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Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Internet Information Services Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua COE - 445.

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1 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Internet Information Services Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua COE - 445

2 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Instructor Dr Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Office Hours:Sat. Mon. Wed. 9:00 – 11:00 AM Office Location:Bldg 22 Office 137-1 Phone:2178 Web

3 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Syllabus

4 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 What is this course about ? Advanced course in computer networking. –learn principles of internet architecture. –learn practice of internet technologies Goals: –learn a lot (not just factoids, but principles and practice). –have fun (well, it should be interesting, at least)

5 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Course Information Advanced course in computer networking. –Course materials:. Textbooks: – –Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley,2003.. References: –Internet Architectures by Daniel Minoli and Andrew Schmidt, John Wiley, 1998/ –Internet Application Workbook by Eve Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet. Available on-line from: –Building Web Services with Java: Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI by Steve Graham, Doug Davis, Simeon Simeonov, TouficBoubez, and Ryo Neyama, Pearson Education, December 2001. –ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies

6 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Course Overview Web services Network-layer enhancements such as IPv6 Audio and video coding and transmission Quality of service Internet telephony architecture and protocols Network Security Survey of modern Internet protocols and supporting algorithms for delivery of multimedia content and communications, including

7 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Grading Policy ItemPeriodicity#% Written AssignmentsEvery Week6 – 715 % QuizzesEvery Week 6 – 710 % Major 1 Wed. July 12 th 2006 115 % Major 2 Wed. Aug. 3 rd 2006 115 % Project-120 % Final Exam-125 %

8 Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua Term - 053 Course Topics Introduction (1 week) HTML and Web Services (1 week) Multimedia Networking, (Kurose: Ch. 4&6, 3 weeks) Network Security ( Kurose : Ch. 7, 2 weeks) Project Presentations (1.5 weeks)

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