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Technical Advisor to SITPRO Vice-Chair UN/CEFACT Forum Management Group (FMG) Co-Chair UNTDED Maintenance Agency for ISO TC154 Editor of UN/CEFACT Core.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Advisor to SITPRO Vice-Chair UN/CEFACT Forum Management Group (FMG) Co-Chair UNTDED Maintenance Agency for ISO TC154 Editor of UN/CEFACT Core."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Advisor to SITPRO Vice-Chair UN/CEFACT Forum Management Group (FMG) Co-Chair UNTDED Maintenance Agency for ISO TC154 Editor of UN/CEFACT Core Components Library project Joint Project Leader UNeDocs Sue Probert

2 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 2 The world is changing...... Evolving trading relationships and new business practices such as outsourcing, self-billing and changed divisions of labour etc. Growth and globalisation of trade New restrictions (environment, hazardous goods control etc.) Supply chain efficiency New technologies and opportunities (IT, internet, RFID, Digital Signatures etc.) New criteria (Security concerns, risk analysis, fraud and corruption prevention etc.) Increased competition and cost reduction requirements

3 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 3 UNeDocs Project Objectives: To facilitate international trade and electronic transfer of data for cross border trade by developing, publishing and maintaining a coordinated set of international standards including the UN/CEFACT Trade Reference Model, a comprehensive cross- domain data model, UN/EDIFACT and XML document structures, document presentation methodologies and box completion guidelines. To enable the development of simple low-cost solutions to support the generation and exchange of standardised paper and/or electronic international trade documents by implementing existing standards and recommendations.

4 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 4 UNeDocs Milestones In 2002: UN/ECE Secretariat and SITPRO signed an MoU to combine the UN/ECE UNeDocs ‘proof of concept’ project with the SITPRO ElecTra project and to collaborate on the future development of UNeDocs In 2005: UN/ECE Secretariat and SITPRO approved the transfer of their joint UNeDocs work into the UN/CEFACT Forum as a TBG project for the next stage of development.

5 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 5 UNeDocs Process Scope Buy Pay Ship Prepare for export Import Prepare for import Transport Export Commercial Procedures Establish sales contract Order goods Advise on delivery Request payment Transport Procedures Establish transport contract Collect, transport and deliver goods Provide waybills, Goods receipts, etc. Regulatory Procedures Obtain im/export licenses etc. Provide Customs Declarations Provide cargo Declarations Apply security measures Clear goods Financial Procedures Provide credit rating Insurance Execute payment Issue statements International Trade Reference Model

6 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 6 Project Deliverables · · · · A Business Process Model illustrating where the UNeDocs documents fit into the operation of the International Supply Chain based on the UNCEFACT International Supply Chain Reference Model. An ISO 15000 Part 5 compliant Common Data Model based on candidate or published UNCEFACT (ebXML) Core Components that are linked to the UNTDED/ISO 7372. A methodology for the presentation of data contained in electronic data exchanges onto electronic or paper forms and the update of UNLK to become eUNLK. For each document the project will develop: o A class diagram and document structure o The paper and electronic, re-usable layout description of the document based on the UN Layout Key o Box Completion Guidelines o XML profiles o UN/EDIFACT message implementation guide

7 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 7 UNLK – UN/ECE Rec. 1 The unsung Global Hero First published 1973 UNTDED (ISO 7372) Flexible aligned data presentation which has become the de facto standard for the majority of international trade documents Foundation for International transport conventions e.g. Maritime B/L (ICS), Airwaybill (IATA), Road CMR (IRU), Rail CIM (UIC) etc. Foundation of Customs and other Regulatory Procedures e.g. SAD, Phyto-Sanitary Certificates, Cert of Origins etc. Hundreds of document formats based on UNLK across trade, transport, finance, customs, insurance, inspection etc. Basis for box completion guidelines etc.

8 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 8 UN Layout Key Cross-Sector Transaction Data Sector Specific Detail e.g. order line items, goods items... Document Function Specific

9 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 9 UNLK Form Families Trade Documents – Quotation, Order, Invoice etc. Materials Management Documents – Despatch Advice, Pick List, Packing List etc. Transport Documents – Bill of Lading, Shipping Instructions etc. Customs Documents – Export, Import, Transit Declarations, Cargo Reports etc. Other Regulatory Documents – Cert of Origin, DGN etc.

10 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 10 Key International Paper Forms Negotiable Bill of Lading Insurance Certificate Consular Invoice Import/Export Licences Letter of Credit Cargo Declarations Certificates of Origin, Phytosanitary etc. etc.

11 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 11 After >30 years of ‘e‘ most of the documents in international trade are still paper based Traders..., Authorities..., Carriers..., Manufacturers... - all need more information and control Many activities to use digital paper, US Gov Xforms, W3C, UBL, Adobe, Microsoft,... Development of proprietary solutions – both for content and layout of e-documents Increased momentum, but in isolated pockets of progress And NOW there is a Tipping Point

12 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 12 Combined Approach Paper Document aligned to UN Layout Key Electronic Document Exchange XML or UN/EDIFACT Electronic Edit Form <n:Invoice xmlns:n="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:Invoice:1.0:0.70" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:Invoice:1.0 :0.70 UBL_Library_0p70_Invoice.xsd"> token 2003-02-14 Bills Microdevices Joes Office Supply 1 5 Pencils, box #2 red

13 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 13 UNeDocs and eUNLK Support for presentation of eForms Maintains print format capabilities Links to electronic data exchanges Updated to reflect current global trade practices Core Component aware Support for multilingual aspects

14 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 14 Intellectual Property Rights – 3 Levels UNeDocs Stakeholders Forms/Convention Owners plus UN/CEFACT Country Delegations 1st - IPR 2nd – No IPR 3rd – Possible IPR UNeDocs Project UN/CEFACT Forum Trade & Business Group Digital Paper Workgroup – TBG2 UNeDocs National Projects Such as UNeDocsUK led by SITPRO

15 April 2005ASEAL meeting – Leeds Castle - UKSlide 15 Next Steps  Canvassing for membership and resource support  Building project plan, meeting schedule  Developing marketing campaign  Encouraging national UNeDocs projects  Please join the UNeDocs project team  Interested? Please contact us  Project leads: Michael and  Secretary:

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