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The National Digital Library of Finnish Libraries, Museums and Archives Bibliotheca Baltica X Symposium, 22.10.2010 Helsinki Tapani Sainio, planning officer.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Digital Library of Finnish Libraries, Museums and Archives Bibliotheca Baltica X Symposium, 22.10.2010 Helsinki Tapani Sainio, planning officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Digital Library of Finnish Libraries, Museums and Archives Bibliotheca Baltica X Symposium, 22.10.2010 Helsinki Tapani Sainio, planning officer The National digital library project

2 The National Digital Library of Finnish Libraries, Museums and Archives Bibliotheca Baltica X Symposium, 22.10.2010 Helsinki Tapani Sainio, planning officer The National digital library project

3 1/18/20163 National Digital Library of Finland 2008 − 2011 National Digital Library means: a common public interface for the information resources of libraries, archives and museums (in operation in 2011) digitisation of the most essential cultural heritage materials of libraries, archives and museums development of a long-term preservation solution for electronic cultural heritage materials (end report: ) increasing competence National Digital Library will work as an aggregator for the European Digital Library Europeana.

4 1/18/20164

5 5 National Digital Library – 700 libraries, museums & archives National Archives+ provincial archives = National Archive Service National Board of Antiquities/ National Museum of Finland Finnish National Gallery Finnish Museum of Natural History Regional museums Regional art museums National specialised museums Other museums Public libraries Special libraries National Library of Finland National audio- visual archive Libraries in higher education institutions Government-subsidized and other private archives

6 1/18/20166 User interface Present state and challenges Digi-arkistot (julkaisu- arkistot, Digitalia) MetaLib Meta search SFX linking resolver (journal articles and ebooks) Back end Owned resources Licensed e-resources Other systems i.e. Learning environ- ments Museums and Archives Digital Archives and Instit. Archives Local Library Systems Library Portal

7 1/18/20167 Solution…

8 1/18/20168 Enterprise architecture enterprisearchitecture enterprisearchitecture

9 1/18/20169 Users do not have to know: ›organisations or ›Collections They can reach that data from different sources: ›The ”national view” ›Local views ›Search engines The interface can be integrated to users' working environments (such as e-science and virtual learning environments) and to social networking forums Public interface: what is there for users?

10 1/18/201610 Content Contents are digitised or born-digital objects or reference data on physical objects or other reference data stored in databases. Users will have access to: ›Public domain material available for all ›Material with restricted / authorised use Services: ›Back-end systems´ services integrated in the Public interface

11 1/18/201611 In the near future…

12 For further information: The project: Minna Karvonen,; Tapani Sainio, Public Interface: Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Ari Rouvari, Long-term Preservation: Päivi Happonen, Pirjo-Leena Forsström, Kimmo Koivunen,

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