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By: Tara Grebenc. What’s Hypnosis?  A hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion  Trance-like state  Heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Tara Grebenc. What’s Hypnosis?  A hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion  Trance-like state  Heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Tara Grebenc

2 What’s Hypnosis?  A hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion  Trance-like state  Heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption  Concentrate on; - Specific thought - Memory - Feeling / Sensation  Blocks out distractions

3 Against the belief of Hypnosis  Learn from TV, friends /relatives/ acquaintances.  “Educationally underfunded”.  Convince yourself, “Free will”. - Good or Bad  Works live, Cooperation principle.  Hypnosis = Self-hypnosis.  Hypnotist = do bidding for them  Remember false memories.

4 For the belief of Hypnosis  Know people successfully did it. Ex: Quit smoking, lost weight, eliminated anxiety, ridded warts, etc.  Willpower doesn’t only help.  Represses memory.  Socially acceptable.  Cures you from things  Control’s pain, etc.

5 Christopher Devin Hastings, For it.  27 years practice of hypnosis  Certified from 3 hypnotherapy schools  Degree in electronics  Certified with satellite equipment - With US army  President, MN Institute of Advance Communication Skills  Provides info of new ideas Hypnotherapy  Professional  Website made in 2004

6 Uses for Hypnosis  Treatment of; - Chronic pain conditions - reduction pain in child birth - lessens symptoms of dementia - helpful with ADHD - cancer patients reduction vomiting/nausea - control pain in dental procedures - Reduction skin conditions

7 Can you be hypnotized?  15% very responsive to it  Children more susceptible  10% adults to difficult to  Easily absorbed in fantasies - more responsive to it.

8 Myth’s about Hypnosis  Hypnotized against will  Won’t remember things when awoken  Remember exact details to crimes  Hypnotist’s control your actions  Make you super-strong or athletic

9 My belief; In conclusion, no I do not believe in hypnosis. I believe in self control. If you want to stop something you do or change things, you can do that by your own free will. I also believe that how they say the help heal people, I think it is just a lucky shot, because they say that if you think you’re sick, you make yourself sick. So, if you think your healing or getting better, you’ll get better. I believe people go to hypnotists to seek for answers they already know. They just want a second opinion or someone else to agree with. I believe it doesn’t really work. Even seeing it on live TV doesn’t look real. But, this is my belief of hypnosis. Now think of yours.

10 Sites  sis/MY01020 sis/MY01020  osis-Dangers-and-Lies-Revealed.htm osis-Dangers-and-Lies-Revealed.htm   _hastings.htm _hastings.htm  consciousness/a/hypnosis.htm consciousness/a/hypnosis.htm

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