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Why was the United Nations set up in 1945? Beatrice Carty.

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1 Why was the United Nations set up in 1945? Beatrice Carty

2 Task Find an image of the United Nations logo. What do you think it symbolises? Annotate your logo The logo is this colour to show peace, that's why its light blue and white. Also it has a map of the world on but from the top, this is ment to show that every country is equal. And the logo has an olive branch around it, this is the world peace sign.

3 Why was there a need for a United Nations in 1945? The united nations was needed in 1945 because it was the end of the second world war. And everyone was scared that another war could happen, so they decided that they needed an organisation to help all the countries that needed it. To prevent anymore wars and to talk about the problems.

4 What was the Security Council and what could they do to stop countries going to war? The security council is part of the united nations that tries to create international peace and security sometimes involving military actions. The security council held its first meeting on the 17 th January 1946, in London England.

5 What was the membership like in 1945? In 1945 there was just 50 countries signed up to the U.N some of the first were... U.K U.S.A China Canada Mexico France

6 What was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and why did each member have to sign up to it? The universal declaration of human rights was something that all countries in the united nations had to sign, this basically stated that everyone in that country had to have some human rights such as being free to marry whoever they wish and have whatever religion they wished. It was to make everyone free.

7 What could the United nations do to help the world’s weak and vulnerable people? The united nations are helping vulnerable and weak by making sure that the countries that are involved get health care, and to have vaccinations from deathly diseases.

8 Interpretations Use the internet to find out what people think about the United Nations today. People have mixed views on the united nations, some people are happy about it and think that it does a good job. And other don't really believe that it helps at all.

9 Judgement Do you think the UN was/is a good idea? Explain your answer I think that the united nations was a good idea because its helping countries worldwide and it created good things such as human rights, thw world would be a mess without human rights because people would just do what they wanted to other people.

10 Homework Complete this PowerPoint presentation (including images) and email it to;

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