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Technology and Learning: Initial Results of SERU AAU Survey SERU Colloquium UMN October 9, 2014 John Douglass - UC Berkeley Ron Huesman - University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and Learning: Initial Results of SERU AAU Survey SERU Colloquium UMN October 9, 2014 John Douglass - UC Berkeley Ron Huesman - University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and Learning: Initial Results of SERU AAU Survey SERU Colloquium UMN October 9, 2014 John Douglass - UC Berkeley Ron Huesman - University of Minnesota Krista Soria – University of Minnesota

2 MOOCS and On-line Learning Technologies as the Next (Now) Best Thing and Salvation/Enemy Status of Research on Learning Technologies in Research Intensive Universities – Provider and Boosterism  SERU Module Focused on: o Student Use of Technology o On-line and Hybrid Courses Taken o Faculty Use of Technology in the Classroom o Student Opinions on Learning Technologies and Behaviors S&T Module Administered in fall 2013 at: o Minnesota o Texas o Rutgers o Indiana Sample Size – limits of first round of data SERU Technology and Learning Module – Four AAU Campuses

3 Face to Face Courses, Hybrid and On-line: All Students

4 Face to Face Courses vs. On-line: All Students

5 On-line vs. Face to Face Courses: Race/Ethnicity/International

6 On-line vs. Face to Face Courses: Gender

7 On-line vs. Face to Face Courses: Family Income

8 Hybrid vs. Traditional: Family Income

9 Online vs. Traditional

10 Student Use of Technology

11 Faculty Use of Technology

12 Instructors were most likely to use the following types of technology: o Course or learning management systems o Locally installed word processors/spreadsheets o Locally installed presentation software 60-80% of students indicated that “some” to “all” instructors used those three tools Instructors were least likely to use the following types of technology: o E-portfolios o Simulations/educational games o Online multiuser computer games o Photo-sharing websites o Wikis o Facebook o Blogs o Podcasts/webcasts 70-85% of students indicated that “none” of their instructors used those tools Faculty Use of Technology

13 Technology Behaviors and Perceived Benefits

14 Face to Face vs On-Line o Approximately 40% of students at the sample group of SERU AAU campuses have taken a fully on-line course; most average 1 to 3 courses. o Students strongly prefer traditional face-to-face courses, hybrid next, and on- line the least – even when accounting for Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Family Income. o Students prefer hybrid courses that maintain contact with academic faculty/TA’s. o Student strongly do not prefer on-line courses or learning technologies that nearly replace contact with faculty/TA’s. o But the preference for traditional face-to-face does decline as students take more fully on-line courses. SERU Technology and Learning Preliminary Thoughts

15 Faculty use of learning technologies o Appears relatively high and effectively – assuming in and outside the classroom o Slight majority of students say they do not skip class – are Learning Technologies a supplemental or a replacement? SERU Technology and Learning Preliminary Thoughts

16 We need to know more – including analysis/correlations on o On-Line vs Hybrid vs Traditional Course Completion Rates o Student Background: Socioeconomic/Educational Capital, Race/Ethnicity and Gender o Discipline o Academic Engagement and Performance o Beginning of a baseline of data as institutions (and faculty) further adopt Ed Tech SERU AAU Campuses are increasing on-line courses in impacted courses/majors for financial/resources purposes o Course completion rates and, ultimately, time to degree? o The general student experience – cultural shift? As they become more common will students adjust? SERU Technology and Learning Preliminary Thoughts

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