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Possible Updates to DEER Measures on the ESPI Uncertain Measure List MeasuresMain Issues for Update Screw-in CFLs of all types Update of the gross baseline.

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Presentation on theme: "Possible Updates to DEER Measures on the ESPI Uncertain Measure List MeasuresMain Issues for Update Screw-in CFLs of all types Update of the gross baseline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible Updates to DEER Measures on the ESPI Uncertain Measure List MeasuresMain Issues for Update Screw-in CFLs of all types Update of the gross baseline assumptions to account for CFLs replacing CFLs will also alter NTG and installation rate due to inter-relationships of values. Previous NTG values included CFL-CFL replacements, so net and gross analysis needs coordinated update. Details of amounts and timing of lamps placed into storage and removed to be installed require coordination with net and gross analysis. T5 fluorescent lamps and fixtures replacing metal halide Update baseline of replaced lamp assumptions, net savings and installation rate; market move to T5 technology requires verification of assumptions.

2 Rank in each IOU List and 2013 claims 2

3 3

4 4

5 CFL-CFL Replacements 5 200920102011201220132014 Total Market CFLs bought31.235.431.431.832.331.5 Total program CFLs21.924.818.919.116.115.8 Program % of market70% 60% 50% CFLs burning out / breakage11.613.21515.916.617.2 as % of installed15% CFLs early-replacement7.78.81010.611.111.5 as % of installed10% Total replaced CFLs19.3222526.527.728.7 % replaced of total bought62% 80%83%86%91% Number installed at start of year87.899.9105.7110.5114.7 Replacements as % of installed25% Replacements as % of bought62%80%83%86%91%

6 Effect on EUL 6 Replacement Rate 15%25% YearSurviving Percent 0100% 185%75% 272%56% 361%42% 452%32% 544%24% 638%18% 732%13% 827%10% 923%8% 1020%6%

7 Updating Some NTG Values May be Appropriate 7

8 CFL Lab Testing Results Mortality Curves by Switching Cycle and Run-Time 8

9 Normalized Lamp Life for Each CFL Model 9

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