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Costar y los números Español II. El verbo costar Significado: to cost Cambio radical: o → ue Typically only used in the él/ella/Ud. and ellos/ellas/Uds.

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Presentation on theme: "Costar y los números Español II. El verbo costar Significado: to cost Cambio radical: o → ue Typically only used in the él/ella/Ud. and ellos/ellas/Uds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Costar y los números Español II

2 El verbo costar Significado: to cost Cambio radical: o → ue Typically only used in the él/ella/Ud. and ellos/ellas/Uds. Forms

3 El verbo costar Choose the verb based on the item. It costs…They cost… CuestaCuestan How much does it cost? How much do they cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta…? ¿Cuánto cuestan…?


5 Los números

6 two hundreddoscientos three hundredtrescientos four hundredcuatrocientos five hundredquinientos six hundredseiscientos

7 Los números seven hundredsetecientos eight hundredochocientos nine hundrednovecientos thousandmil millionmillón

8 Some notes When counting beyond 100, use ciento. Remember to include y in numbers 31-99 between the tens and the ones. In most Spanish countries, a period is used instead of a comma. Likewise, a comma is used instead of a period.

9 Some notes Ciento is both masculine and feminine. But, 200-900 must agree with the noun that it modifies. –Por ejemplo: doscientos cinturones novecientas faldas

10 Some notes Uno drops the o when it is in front of masculine nouns, such as dólares. It only does this if there is a word afterwards. –Por ejemplo: cuarenta y un dólares veintiún años cuarenta y uno veintiuno

11 Some notes Uno must agree with the noun that it modifies. Treinta y un perros Mil y una noche Millón changes to millones in the plural. Use de after it when followed by a noun.

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