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Digestive system (I) Order of Nutrition 1. Ingestion 2.Digestion (hydrolysis) 3.Absorption 4.Egestion (Elimination)

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive system (I) Order of Nutrition 1. Ingestion 2.Digestion (hydrolysis) 3.Absorption 4.Egestion (Elimination)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Digestive system

3 (I) Order of Nutrition 1. Ingestion 2.Digestion (hydrolysis) 3.Absorption 4.Egestion (Elimination)

4 (I) Sequence (way food travels) Oral Cavity (mouth) Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus Toilet

5 3. Stomach Lining of the stomach contains gastric glands that secrete gastric juice

6 Gastric Bypass Surgery

7 Gastric Bypass Surgery

8 4. Small Intestine

9 5. Large Intestine Water absorption only NO nutrient absorption occurs here Undigested material is known as feces The large intestine passes the feces into the rectum

10 6. Rectum Temporarily stores the feces

11 7. Anus Opening through which feces passes out of the body (Egestion)

12 (II) Nutrient Absorption Takes place in the small intestine Chemical digestion in humans is accomplished by Hydrolysis and the use of enzymes

13 End Products of Digestion Proteins  amino acids Carbohydrates  glucose Lipids  fatty acids + glycerol

14 Absorption The end products of digestion are absorbed in the small intestine by finger-like projections called villi

15 Villus Lacteal- absorption of fatty acids and glycerol Capillary network- absorption of glucose and amino acids

16 Disorders of the Digestive Tract

17 Anorexia Nervosa A condition in which there is a severe loss of weight accompanied by symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. Psychological condition where a person is unable to take or retain food due to an excessive concern about obesity

18 Ulcers Heliobacter pylori Bacteria an erosion of the surface of the digestive tract associated with pain, nausea, and vomiting.

19 the quest for Polyps Colonoscopy:

20 Large Intestine ( Colon Polyps_) Polyps are small growths on the inner colon lining that look like warts.

21 Removal Colon Polyps_)

22 Gallstones An accumulation of hardened cholesterol deposits in the gall bladder.

23 Appendicitis Normal Infected

24 Constipation To much water is absorbed by/in the large intestine. Also can exist due to lack of roughage.

25 Diarrhea Decreased water absorption and increased peristaltic activity of large intestine. Results in an increased, multiple, watery feces.

26 Appendicitis An inflammation of the appendix. Usually feces that infects the appendix.

27 Blood Vessels Blood vessels - System of tubes which blood travels through. If you took all of the blood vessels out of an average child, and laid them out in one line, the line would be over 60,000 miles long! An adult's vessels would be closer to 100,000 miles long!

28 Blood Vessels Capillaries

29 Blood Vessels: Arteries Blood moving away from the heart to organs. thicker walled to handle to handle higher pressures

30 Blood Vessels, Veins Blood vessels takes blood back to the heart. Less pressure Veins have a valves to keep blood from flowing back away from the heart.

31 Blood Vessels: Capillaries Capillaries Smallest Blood vessel thin walled blood vessels for oxygen and nutrients to diffusion into body cells. Surround intestines for nutrient absorption and all organs an tissues for the diffusion of nutrients.

32 Blood Vessels: Capillary Blood Circuits

33 Echocardiogram

34 Ultrasound Echocardiogram

35 Transesophageal Echocardiogram

36 Blood Pressure Sphygmomanometer: instrument used to measure blood pressure, 120/80 mm Hg avg male sphygmo = the pulse; mano = rare, thin, roomy meter = to measure manometer = an instrument to measure pressure exerted by a liquid)

37 Major Causes of Cardiovascular Disease Cholesterol: –High Density lipoproteins= good cholesterol, get rid of LDL, 80% produced by liver –Low Density lipoproteins= bad cholesterol, Animal fats Plaque: –Made out of fats, cholesterol, calcium and various other materials. –Obstructs Blood vessels


39 Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypertension (High blood pressure ) Atherosclerosis Angina Pectoris Coronary Thrombosis Heart attack: Aneurysm: Heart Murmur: Blue Baby

40 Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypertension (High blood pressure) - High blood pressure can damage the lining of the arteries and weaken the heart and can be caused by factors such as stress, smoking, old age, stress, anxiety, smoking, high salt diets.

41 Cardiovascular Diseases: Atherosclerosis: “hardening of the arteries” deposits of cholesterol collect in inner walls. Causes high animal fat diet (saturated fats) in diet

42 Cardiovascular Diseases: Angina Pectoris caused by the narrowing of coronary arteries causing a lack of oxygen to the heart. Results muscle damage symptoms: pain in left side

43 Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart attack: when blood supply is cut off to the heart, portion of the heart dies due to lack of O2. Chest pain + pressure, accompanied by sweats, shortness of breath and nausea. **Coronary Thrombosis, materials in the blood obstruct an artery opening becoming blocked causing that portion of the heart to stop functioning.

44 Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart attack: **Coronary Thrombosis

45 Cardiovascular Diseases: Link: Balloon angioplastyBalloon angioplasty

46 Cardiovascular Diseases: Aneurysm:

47 Artificial Valves


49 --Bronchitis -Emphysema -Bronchitis -Asthma Many respiratory diseases are cause by abrasive agents: Asbestos -Cigarettes

50 Asbestos Asbestos fibers enter the body via inhalation or ingestion. Many factors determine how exposure to asbestos will affect health and how severely. These factors include: How many fibers entered the body How long the exposure to asbestos occurred Whether or not the asbestos was inhaled or swallowed. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can result in mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, and impaired blood flow to the lungs due to enlargement of the heart. mesotheliomalung cancerasbestosis

51 Cigarettes 4000 chemicals and toxins in one puff on a cigarettes 50 cancer causing agents Tar, Nicotine, Ammonia, Formaldehyde, Arsenic (Rat poison)

52 Bronchitis Inflammation of the membrane of the bronchial tubes Bronchitis is caused by viruses (common cold viruses, influenza virus, adenovirus) bacteria –( Bordatella pertussis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae) or by other infectious organisms

53 Asthma An aggravated/allergic Reaction Constriction of the bronchial tubes

54 Don't panic Breathe deep, slow and easy Rest Take your prescribed asthma medication Call for help Get to a doctor Cigarette smoke Cockroaches Dust mites Mold Pets and animals Pollen Cold air Exercise Stress Respiratory infectionsAsthma

55 Emphysema *Disease in which the walls of the alveoli breakdown, Decreasing surface area for gas exchange **Decreasing surface area for gas exchange ***shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and decreased lung capacity *****Caused by:

56 Emphysema

57 Pneumonia The alveoli become filled with fluid, preventing gas exchange between the alveoli and the capillaries

58 What is C.F.? Babies are born with (Cystic Fibrosis) CF when they inherit faulty genes from both their parents. CF is a disease in which the secretions from various glands are thick and sticky instead of being watery and free flowing. The lungs and digestive system are particularly affected. A build up of thick mucus in the lungs reduces the ability to clear bacteria leading to cycles of infection and inflammation which damage the delicate lung tissues. Lung function is progressively lost and respiratory failure is the major cause of death in CF patients. The lower intestine can also become blocked by a build up of mucus, but the major digestive problem concerns the pancreas.

59 End

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