex architectures are derived from the “basic” schema 1-bit ADC 1-bit DAC - Input Output 1rst Order Sigma-Delta Modulator

30 Sigma-Delta ADC 1-bit ADC 1-bit DAC - Input Output 1rst Order Sigma-Delta Modulator The output of this modulator is a digital stream, whose average value is an approximation of the input signal. Quantization error in case of a first-order S-D converter: (Over-sampling ratio OSR=fs/2f0)

31 Sigma-Delta ADC (cont)
The signal to noise ratio when encoding a signal (A/2) sinwt, with A being the full scale, will be Gain of 1.5 bits per each doubling of M M = 2400 to have a 16-bit ADC Higher orders sigma-delta are implemented to reduce OSR Examples (Analog Devices) 16-bit, 2.5 MHz 24-bit, 1kHz

32 Applications In HEP we are facing large number of channels
The quantity to be measured depends on the type of detector Charge in the case of a lead glass calorimeter with PM read-out Voltage in the case of a lead glass calorimeter with triode and preamplifier shaper read-out We are facing fast signals (mean frequency ~ 12 MHz) We are facing large dynamic range for calorimeter signals (up to 16 bits) Flash ADC are commonly used, but it is a high power device, and there is no way to have one FADC per detector channel Calorimeters signals are too fast for using S-D techniques

33 FADC for LHC trigger purpose (1)
Analog summation on the detector to form the trigger tower Shaping time covers several bunch crossings FADC and numerical filtering to: Extract the energy Extract the bunch crossing responsible for it

34 FADC for LHC trigger purpose (2)
Block diagram

35 ADC for an LHC calorimeter (1)
ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter High dynamic range: 16-bit Shaping of the signal to minimize pile-up Sampling every 25 ns (bunch crossing period) Level-1 pipeline Shaping

36 ADC for an LHC experiment (2)
Block diagram

37 ADC for an LHC experiment (3)
Performance Pedestal stability to 0.1 ADC counts Noise equivalent to 20 MeV Integral non-linearity below 0.25% Conversion time : 25 ns per sample

38 Resolution/Throughput Rate

39 Digital to Analog Converter
Digital Basics Digital to Analog Converter Takes a digital input and converts it to an analog voltage output. Digital Input: 0 – 255 Analog Output: 0 – 2.55V Resolution: ?? mV

40 Digital to Analog Converter
Digital Basics Digital to Analog Converter Takes a digital input and converts it to an analog voltage output. Digital Input: 0 – 255 Analog Output: 0 – 2.55V Resolution: 10 mV

41 Digital Basics Types of Digital to Analog Converters (DACs)
Current Summing DAC R/2R Ladder DAC Integrated Circuit DAC

42 Current Summing DAC

43 Current Summing DAC All switches at GND IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0

44 Current Summing DAC IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0 IRF = 0 A + 0 A + 0 A = 0A
All switches at GND IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0 IRF = 0 A + 0 A + 0 A = 0A

45 Current Summing DAC All switches at GND IRF = 0 A so VOUT = ?

46 Current Summing DAC All switches at GND IRF = 0 A so VOUT = 0 V

47 Current Summing DAC S2 at +2V, S1 & S0 at GND IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0

48 Current Summing DAC IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0
S2 at +2V, S1 & S0 at GND IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0 IRF = 2 mA + 0 A + 0 A = 2 mA

49 Current Summing DAC S2 at +2V, S1 & S0 at GND IRF = 2 mA so VOUT = ?

50 Current Summing DAC IRF = 2 mA so VOUT = -2.0V
S2 at +2V, S1 & S0 at GND IRF = 2 mA so VOUT = -2.0V

51 Current Summing DAC S2, S1 & S0 at +2V IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0

52 Current Summing DAC IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0
S2, S1 & S0 at +2V IRF = IS2 + IS1 + IS0 IRF = 2 mA + 1 mA mA = 3.5 mA

53 Current Summing DAC S2, S1 & S0 at +2V IRF = 3.5 mA so VOUT = ?

54 Current Summing DAC S2, S1 & S0 at +2V IRF = 3.5 mA so VOUT = -3.5V

55 Current Summing DAC S2 S1 S0 Expected VOUT 0 0 0 - 0.0 V 0 0 1 - 0.5 V

56 Current Summing DAC S2 S1 S0 Expected VOUT 1 0 0 - 2.0 V 1 0 1 - 2.5 V

57 TTL 74 Series Logic Chips Logic Level voltage ranges
VIN High = 2.0Vmin VIN Low = 0.8Vmax VOUT High = 2.4Vmin VOUT Low = 0.4V max Indeterminate voltages Any voltage between 0.8V and 2.0V on an input can not be guaranteed to be either high or low Current capabilities IIN High = 40uA IIN Low = -1.6mA IOUT High = -0.4mA IOUT Low = 16mA

58 TTL 74 Series Logic Chips Fan out Fan out (HIGH) = IOH(max) / IIH(max)
For 7400: 400uA/40uA = 10 Fan out (LOW) = IOL(max) / IIL(max) For 7400: 16mA/1.6mA = 10 Propagations delays How long does it take the output to change after a change has happened at the inputs

59 Data Sheets Floating inputs CMOS family
What happens if you don’t connect an input to a high or low CMOS family MOSFET switches instead of bipolar junction transistor switches Faster than most standard TTL chips More susceptible to static electricity

60 “Analog Integrated Circuit Design” David A. Johns, Ken Martin
References About ADC, Sample and Hold “Analog Integrated Circuit Design” David A. Johns, Ken Martin Wiley Publisher “Analog MOS Integrated Circuits, I and II” Paul R. Gray, Bruce A. Wooley, Robert B. Brodersen, IEEE Press Books About Signal Sampling “Digital Signal Processing”, Allan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Shaffer, Prentice Hall Int. Publications “Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing” Lawrence R. Rabiner, Bernard Gold, Prentice Hall Int. Publications

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