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Unit6 Do you like bananas?

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1 Unit6 Do you like bananas?
Revision By Dai Yifei

2 Let’s enjoy the song Apple round, apple red. Apple juicy, apple sweet. Apple apple, I love you. Apple sweet, I love to eat.

3 What kind of food do we have?
We eat food every day. What kind of food do we have? F V ruit + Other food egetables

4 Fruit oranges pears strawberries apples bananas

5 Vegetables carrots tomatoes potatoes broccoli(花椰菜)

6 drink milk water cola tea

7 other food bread chicken salad ice cream eggs hamburgers

8 food Quick eyes tomatoes salad bread oranges strawberries chicken
pears ice cream apples bananas eggs hamburgers carrots

9 Countable nouns (可数名词) Uncountable nouns (不可数名词) 1.hamburgers carrots eggs oranges bananas apples pears bread milk water tea cola ice cream salad chicken fish 2.strawberries 3.tomatoes potatoes

10 The plural form of regular nouns (规则名词的复数形式)
构成方法 原形 banana pear orange 加s 以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾加es tomato box 以辅音加y 结尾,去y加ies strawberry family

11 Please choose(选择) healthy food and unhealthy food from the following words:
hamburgers tomatoes broccoli oranges carrots bananas strawberries cola apples eggs ice cream pears salad tea milk Unhealthy food(不健康食品) Healthy food(健康食品)

12 Guess Do you like…? What food do I like? I like…but I don’t like…
I like …and …but I don’t like … or …

13 Talk about you What kind of food do / don’t you like?
I like…but I don’t like… I like …and …but I don’t like … or …

14 Does Cici like … ? Talk about others Cici
Cici likes chicken and she likes ice cream . She likes strawberries but she doesn’t like carrots. She should eat more healthy food.

15 Eat more healthy food Eat well for breakfast. 早餐吃好.
Eat enough for lunch. 午餐吃饱. Eat less for dinner. 晚餐吃少.

16 Fill in the blanks Do you like Liang Bo, the winner of the Voice of China? He eats a lot of (健康的) food. In the morning, he likes eggs, (牛奶)and (面包)for breakfast. For lunch, he likes (汉堡) ,chicken and (苹果). As we know, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And for (晚餐), he has rice, salad and some (橘子). He (不喜欢) ice cream. He usually has dinner with his (家庭). healthy milk bread hamburgers apples dinner oranges doesn’t like family

17 hamburgers ,chicken and apples
Do you like Liang Bo, the winner of the Voice of China? He eats a lot of healthy food. In the morning, he likes eggs, milk and cakes for breakfast. For lunch, he likes hamburgers ,chicken and apples. As we know, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And for dinner, he has rice, salad and some oranges. He doesn’t like ice cream. He usually has dinner with his family. For breakfast For lunch For dinner eggs, milk and bread hamburgers ,chicken and apples rice, salad and some oranges What doesn’t he like? ice cream What fruit does he like? Why?

18 Do you eat well? breakfast? What do you like for lunch? dinner? breakfast, I like…. lunch, I like…. For dinner, I like…

19 Survey: Report: I like hamburgers and milk for breakfast.
调查小组内一至二名同学的饮食情况 breakfast, I like. What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? For lunch, I like…. dinner, I like… Name breakfast lunch dinner I hamburgers and milk Tom eggs and milk Report: I like hamburgers and milk for breakfast. But Tom doesn’t like hamburgers. He likes eggs and milk for breakfast…

20 Writing What do your family like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
请为你自己或家人设计一日三餐的健康食谱. What do your family like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

21 Writing My family eat well! For breakfast, we like…

22 Health is everything! Let’s have healthy food!

23 Homework 1.Ask your parents what they like and dislike ,then write about it.(调查父母亲喜欢和不喜欢的食品,并写出来) 2.Make a healthy menu for your family .(为家人制订一份健康的食谱。)


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